- Start With 90 Seconds Instead Of 99
BDA3-176D - Start With 70 Seconds
5DA3-176D - Start With 50 Seconds
9DA3-176D - Start With 30 Seconds
7DA3-176D - Start With 10 Seconds
FDA3-176D - Start With 3/4 Energy
6091-E76D - Start With 1/2 Energy
9691-E76D - Start With 1/4 Energy
4A91-E76D - 1st Bonus Round Is 99 Seconds Instead Of 40
BBAE-1DDD - 1st Bonus Round Is 80 Seconds
6DAE-1DDD - 1st Bonus Round Is 60 Seconds
1DAE-1DDD - 1st Bonus Round Is 20 Seconds
4DAE-1DDD - 2nd Bonus Round Is 99 Seconds
BBAE-1D6D - 2nd Bonus Round Is 80 Seconds
6DAE-1D6D - 2nd Bonus Round Is 60 Seconds
1DAE-1D6D - 2nd Bonus Round Is 20 Seconds
4DAE-1D6D - Infinite Time
DD05-7F04 - Some Special Moves Can Be Performed In The Air (Don’t Do Vega’s Wall Leap)
DDF1-7D60 - Most Attacks Do No Damage (Throws Still Work)
891F-84AD - Throws Do No Damage
C734-7405 - 1st Throws Do More Damage (If You Have Enough Energy), Others Do Less Damage
F034-7405 - Players Can Walk Through Each Other
DD3F-EFAD - 1st Hit Of Any Kind Defeats Opponent
DD18-570D - Winner of 2nd Round Wins The Battle
DF04-5DAF - Allows You To Select Up To 10 Stars Instead Of 4 For Turbo Mode
F9FC-E46D - No Charging Required For Special Moves (Except Balrog’s Turn Punch Power)
D071-E460 - Hard Special Moves Become Light
DD75-8460 - Hard Special Moves Become Medium
D475-8461 - Hard Special Moves Become Disabled
D675-8462 - Invisible Players
8ED2-87A9 - Most Special Moves Go Nowhere
C933-7DA9 - Fireballs Go Nowhere
C9B8-77A5 - Hard Hurricane Kicks Go Faster And Farther (To The Right Only)
D039-14AD - Player 1 Has Turbofire (Just Like A Turbo Controller)
DD91-576D - Always Get Double Knockout
EEAC-AFD4 - Faster Turbo Than Sir Dave’s Code And There Is More Surprises
EE21-576D - Do Tricks In Midair
7934-7401 - Ken’s Medium Dragon Punch Goes Farther
D830-170D - Ken’s Light Dragon Punch Goes Farther
D630-14AD - Hard Projectiles Go Faster
3E31-37AD - Hard Projectiles Go Slower
EE31-37AD - Medium Projectiles Go Faster
3E31-370D - Medium Projectiles Go Slower
EE31-370D - Light Projectiles Go Faster
3E31-34AD - Light Projectiles Go Slower
EE31-34AD - Ryu’s Hard Dragon Punch Doesn’t Go As Far
DF30-1DAD - Ryu’s Hard Dragon Punch Goes Farther
D630-1DAD - Ryu’s Medium Dragon Punch Doesn’t Go As Far
DF30-1D0D - Ryu’s Medium Dragon Punch Goes Farther
D630-1D0D - Ryu’s Light Dragon Punch Goes Farther
D637-17AD - Ryu Jumps Backward Farther
D526-1DAF - Ryu Jumps Forward Farther
E525-14AF - Ken Jumps Backward Farther
D52D-CDAF - Ken Jumps Forward Farther
E52E-14AF - Ken’s Hard Dragon Punch Doesn’t Go As Far
DF30-17AD - Ken’s Hard Dragon Punch Goes Farther
D330-17AD - Ken’s Medium Dragon Punch Doesn’t Go As Far
DF30-170D - Edmond Honda’s Hard Sumo Head Butts Are Faster
DE35-1FAD - Edmond Honda’s Hard Sumo Head Butts Are Slower
DF35-1FAD - Edmond Honda’s Medium Sumo Head Butts Are Faster
