Game Genie Code

Judge Dredd - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Cheat Mode
Press Left, Up, X, Up, Right, Y before the copyright information screen disappears. The names of the development team will appear near the bottom of the screen to confirm correct code entry. Press A + Y when the phrase “Say No To Cheats” is displayed. The phrase “Level Select Activated” will confirm correct code entry. Press B + X. The phrase “Energy Gain Activated” will confirm correct code entry. Press Start to begin game play. Press Select to display a level selection screen. During game play, your energy will be restored after every hit. Pause the game while fighting a Boss to fully restore the life bar.

Level Passwords

  • Level 2: QBGB
  • Level 3: VPFD
  • Level 4: CPRY
  • Level 5: FCWZ
  • Level 6: RLFJ
  • Level 7: CBBY
  • Level 8: TDYT
  • Level 9: KKBG
  • Level 10: VYRX
  • Level 11: CNRN
  • Level 12: CRQF
  • Level 13: DXHG
  • Level 14: QBTV
  • Level 15: TMKT
  • Level 16: VMTB
  • Level 17: XCWV
  • Level 18: TQZH
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