Game Genie Code

Killer Instinct - Achievements


Killer Instinct (SNES) – List of Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

Easy Mode
Complete the game on any difficulty
Complete the game on default or higher difficulty
Complete the game on the highest difficulty
Killer Instinct
Complete the game without using a Continue on 4 Stars or higher difficulty
Speed Demon
Win a fight between 10 and 15 seconds
Perform a Humiliation
Supreme Victory
Win a fight on your first health bar
Win a fight without taking damage
Killer King
Get over 500,000 Score in a single fight
Combo City – Jago
Perform a 30 hit combo with Jago
Ultra Jago
Perform Jago’s Ultra combo
Ultimate Jago
Perform Jago’s Ultimate combo
Get Jago’s ending
Combo City – T.J.Combo
Perform a 37 hit combo with T.J.Combo
Ultra T.J.Combo
Perform T.J.Combo’s Ultra combo
Ultimate T.J.Combo
Perform T.J.Combo’s Ultimate combo
Get Combo’s ending
Combo City – Spinal
Perform a 32 hit combo with Spinal
Ultra Spinal
Perform Spinal’s Ultra combo
Ultimate Spinal
Perform Spinal’s Ultimate combo
Get Spinal’s ending
Combo City – Thunder
Perform a 34 hit combo with Thunder
Ultra Thunder
Perform Thunder’s Ultra combo
Ultimate Thunder
Perform Thunder’s Ultimate combo
Get Thunder’s ending
Combo City – Glacius
Perform a 30 hit combo with Glacius
Ultra Glacius
Perform Glacius’ Ultra combo
Ultimate Glacius
Perform Glacius’ Ultimate combo
Get Glacius’ ending
Combo City – Fulgore
Perform a 29 hit combo with Fulgore
Ultra Fulgore
Perform Fulgore’s Ultra combo
Ultimate Fulgore
Perform Fulgore’s Ultimate combo
Get Fulgore’s ending
Combo City – Cinder
Perform a 34 hit combo with Cinder
Ultra Cinder
Perform Cinder’s Ultra combo
Ultimate Cinder
Perform Cinder’s Ultimate combo
Get Cinder’s ending
Combo City – Sabrewulf
Perform a 32 hit combo with Sabrewulf
Ultra Sabrewulf
Perform Sabrewulf’s Ultra combo
Ultimate Sabrewulf
Perform Sabrewulf’s Ultimate combo
Get Sabrewulf’s ending
Combo City – Orchid
Perform a 46 hit combo with Orchid
Ultra Orchid
Perform Orchid’s Ultra combo
Ultimate Orchid
Perform Orchid’s Ultimate combo
Get Orchid’s ending
Combo City – Riptor
Perform a 32 hit combo with Riptor
Ultra Riptor
Perform Riptor’s Ultra combo
Ultimate Riptor
Perform Riptor’s Ultimate combo
Get Riptor’s ending
Become Eyedol
Defeat Eyedol while playing as Eyedol
Combo City – Eyedol
Perform a 11 hit combo with Eyedol
Billy Eyedol
Get Eyedol’s ending is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

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