Have 6 Lives
Hold Down + B + A and press Start at the Title Screen. An explosion will confirm the code was entered correctly. Alternatively, hold Down and press A, B, Start at the Title Screen or Continue Screen.
Continue Game Play
Allow the continue timer to expire after one of the players loses all their lives. Press Start on the next map screen to continue game play.
Control Dragon
Defeat the tool worker and take the stick/sword from him. Use that sword to defeat the dragon during the second half of Level 1. Position your character on the dragon and press A to ride it. Tap A to fly and press B to shoot fireballs.
Level Warps
- Level 1
Quickly head butt the first pair of pigs, then run to the right to find a warp on the first ledge. - Level 3
Aim for the tenth wall on the fifth speeder course to find a warp to Level 5. - Level 4
Fall halfway onto the first platform in the last section of this level. Then, quickly and repeatedly jump up to find a warp to Level 6. - Level 6
Ride the snake as high as possible in the second section of this level. Then, run right, jump, and run right again to find a warp.