Game Genie Code

Mega Man X2 - Achievements


Mega Max X2 (SNES) – List of Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

Starting Well
Complete the initial stage without taking damage
Mighty No.9
Get 9 lives
Few Resources
Get the arm upgrade without having the leg upgrade, S. Chain and G. Crush
Get all the sub tanks
Get all the heart containers
Full Power
Get the arm upgrade
What Is Physics?
Get the leg upgrade
Detonation in 3… 2… 1…
Get the body upgrade
I Know Your Secrets
Get the head upgrade
Breaking Diamond
Defeat the sub boss without taking damage in Crystal Snail stage
Failure in Tracking
Defeat the sub boss without taking damage in Magna Centipede stage
Two Sponges
Cut Wire Sponge in half in its stage
Red Hot Chilli Pepper
Defeat Wire Sponge
Interior Crocodile Alligator
Defeat Wheel Gator
Road Runner
Defeat Overdrive Ostrich
Defeat Bubble Crab
Out of Flames
Defeat Flame Stag
Defeat Morph Moth
Psychic Type
Defeat Magna Centipede
Snailed it!
Defeat Crystal Snail
Sponge Man
Defeat Wire Sponge using only the X-Buster
Gator Man
Defeat Wheel Gator using only the X-Buster
Crab Man
Defeat Bubble Crab using only the X-Buster
Stag Man
Defeat Flame Stag using only the X-Buster
Moth Man
Defeat Morph Moth using only the X-Buster
Magna Man
Defeat Magna Centipede using only the X-Buster
Snail Man
Defeat Crystal Snail using only the X-Buster
Ostrich Man
Defeat Overdrive Ostrich using only the X-Buster
Defeat Violen in one of the eight Maverick stages
Not So Agile After All
Defeat Agile in one of the eight Maverick stages
Defeat Serges in one of the eight Maverick stages
Let Moth transform to his second form without damaging him
It’s Morphin Time!
Defeat Morph Moth without taking damage
Magna Man X
Defeat Magna Centipede without taking damage
No Damage, Dry Sponge
Defeat Wire Sponge without taking damage
No Damage Wheeling
Defeat Wheel Gator without taking damage
Meep Meep
Defeat Overdrive Ostrich without taking damage
Bubble Popper
Defeat Bubble Crab without taking damage
X Is Going Stag
Defeat Flame Stag without taking damage
The Quick Multi-Colored X
Defeat Crystal Snail without taking damage
Super Violent
Defeat Violen without taking damage in one of the eight Maverick stages
Super Agile
Defeat Agile without taking damage in one of the eight Maverick stages
Super Intelligent
Defeat Serges without taking damage in one of the eight Maverick stages
Bullying The Bully
Defeat Violen in X-Hunter Base
Dr. Wily Is Disappointed
Defeat Serges in X-Hunter Base
Undefinied Hovering Object
Defeat Agile in X-Hunter Base
Return of the Revenge
Defeat all the 8 bosses in the boss rush!
Everything In Its Right Place
Watch Zero defeat his dark persona
What Is He Fighting For?
Defeat Zero
All Over Once Again
Beat the game
Street Fighting
Get the special technique
Get all the armor upgrades (not counting the secret technique)
Completely Done!
Beat the game with all heart containers, sub tanks, upgrades, Zero parts and technique
eXtreme Dedication
Beat the game with no upgrades, sub tanks, heart containers or Zero parts is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

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