Game Genie Code

Donkey Kong Country

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Sound Test
Highlight the “Erase Game” option on the Game Selection Screen. Press Down, A, R, B, Y, Down, A, Y. Press Select to change the current song.

Bonus Games Practice
Press Down, Y, Down(2), Y before the Game Selection Screen appears.

Easy Continue
With one life remaining, enter a level that was previously completed and lose your life. Press any button at the Game Over Screen to return to the Cranky Kong opening screen. Enable the “Bonus Games Practice” code and play the bonus games to earn a surplus of lives. Then, press Start to pause game play, and press Select to return to the place where the last life was lost.

Have Fifty Lives
Highlight the “Erase Game” option on the Game Selection Screen. Press B, A, Right(2), A, L.

Interactive 2-Player Game
Highlight the “Erase Game” option on the Game Selection Screen. Press B, A, Down, B, Up, Down(2), Y, A and start a 2-Player Game. The inactive player can press Select at any time to assume control.

Mine Cart Level
Jump over the edge on the right and hold Left until you hear a bang. Jump over one enemy to complete the level.

Game Genie Codes

The following are known Game Genie Codes for Donkey Kong Country on Super Nintendo (SNES).

Note: There are two versions of this game. If you try first code and it does not work, try the second code.

  • C2C9-4E2C / C2C1-4A9C
    Infinite lives
  • D568-C34D / D568-C33D
    Start with 8 lives
  • DC68-C34D / DC68-C33D
    Start with 11 lives
  • DE68-C34D / DE68-C33D
    Start with 16 lives
  • FB68-C34D / FB68-C33D
    Start with 26 lives
  • 7468-C34D / 7468-C33D
    Start with 51 lives
  • 0868-C34D / 0868-C33D
    Start with 76 lives
  • 1768-C34D / 1768-C33D
    Start with 100 lives
  • EE65-C37E / EE66-C27E
    When your last Kong is hit, the other one returns (You must have had both Kongs at some point in the level for code to work and you will need to reset if you get stuck.)
  • 1DCC-CA7A / 1DCA-C2EA
    Almost invincible (Switch off if you get stuck)
  • DBC1-3D6D + DCC1-34AD / DBC9-340D + DCC1-3D6D
    10 bananas needed for an extra life
  • F6C1-3D6D + FBC1-34AD / F6C9-340D + FBC1-3D6D
    25 bananas needed for an extra life
  • 7FC1-3D6D + 74C1-34AD / 7FC9-340D + 74C1-3D6D
    50 bananas needed for an extra life
  • 0CC1-3D6D + 08C1-34AD / 0CC9-340D + 08C1-3D6D
    75 bananas needed for an extra life
  • 1D6B-3FDD + 196A-333D / 1D6B-3D6D + 166A-3ECD
    Keep animals between stages (Keeping fish on a non-water stage or others on a water stage will cause problems, so be careful of this.)
  • A081-1273 / A086-13E3
    High jump for Donkey Kong
  • 2D81-1273 / 2D86-13E3
    Super jump for Donkey Kong
  • 3D81-1273 / 3D86-13E3
    Mega-jump for Donkey Kong
  • 8081-1E73 / 808B-1AE3
    High jump for Diddy Kong
  • AD81-1E73 / AD8B-1AE3
    Super jump for Diddy Kong
  • 2D81-1E73 / 2D8B-1AE3
    Mega-jump for Diddy Kong
  • A08F-C273 / A087-C3E3
    High jump for all animals
  • 2D8F-C273 / 2D87-C3E3
    Super jump for all animals
  • 3D8F-C273 / 3087-C3E3
    Mega-jump for all animals
  • D76B-337E / D76C-327E
    Get both Kongs back on the map screen after dying (This doesn’t work when you fall off screen)
  • DD8B-C28A / DD88-CE5A
    In the 2-Player Team Mode, the inactive player can get control at any time by pressing A or SELECT on their controller
  • DDB9-3DD4 / DDB0-34A4
    Pressing Start and then Select will exit any level, not just completed levels

Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay) [EU]

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Donkey Kong Country on Super Nintendo (SNES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.

Original Version

cheats = 4 

cheat0_desc = "Invincible"
cheat0_code = "BFA2BB60"
cheat0_enable = false 

cheat1_desc = "Bad Buddy Code"
cheat1_code = "BFB2B800"
cheat1_enable = false 

cheat2_desc = "EZ Level Exit"
cheat2_code = "809B4F00"
cheat2_enable = false 

cheat3_desc = "Expresso MultiJump"
cheat3_code = "BFBA6AFF"
cheat3_enable = false 

Version 1.1

cheats = 5 

cheat0_desc = "Invincible"
cheat0_code = "BFA2CD60"
cheat0_enable = false 

cheat1_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat1_code = "B6A86DAD"
cheat1_enable = false 

cheat2_desc = "Bad Buddy Code"
cheat2_code = "BFB2D300"
cheat2_enable = false 

cheat3_desc = "EZ Level Exit"
cheat3_code = "809D4F00"
cheat3_enable = false 

cheat4_desc = "Expresso MultiJump"
cheat4_code = "BFBA85FF"
cheat4_enable = false 

Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay) [US]

