Game Genie Code

Donkey Kong Country - Game Genie Codes

The following are known Game Genie Codes for Donkey Kong Country on Super Nintendo (SNES).

Note: There are two versions of this game. If you try first code and it does not work, try the second code.

  • C2C9-4E2C / C2C1-4A9C
    Infinite lives
  • D568-C34D / D568-C33D
    Start with 8 lives
  • DC68-C34D / DC68-C33D
    Start with 11 lives
  • DE68-C34D / DE68-C33D
    Start with 16 lives
  • FB68-C34D / FB68-C33D
    Start with 26 lives
  • 7468-C34D / 7468-C33D
    Start with 51 lives
  • 0868-C34D / 0868-C33D
    Start with 76 lives
  • 1768-C34D / 1768-C33D
    Start with 100 lives
  • EE65-C37E / EE66-C27E
    When your last Kong is hit, the other one returns (You must have had both Kongs at some point in the level for code to work and you will need to reset if you get stuck.)
  • 1DCC-CA7A / 1DCA-C2EA
    Almost invincible (Switch off if you get stuck)
  • DBC1-3D6D + DCC1-34AD / DBC9-340D + DCC1-3D6D
    10 bananas needed for an extra life
  • F6C1-3D6D + FBC1-34AD / F6C9-340D + FBC1-3D6D
    25 bananas needed for an extra life
  • 7FC1-3D6D + 74C1-34AD / 7FC9-340D + 74C1-3D6D
    50 bananas needed for an extra life
  • 0CC1-3D6D + 08C1-34AD / 0CC9-340D + 08C1-3D6D
    75 bananas needed for an extra life
  • 1D6B-3FDD + 196A-333D / 1D6B-3D6D + 166A-3ECD
    Keep animals between stages (Keeping fish on a non-water stage or others on a water stage will cause problems, so be careful of this.)
  • A081-1273 / A086-13E3
    High jump for Donkey Kong
  • 2D81-1273 / 2D86-13E3
    Super jump for Donkey Kong
  • 3D81-1273 / 3D86-13E3
    Mega-jump for Donkey Kong
  • 8081-1E73 / 808B-1AE3
    High jump for Diddy Kong
  • AD81-1E73 / AD8B-1AE3
    Super jump for Diddy Kong
  • 2D81-1E73 / 2D8B-1AE3
    Mega-jump for Diddy Kong
  • A08F-C273 / A087-C3E3
    High jump for all animals
  • 2D8F-C273 / 2D87-C3E3
    Super jump for all animals
  • 3D8F-C273 / 3087-C3E3
    Mega-jump for all animals
  • D76B-337E / D76C-327E
    Get both Kongs back on the map screen after dying (This doesn’t work when you fall off screen)
  • DD8B-C28A / DD88-CE5A
    In the 2-Player Team Mode, the inactive player can get control at any time by pressing A or SELECT on their controller
  • DDB9-3DD4 / DDB0-34A4
    Pressing Start and then Select will exit any level, not just completed levels
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