DE35-1F0D - Edmond Honda’s Medium Sumo Head Butts Are Slower
DF35-1F0D - Edmond Honda’s Light Sumo Head Butts Are Faster
DE35-1DAD - Edmond Honda’s Light Sumo Head Butts Are Slower
DF35-1DAD - Edmond Honda’s Hard Sumo Smashes Are Faster
F436-1DDD - Edmond Honda’s Medium Sumo Smashes Are Faster
F435-176D - Edmond Honda’s Light Sumo Smashes Are Faster
F435-17DD - Sagat’s Hard Tiger Uppercut Goes Farther
D63B-C70D - Sagat’s Medium Tiger Uppercut Goes Farther
D63B-C4AD - Sagat’s Light Tiger Uppercut Goes Farther
D63B-C40D - Sagat’s High Tiger Shots Are Disabled (You Can Still Do The Move But No Projectile Comes Out)
D439-340D - Sagat’s Hard Tiger Knee Goes Farther
D838-CF0D - Sagat’s Medium Tiger Knee Goes Farther
D83C-C70D - Sagat’s Light Tiger Knee Goes Farther
D83C-CF0D - M. Bison’s Hard Psycho Crusher Goes Slower
DF39-C40D - M. Bison’s Hard Psycho Crusher Goes Faster
DC39-C40D - M. Bison’s Medium Psycho Crusher Goes Slower
DF39-CFAD - M. Bison’s Medium Psycho Crusher Goes Faster
DC39-CFAD - M. Bison’s Light Scissor Kick Goes Slower
DF39-C76D - M. Bison’s Light Scissor Kick Goes Faster
DC39-C76D - M. Bison’s Light Psycho Crusher Goes Slower
DF39-CF0D - M. Bison’s Light Psycho Crusher Goes Faster
DC39-CF0D - M. Bison’s Hard Scissor Kick Goes Slower
DF31-CD6D - M. Bison’s Hard Scissor Kick Goes Faster
DC31-CD6D - M. Bison’s Medium Scissor Kick Goes Slower
DF31-CDDD - M. Bison’s Medium Scissor Kick Goes Faster
DC31-CDDD - Balrog’s First Dash Punch Goes Faster
D869-7DD1 - Balrog’s First Turn Punch Goes Slower (And A Little Backward)
D432-CF0D - Balrog’s First Turn Punch Goes Faster
DC32-CF0D - Chun Li’s Hard Whirlwind Kick Goes Farther
DC38-1F6D - Chun Li’s Medium Whirlwind Kick Doesn’t Go As Far
DF38-1FDD - Chun Li’s Medium Whirlwind Kick Goes Farther
DC38-1FDD - Chun Li’s Light Whirlwind Kick Doesn’t Go As Far
DF38-1D6D - Chun Li’s Light Whirlwind Kick Goes Farther
DC38-1D6D - Blanka’s Hard Rolling Attack Goes Slower
DF3B-14DD - Blanka’s Hard Rolling Attack Goes Faster
DC3B-14DD - Blanka’s Medium Rolling Attack Goes Slower
DF3B-1F6D - Blanka’s Medium Rolling Attack Goes Faster
DC3B-1F6D - Blanka’s Light Rolling Attack Goes Slower
DF3B-1FDD - Blanka’s Light Rolling Attack Goes Faster
DC3B-1FDD - Blanka’s Hard Vertical Rolling Attack Doesn’t Go As Far
DF3C-1D0D - Blanka’s Hard Vertical Rolling Attack Goes Out Farther
DA3C-1D0D - Blanka’s Medium Vertical Rolling Attack Doesn’t Go As Far
DF3B-17AD - Blanka’s Medium Vertical Rolling Attack Goes Out Farther
DA3B-17AD - Blanka’s Light Vertical Rolling Attack Doesn’t Go As Far
DF3B-170D - Blanka’s Light Vertical Rolling Attack Goes Out Farther
Projectile Related Codes (Tiger Shots Not Changed)
Ryu Codes
Ken Codes
E. Honda Codes
Sagat Codes
M. Bison Codes
Note: When using the next 6 codes, they do not work on “Normal”.
Balrog Codes
Chun Li Codes
Blanka Codes