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Donkey Kong Country on Super Nintendo (SNES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 21 

cheat0_desc = "Invincible"
cheat0_code = "BFA2C760"
cheat0_enable = false 

cheat1_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat1_code = "B6A863AD"
cheat1_enable = false 

cheat2_desc = "Start With Lives Modifier"
cheat2_code = "B882BBXX"
cheat2_enable = false 

cheat3_desc = "Return Of Kong"
cheat3_code = "BF8E84FF"
cheat3_enable = false 

cheat4_desc = "Both Kongs Return"
cheat4_code = "BF8FA403"
cheat4_enable = false 

cheat5_desc = "Bad Buddy Code"
cheat5_code = "BFB2BD00"
cheat5_enable = false 

cheat6_desc = "EZ Level Exit"
cheat6_code = "809B4B00"
cheat6_enable = false 

cheat7_desc = "High Jump Donkey Kong"
cheat7_code = "BFB98BC4"
cheat7_enable = false 

cheat8_desc = "Super Jump Donkey Kong"
cheat8_code = "BFB98BD0"
cheat8_enable = false 

cheat9_desc = "Mega Jump Donkey Kong"
cheat9_code = "BFB98BE4"
cheat9_enable = false 

cheat10_desc = "Moon Jump Donkey Kong"
cheat10_code = "BFB98BFF"
cheat10_enable = false 

cheat11_desc = "High Jump Diddy Kong"
cheat11_code = "BFB993B4"
cheat11_enable = false 

cheat12_desc = "Super Jump Diddy Kong"
cheat12_code = "BFB993C0"
cheat12_enable = false 

cheat13_desc = "Mega Jump Diddy Kong"
cheat13_code = "BFB993D0"
cheat13_enable = false 

cheat14_desc = "Moon Jump Diddy Kong"
cheat14_code = "BFB993FF"
cheat14_enable = false 

cheat15_desc = "High Jump Animals"
cheat15_code = "BFBA3BC4"
cheat15_enable = false 

cheat16_desc = "Super Jump Animals"
cheat16_code = "BFBA3BD0"
cheat16_enable = false 

cheat17_desc = "Mega Jump Animals"
cheat17_code = "BFBA3BE4"
cheat17_enable = false 

cheat18_desc = "Moon Jump Animals"
cheat18_code = "BFBA3BFF"
cheat18_enable = false 

cheat19_desc = "Expresso Multi Jump"
cheat19_code = "BFBA6FFF"
cheat19_enable = false 

cheat20_desc = "Land Animals Roll"
cheat20_code = "BFC2D0A2"
cheat20_enable = false 

Retro Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

Tally Ho, Kongs!
Reach World 2 – Monkey Mines
Camping With the Kongs
Reach World 3 – Vine Valley
Monkeys on Ice!
Reach World 4 – Gorilla Glacier
Donkey Croc Country
Reach World 5 – Kremkroc Industries Inc.
Trek on the Final World
Reach World 6 – Chimp Caverns
No More Monkey Business
Reach Final World – Gang-plank Galleon
Monkeys Aren’t Donkeys
Finish the Game
Very Gnawty Timeout
Defeat Very Gnawty without being harmed.
Master Necky Demoted
Defeat Master Necky without being harmed.
Queen Bee Dethroned
Defeat Queen Bee without being harmed.
Really Gnawty No More
Defeat Really Gnawty without being harmed.
Dumb Drum Dunce
Defeat Dumb Drum without being harmed.
Master Necky Sr. Retired
Defeat Master Necky Snr. without being harmed.
King K. Rool Overthrown
Defeat King K. Rool without being harmed.
King of the Jungle
Find all the bonus rooms in Kongo Jungle
The Pleasure’s All Mine
Find all the bonus rooms in Monkey Mines
Ain’t No Valley Low Enough
Find all the bonus rooms in Vine Valley
Glacial Grab-Bag
Find all bonus rooms in Gorilla Glacier
Run of the Mill
Find all bonus rooms in Kremkroc Industry Inc
Chimp Champ
Find all the bonus rooms in Chimp Caverns
I Can See the End
Reach 50% completion
Completed but Not Perfected
Reach 100% in Game
You Are a Super Player!
Reach 101% in Game
Tally Me Bananas
Collect 99 bananas
You Can Spell!
Collect all four KONG letters in one level
Winky at Me, Winky at You
Reach the Winky Bonus Room
Rambi Rampage
Reach the Rambi Bonus Room
Expresso Triple Shot
Enter the Expresso Bonus Room
Enguarde, You Filthy Monkey!
Enter the Enguarde Bonus Room
Stayin’ Alive
First 99 Lives in Game
Blazing Saddles
Complete Oil Drum Alley while riding Rambi
Minced Mauler
Complete Manic Mincers while riding Rambi
K O N Gs in Jungle
Collect all K O N G letters in all Stages of Kongo Jungle in one session
K O N Gs in Mines
Collect all K O N G letters in all Stages of Monkey Mines in one session
K O N Gs in Valley
Collect all K O N G letters in all Stages of Vine Valley in one session
K O N Gs in Glacier
Collect all K O N G letters in all Stages of Gorilla Glacier in one session
K O N Gs in Industries
Collect all K O N G letters in all Stages of Kremkroc Industries in one session
K O N Gs in Caverns
Collect all K O N G letters in all Stages of Chimp Caverns in one session is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

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