Game Genie Code


Action Replay Codes [US]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Battletoads on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

The codes will work with the region specified but may work for other regions as well.
  • Level Modifier 1
  • Infinite Health P1
  • Invincibility P1
    0574 0A
  • Invincibility P2
  • P1 Character Modifier 2
  • P2 Character Modifier 3
  • Infinite Lives P1
  • Infinite Lives P2
  • Hover Above The Ground
  • Invisible
  • WEIRD! 4
  • 0 Hits To SMASH! Enemies 5


  • 00 – Level 1 – Ragnarok’s Canyon (Impact Crater – With SS Vulture Intro)
    01 – Level 1 – Ragnarok’s Canyon (Impact Crater – Without Intro)
    02 – Level 2 – Wookie Hole (Impact Crater – Trench Downwards)
    03 – Level 3 – Turbo Tunnel (Chasm)
    04 – Level 4 – Arctic Caverns (Ice Cavern)
    05 – Level 5 – Surf City (Water Rapids)
    06 – Level 6 – Karnath’s Lair (Snake Pit)
    07 – Level 7 – Volkmire’s Inferno (Fire Zone)
    08 – Level 8 – Intruder Excluder (Elevator Shaft)
    09 – Level 9 – Terra Tubes (Gargantva Ducts)
    0A – Level 10 – Rat Race
    0B – Level 11 – Clinger-Winger
    0C – Fight Against Dark Queen
    0D – Level 13 – Armageddon
    0E – Failure Screen (Then “LV 14” – Impact Crater All Over Again)
    0F – Glitches
  • 00 – Green Toad
    01 – Invisible Toad

    Note: This may not be the character modifier, and just a code to turn on and off the character’s images.

  • 00 – Invisible Toad
    01 – Brown Toad
  • This code may mess the game, it messes the graphics, and the dude at the beginning says something about AOL, and when you attack an enemy, you throw them into outerspace, after you do that and you hit attack again and you fly into outerspace and restart.
  • Should affect most of the enemies in the game. This seems to make the first boss impossible to beat so make sure you turn this off before you get to it.

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Have 6 Lives
Hold Down + B + A and press Start at the Title Screen. An explosion will confirm the code was entered correctly. Alternatively, hold Down and press A, B, Start at the Title Screen or Continue Screen.

Continue Game Play
Allow the continue timer to expire after one of the players loses all their lives. Press Start on the next map screen to continue game play.

Control Dragon
Defeat the tool worker and take the stick/sword from him. Use that sword to defeat the dragon during the second half of Level 1. Position your character on the dragon and press A to ride it. Tap A to fly and press B to shoot fireballs.

Level Warps

  • Level 1
    Quickly head butt the first pair of pigs, then run to the right to find a warp on the first ledge.
  • Level 3
    Aim for the tenth wall on the fifth speeder course to find a warp to Level 5.
  • Level 4
    Fall halfway onto the first platform in the last section of this level. Then, quickly and repeatedly jump up to find a warp to Level 6.
  • Level 6
    Ride the snake as high as possible in the second section of this level. Then, run right, jump, and run right again to find a warp.

Game Genie Codes

The following are known Game Genie Codes for Battletoads on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

  • 1 Life
  • 6 Lives
  • 9 Lives
  • Infinite Lives
  • Enemies Easier To Kill
  • Mega-Jumping
  • Super Fast Punching
  • Start On Level 2 (Wookie Hole)
  • Start On Level 3 (Turbo Tunnel)
  • Start On Level 4 (Arctic Cavern)
  • Start On Level 5 (Surf City)
  • Start On Level 6 (Karnath’s Lair)
  • Start On Level 7 (Volkmire’s Inferno)
  • Start On Level 8 (Intruder Excluder)
  • Start On Level 9 (Terra Tubes)
  • Start On Level 10 (Rat Race)
  • Start On Level 11 (Clinger Winger)
  • Start On Level 12 (The Revolution)
  • Start On Level 13 (Armageddon)
  • Start In Dark Queen’s Tower
  • Double Energy From Flies
  • Maximum Energy From Flies
  • Almost Everything Dies In One Hit, Including You, Weird Stuff Happens
  • Like PEASOK, Only Sometimes Things Won’t Die In One Hit, Enemies Can Be Hit (Special Move) Forever For Many Points
  • Your Toad Freezes When You Try To Run

Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay & Game Genie) [US]

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Battletoads on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 76

cheat0_desc = "Start On Level 13 [Armageddon]"
cheat0_code = "IAXAALAE"
cheat0_enable = false

cheat1_desc = "Start In Dark Queen's Tower"
cheat1_code = "PYXAALAE"
cheat1_enable = false

cheat2_desc = "Hover Above The Ground"
cheat2_code = "0475:05"
cheat2_enable = false

cheat3_desc = "Invisible"
cheat3_code = "0439:05"
cheat3_enable = false

cheat4_desc = "Infinite lives"
cheat4_code = "GXXZZLVI"
cheat4_enable = false

cheat5_desc = "Enemies Easier To Kill"
cheat5_code = "GXEILUSO"
cheat5_enable = false

cheat6_desc = "Mega-jumping"
cheat6_code = "EYSAUVEI"
cheat6_enable = false

cheat7_desc = "Super Fast Punching"
cheat7_code = "AEUZITPA"
cheat7_enable = false

cheat8_desc = "Double Energy From Flies"
cheat8_code = "AOUKXNAA"
cheat8_enable = false

cheat9_desc = "Maximum Energy From Flies!"
cheat9_code = "YXUKXNAE"
cheat9_enable = false

cheat10_desc = "Infinite Lives Player 1"
cheat10_code = "0011:05"
cheat10_enable = false

cheat11_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat11_code = "SXXZZLVI"
cheat11_enable = false

cheat12_desc = "Infinite Energy"
cheat12_code = "SUXTZESO"
cheat12_enable = false

cheat13_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat13_code = "EINZALEY+VYNZIUVS"
cheat13_enable = false

cheat14_desc = "Enemy Modifiers"
cheat14_code = "03C3:00+03C4:00+03C5:00+03C6:00"
cheat14_enable = false

cheat15_desc = "Complete Level Now"
cheat15_code = "03C3:7F"
cheat15_enable = false

cheat16_desc = "Infinite Energy"
cheat16_code = "051B:32"
cheat16_enable = false

cheat17_desc = "Level Modifier"
cheat17_code = "000D:00"
cheat17_enable = false

cheat18_desc = "One Hit Kills"
cheat18_code = "OUAILU"
cheat18_enable = false

cheat19_desc = "One Hit Kills Enemies"
cheat19_code = "OUAILU"
cheat19_enable = false

cheat20_desc = "Hit Anywhere"
cheat20_enable = false

cheat21_desc = "Invincibility P1"
cheat21_code = "0574:10"
cheat21_enable = false

cheat22_desc = "Infinite Health P1"
cheat22_code = "051A:47"
cheat22_enable = false

cheat23_desc = "Level Modifier"
cheat23_code = "000D:00"
cheat23_enable = false

cheat24_desc = "Infinite Health P1"
cheat24_code = "051A:2F"
cheat24_enable = false

cheat25_desc = "Invincibility P1"
cheat25_code = "0574:0A"
cheat25_enable = false

cheat26_desc = "Invincibility P2"
cheat26_code = "0575:0A"
cheat26_enable = false

cheat27_desc = "P1 Character Modifier"
cheat27_code = "009E:00"
cheat27_enable = false

cheat28_desc = "P2 Character Modifier"
cheat28_code = "009F:00"
cheat28_enable = false

cheat29_desc = "Infinite Lives P1"
cheat29_code = "0011:05"
cheat29_enable = false

cheat30_desc = "Infinite Lives P2"
cheat30_code = "0012:05"
cheat30_enable = false

cheat31_desc = "Hover Above The Ground"
cheat31_code = "0475:05"
cheat31_enable = false

cheat32_desc = "Invisible"
cheat32_code = "0439:05"
cheat32_enable = false

cheat33_desc = "WEIRD!"
cheat33_code = "0019:05"
cheat33_enable = false

cheat34_desc = "0 Hits To SMASH! Enemies"
cheat34_code = "051C:00+051D:00+051E:00+051F:00+0520:00+0521:00"
cheat34_enable = false

