Game Genie Code

Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Begin Game with Money
Enter DOE_MIESTER at the Mirror portal to begin with your funds at 2,000,000. Note: There is no penalty at level one when asking Mr. Wizard for assistance to return.

Begin Game with King’s Ultimate Power Orb
Enter ORB_MIESTER as a password.

View Introduction Sequences
Enter 645 as a password to view the introduction to the first half of the game. Enter 231 as a password to view the introduction to the second half of the game.

View Ending Sequence
Enter BLASTOFF as a password.

Quick Experience
Fill all your backpacks and locate a wagon. The wagon will reappear after it is destroyed. Repeat this process to accumulate experience points. Note: All backpacks must be full for this to occur.

Answers to Riddles

Please note, you can use the Magic Eye spell to display the current “x” and “y” coordinate values.

  • Alpha Engine Sector
    X6,Y15: PRIMARY
  • Beta Engine Sector
    X6,Y0: PRIMARY
  • Main Engine Sector
    X6,Y0: WARP
    X6,Y15: SUBLEVEL
  • Central Control Sector
    X13,Y5: CREATORS
  • Forward Storage Sector
    X9,Y11: YOUTH
  • Swamp Town
    X2,Y13: MIRROR
    X6,Y2: STAIRS
  • Cursed Cold Cavern
    X18,Y14: ICICLE
    X27,Y25: TOMORROW
    X27,Y11: CHAIN
    X27,Y17: ECHO
  • Arachnid Cavern
    X14,Y15: 20301
  • Castle Dragontooth
    X13,Y7: 11
    X13,Y9: 11
    X8,Y0: 20000
  • Castle Bloodreign
    X9,Y15: OGRE
    X4,Y10: NORTIC
    X4,Y9: NORTIC
    X10,Y10: NORTIC
    X10,Y9: NORTIC
  • Castle Graywind
    X7,Y5: CIRCLE
  • Castle Blackwind
    X11,Y0: TEN
    X,Y: S-MELLO
  • Fountain Head Cavern
    X12,Y5: RATS
  • Slithercut Stronghold
    X7,Y26: EPSILON
  • Dark Warriors Keep
    X24,Y2: 314
  • Cathederal of Carnage
    X25,Y14: JVC
  • The Halls of Insanity
    X11,Y12: TEARS
    X14,Y9: BLINK
    X17,Y12: EYES
    X13,Y6: DARKNESS
  • Area B
    X9,Y9: SECRET
  • Area C2
    X12,Y0: FIRE
  • Area E4
    X3,Y3: EARTH
  • Area F1
    X0,Y12: AIR
  • Area E3
    X7,Y10: WATER
  • Mirror Portals
    Fountain Head: HOME
    Baywatch: SEADOG
    Wildabar: FREEMAN
    Swamp Town: DOOMED
    Blistering: REDHOT
    Arena: ARENA

Game Genie Codes

The following are known Game Genie Codes for Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra on Super Nintendo (SNES).

  • 255 Armor Class
    Note: This code allows you to get a 255 Armor Class when you start create a character that naturally has a 0 Armor Class. You need to place the character in the 6th spot for this to work. Do note, if you equip any armor it will go back to the normal amount it should be.
  • Better Items For Sale from Dealer
  • Note: For the remainder of the codes, you must use them when starting a new game.

  • Start With About $40,000 Gold (Instead of $25,000)
  • Start With About $65,000 Gold (Instead of $25,000)
  • Start With 500 Gems (Instead of 350)
  • Start With 1630 Gems (Instead of 350)
  • Start With 3422 Gems (Instead of 350)
  • Start With 10 Days Worth of Food (Instead of 5 Days)
  • Start With 34 Days Worth of Food (Instead of 5 Days)
  • Start With 105 Days Worth of Food (Instead of 5 Days)
  • Sir Canegm Codes

  • Sir Canegm Starts With 36 HP (Instead of 12)
  • Sir Canegm Starts With 120 HP (Instead of 12)
  • Sir Canegm Starts With 51 Might (Instead of 17)
  • Sir Canegm Starts With 170 Might (Instead of 17)
  • Sir Canegm Starts With 8 Spell Points (Instead of 2)
  • Sir Canegm Starts With 30 Spell Points (Instead of 2)
  • Sir Canegm Starts Equipped With The Katana (Instead of The Cutlass)
  • Sir Canegm Starts Equipped With The Plate Armor (Instead of The Scale Armor)
  • Crag Hack Codes

  • Crag Hack Starts With 54 Might (Instead of 18)
  • Crag Hack Starts With 180 Might (Instead of 18)
  • Maximus Codes

  • Maximus Starts With 51 Might (Instead of 17)
  • Maximus Starts With 170 Might (Instead of 17)
  • Dark Shade Codes

  • Dark Shade Starts With 48 Might (Instead of 16)
  • Dark Shade Starts With 160 Might (Instead of 16)
  • Resurectra Codes

  • Resurectra Starts With 39 Might (Instead of 13)
  • Resurectra Starts With 130 Might (Instead of 13)
  • Kastore Codes

  • Kastore Starts With 24 Might (Instead of 8)
  • Kastore Starts With 80 Might (Instead of 8)

Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay) [US]

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra on Super Nintendo (SNES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 15 

cheat0_desc = "Infinite HP For Sir C"
cheat0_code = "7F834763"
cheat0_enable = false 

cheat1_desc = "Infinite SP For Sir C"
cheat1_code = "7F834963"
cheat1_enable = false 

cheat2_desc = "Infinite HP For Crag"
cheat2_code = "7F898363"
cheat2_enable = false 

cheat3_desc = "Infinite SP For Crag"
cheat3_code = "7F898563"
cheat3_enable = false 

cheat4_desc = "Infinite HP For Maxim"
cheat4_code = "7F8B9763"
cheat4_enable = false 

cheat5_desc = "Infinite SP For Maxim"
cheat5_code = "7F8B9963"
cheat5_enable = false 

cheat6_desc = "Infinite HP For Dark"
cheat6_code = "7F876F63"
cheat6_enable = false 

cheat7_desc = "Infinite SP For Dark"
cheat7_code = "7F877163"
cheat7_enable = false 

cheat8_desc = "Infinite HP For Resur"
cheat8_code = "7F887963"
cheat8_enable = false 

cheat9_desc = "Infinite SP For Resur"
cheat9_code = "7F887B63"
cheat9_enable = false 

cheat10_desc = "Infinite HP For Kasto"
cheat10_code = "7F855B63"
cheat10_enable = false 

cheat11_desc = "Infinite SP For Kasto"
cheat11_code = "7F855D63"
cheat11_enable = false 

cheat12_desc = "Always Have 65000 Golds"
cheat12_code = "7E1A43E8+7E1A44FD"
cheat12_enable = false 

cheat13_desc = "Always Have 65000 Gems"
cheat13_code = "7E1A47E8+7E1A48FD"
cheat13_enable = false 

cheat14_desc = "Unlimited Foods"
cheat14_code = "7E1A335A"
cheat14_enable = false 
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