Game Genie Code

Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Begin Game with Money
Enter DOE_MIESTER at the Mirror portal to begin with your funds at 2,000,000. Note: There is no penalty at level one when asking Mr. Wizard for assistance to return.

Begin Game with King’s Ultimate Power Orb
Enter ORB_MIESTER as a password.

View Introduction Sequences
Enter 645 as a password to view the introduction to the first half of the game. Enter 231 as a password to view the introduction to the second half of the game.

View Ending Sequence
Enter BLASTOFF as a password.

Quick Experience
Fill all your backpacks and locate a wagon. The wagon will reappear after it is destroyed. Repeat this process to accumulate experience points. Note: All backpacks must be full for this to occur.

Answers to Riddles

Please note, you can use the Magic Eye spell to display the current “x” and “y” coordinate values.

  • Alpha Engine Sector
    X6,Y15: PRIMARY
  • Beta Engine Sector
    X6,Y0: PRIMARY
  • Main Engine Sector
    X6,Y0: WARP
    X6,Y15: SUBLEVEL
  • Central Control Sector
    X13,Y5: CREATORS
  • Forward Storage Sector
    X9,Y11: YOUTH
  • Swamp Town
    X2,Y13: MIRROR
    X6,Y2: STAIRS
  • Cursed Cold Cavern
    X18,Y14: ICICLE
    X27,Y25: TOMORROW
    X27,Y11: CHAIN
    X27,Y17: ECHO
  • Arachnid Cavern
    X14,Y15: 20301
  • Castle Dragontooth
    X13,Y7: 11
    X13,Y9: 11
    X8,Y0: 20000
  • Castle Bloodreign
    X9,Y15: OGRE
    X4,Y10: NORTIC
    X4,Y9: NORTIC
    X10,Y10: NORTIC
    X10,Y9: NORTIC
  • Castle Graywind
    X7,Y5: CIRCLE
  • Castle Blackwind
    X11,Y0: TEN
    X,Y: S-MELLO
  • Fountain Head Cavern
    X12,Y5: RATS
  • Slithercut Stronghold
    X7,Y26: EPSILON
  • Dark Warriors Keep
    X24,Y2: 314
  • Cathederal of Carnage
    X25,Y14: JVC
  • The Halls of Insanity
    X11,Y12: TEARS
    X14,Y9: BLINK
    X17,Y12: EYES
    X13,Y6: DARKNESS
  • Area B
    X9,Y9: SECRET
  • Area C2
    X12,Y0: FIRE
  • Area E4
    X3,Y3: EARTH
  • Area F1
    X0,Y12: AIR
  • Area E3
    X7,Y10: WATER
  • Mirror Portals
    Fountain Head: HOME
    Baywatch: SEADOG
    Wildabar: FREEMAN
    Swamp Town: DOOMED
    Blistering: REDHOT
    Arena: ARENA
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