Game Genie Code

Criminal Girls: Invite Only - VitaCheat Codes [US]

The following are known VitaCheat Codes for Criminal Girls: Invite Only on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
# ID: PCSE00516
# Title: Criminal Girls: Invite Only (Unpatched Version)
# Region: USA
# Version: 1.00
# Type: NoNpDrm
# Code Author: Yohoki
# Wiki:
# Source:
# Notes: This is for original (unpatched) game
# Warning: Some users report issues running Vitacheat with this game on FW 3.60 . Please use FW 3.65+

_V0 Inf Items
$4200 88A042A0 000000FF
$0026 00000008 00000000
$4200 88A0429C 00000000
$0026 00000008 00000001
$4200 88A0449C 88A0429C
$0026 00000004 00000008
$0000 88A04298 00000026

_V0 Inf CM
$0200 88A1D280 000F423F

_V1 All Girls... [Battle Codes]
$0000 00000000 00000000

_V0 ...Max HP
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000028
$8200 00000000 000000DC
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000028
$8600 00000000 000000E0
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 0000002C
$8200 00000000 000000DC
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 0000002C
$8600 00000000 000000E0
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000030
$8200 00000000 000000DC
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000030
$8600 00000000 000000E0
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000034
$8200 00000000 000000DC
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000034
$8600 00000000 000000E0
$8900 00000000 00000000

_V0 ...Max MP
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000028
$8200 00000000 000000E4
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000028
$8600 00000000 000000E8
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 0000002C
$8200 00000000 000000E4
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 0000002C
$8600 00000000 000000E8
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000030
$8200 00000000 000000E4
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000030
$8600 00000000 000000E8
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000034
$8200 00000000 000000E4
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000034
$8600 00000000 000000E8
$8900 00000000 00000000

$0000 00000000 00000000

_V1 All Girls... (Out of Battle)
$0000 00000000 00000000

_V0 ...HP 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A046F4 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000
$4200 88A046F8 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...MP 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A046FC 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000
$4200 88A04700 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...ATK 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A0470C 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...DEF 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A0470E 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...MAT 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A04710 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...MDEF 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A04712 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...Max MP
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000028
$8200 00000000 000000E4
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000028
$8600 00000000 000000E8
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 0000002C
$8200 00000000 000000E4
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 0000002C
$8600 00000000 000000E8
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000030
$8200 00000000 000000E4
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000030
$8600 00000000 000000E8
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000034
$8200 00000000 000000E4
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000034
$8600 00000000 000000E8
$8900 00000000 00000000

$0000 00000000 00000000

_V1 All Girls... (Out of Battle)
$0000 00000000 00000000

_V0 ...HP 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A046F4 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000
$4200 88A046F8 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...MP 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A046FC 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000
$4200 88A04700 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...ATK 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A0470C 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...DEF 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A0470E 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...MAT 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A04710 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...MDEF 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A04712 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

$0000 00000000 00000000

$0000 00000000 00000000
# PCSE00516
# ID: PCSE00516
# Title: Criminal Girls: Invite Only (Patched Version)
# Region: USA
# Version: 1.00
# Type: NoNpDrm
# Code Author: Yohoki
# Wiki:
# Source:
# Notes: These codes are for the patched version of the game from Redditor u/jeff7360
# Warning: Some users report issues running Vitacheat with this game on FW 3.60 . Please use FW 3.65+

_V0 Inf Items
$4200 88A039A0 000000FF
$0026 00000008 00000000
$4200 88A0399C 00000000
$0026 00000008 00000001
$4200 88A03B9C 88A0399C
$0026 00000004 00000008
$0000 88A03998 00000026

_V0 Inf CM
$0200 88A1D280 000F423F

_V1 All Girls... [Battle Codes]
$0000 00000000 00000000

_V0 ...Max HP
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000028
$8200 00000000 000000DC
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000028
$8600 00000000 000000E0
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 0000002C
$8200 00000000 000000DC
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 0000002C
$8600 00000000 000000E0
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000030
$8200 00000000 000000DC
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000030
$8600 00000000 000000E0
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000034
$8200 00000000 000000DC
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000034
$8600 00000000 000000E0
$8900 00000000 00000000

_V0 ...Max MP
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000028
$8200 00000000 000000E4
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000028
$8600 00000000 000000E8
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 0000002C
$8200 00000000 000000E4
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 0000002C
$8600 00000000 000000E8
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000030
$8200 00000000 000000E4
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000030
$8600 00000000 000000E8
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000034
$8200 00000000 000000E4
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000034
$8600 00000000 000000E8
$8900 00000000 00000000

$0000 00000000 00000000

_V1 All Girls... (Out of Battle)
$0000 00000000 00000000

_V0 ...HP 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A03DF4 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000
$4200 88A03DF8 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...MP 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A03DFC 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000
$4200 88A03E00 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...ATK 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A03E0C 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...DEF 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A03E0E 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...MAT 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A03E10 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...MDEF 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A03E12 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...Max MP
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000028
$8200 00000000 000000E4
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000028
$8600 00000000 000000E8
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 0000002C
$8200 00000000 000000E4
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 0000002C
$8600 00000000 000000E8
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000030
$8200 00000000 000000E4
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000030
$8600 00000000 000000E8
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 8160081C 0000001C
$8200 00000000 00000034
$8200 00000000 000000E4
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8603 8160081C 0000001C
$8600 00000000 00000034
$8600 00000000 000000E8
$8900 00000000 00000000

$0000 00000000 00000000

_V1 All Girls... (Out of Battle)
$0000 00000000 00000000

_V0 ...HP 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A03DF4 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000
$4200 88A03DF8 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...MP 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A03DFC 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000
$4200 88A03E00 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...ATK 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A03E0C 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...DEF 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A03E0E 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...MAT 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A03E10 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000

_V0 ...MDEF 999 (permanent)
$4200 88A03E12 000003E7
$0009 00002BFC 00000000


$0000 00000000 00000000

$0000 00000000 00000000

_V0 1st Fight Sako
$0200 81C3808C 6F506144

_V0 D0 2nd B4 770C
$0200 81D4808C 6F506144

_V0 D1 3rd C7 F70C
$0200 81E8008C 6F506144

_V0 D2 2ND
$0200 81D5008C 6F506144

_V0 D3 
$0200 81E5008C 6F506144

_V0 D4
$0200 81FF808C 6F506144

_V0 D5
$0200 8211008C 6F506144
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