Game Genie Code

Pinball Heroes: Complete

VitaCheat Codes [US]

The following are known VitaCheat Codes for Pinball Heroes: Complete on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
# ID: PCSA00109
# Title: Pinball Heroes: Complete
# Region: USA
# Version: 1.00
# Type: NoNpDrm
# Code Author: Smoker1
# Source:
# Original Source:
# Original Source:
# Note: This Game has 2 different Code Types. A 1st Run (Play for the 1st Time) and a Normal Type. For example:
#  - When you run the Game for the 1st time, and run a Table, the Codes will use 1 Address. Then the next time you run it and beyond, it will be the Normal Address System. So far, only have the PAIN and Bowling Table Codes. These should give you a idea of where the Addresses should be.
#  - The Tilt Code is a Problem, so it needs to be looked at.

_V0 Always Ball 3-1stRun-Pain
$0000 81D9F280 00000003

_V0 6x Bonus-1stRun-Pain
$0000 81D9F1AC 00000006

_V0 9999999 Points-1stRun-Pain
$0200 81D9F1A4 0098967F

_V0 Always Ball 3-Pain
$0000 81D9F130 00000003

_V0 9999999 Points-Pain
$0200 81D9F054 0098967F

_V0 6x Bonus-Pain
$0000 81D9F05C 00000006

_V0 Left Ramp Count-Pain
$0000 81E641D4 00000063

_V0 Middle Ramp Count-Pain
$0000 81E641F4 00000063

_V0 Right Ramp Count-Pain
$0000 81E64214 00000063

_V0 No Tilt-Pain-Problems
$0000 81D9F128 00000000

_V0 Ball 3-PSN-Bowling
$0000 81E617F0 00000003

_V0 6x Bonus-PSN-Bowling
$0000 81E6171C 00000006
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