cheat35_desc = "Jump In mid-Air"
cheat35_code = "0475:00"
cheat35_enable = false

cheat36_desc = "No Health Enemy 1"
cheat36_code = "051C:00"
cheat36_enable = false

cheat37_desc = "No Health Enemy 2"
cheat37_code = "051D:00"
cheat37_enable = false

cheat38_desc = "No Health Enemy 3"
cheat38_code = "051E:00"
cheat38_enable = false

cheat39_desc = "No Health Enemy 4"
cheat39_code = "051F:00"
cheat39_enable = false

cheat40_desc = "No Health Enemy 5"
cheat40_code = "0520:00"
cheat40_enable = false

cheat41_desc = "No Health Enemy 6"
cheat41_code = "0521:00"
cheat41_enable = false

cheat42_desc = "Enemies Won't Move"
cheat42_code = "AIUVPLEI"
cheat42_enable = false

cheat43_desc = "Skip Intro Screens"
cheat43_code = "OXSVGGEN+AEVTTGYA"
cheat43_enable = false

cheat44_desc = "Play Unused Song At Title Screen"
cheat44_code = "YAOVYIAP"
cheat44_enable = false

cheat45_desc = "Title Screen Music Modifier"
cheat45_code = ""
cheat45_enable = false

cheat46_desc = "Disable Title Demo Sequences"
cheat46_code = "TTEEIYVT"
cheat46_enable = false

cheat47_desc = "Plays Second Unused Song At Cutscene"
cheat47_enable = false

cheat48_desc = "Free-Movement Mode "
cheat48_code = "GXOXVEGK"
cheat48_enable = false

cheat49_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat49_code = "KUXZZLVI"
cheat49_enable = false

cheat50_desc = "Jump In Mid-air Short Version"
cheat50_enable = false

cheat51_desc = "Stay On All Partial Platforms"
cheat51_code = "EYUUSIEI"
cheat51_enable = false

cheat52_desc = "Always Encounter Health Invaders"
cheat52_code = "03C3:15+03C4:15+03C5:15"
cheat52_enable = false

cheat53_desc = "Never Encounter Health Invaders"
cheat53_code = "03C3:00+03C4:00+03C5:00"
cheat53_enable = false

cheat54_desc = "Never Encounter Health Invaders"
cheat54_code = "EPKIYLOL"
cheat54_enable = false

cheat55_desc = "Invulnerable"
cheat55_code = "PYOAUUPO"
cheat55_enable = false

cheat56_desc = "Jump In Mid-air"
cheat56_enable = false

cheat57_desc = "Players Appear As a Dot"
cheat57_code = "AOOAGTEI"
cheat57_enable = false

cheat58_desc = "Enemies Appear As a Dot"
cheat58_code = "AUOAGTEI"
cheat58_enable = false

cheat59_desc = "All Sprites Appear As Multiple Dots"
cheat59_code = "ENOAGTEI"
cheat59_enable = false

cheat60_desc = "Invincible"
cheat60_code = "PYNZIUVS"
cheat60_enable = false

cheat61_desc = "Die In One Hit"
cheat61_code = "PYVTPESU"
cheat61_enable = false

cheat62_desc = "Automatically Defeat Enemies"
cheat62_code = "OOUAGVOU"
cheat62_enable = false

cheat63_desc = "Disable Locked Screen-Scrolling"
cheat63_enable = false

cheat64_desc = "Disable Locked Screen-Scrolling In Wookie Hole"
cheat64_code = "AENOTVTP"
cheat64_enable = false

cheat65_desc = "No Flame Obstacles In Volkmire's Inferno - Level 7"
cheat65_code = "OPSIAUSO"
cheat65_enable = false

cheat66_desc = "Infinite energy"
cheat66_code = "OXXTAASX+AKXTPAIP"
cheat66_enable = false

cheat67_desc = "Start on Level ?"
cheat67_code = "ZAXAALAA"
cheat67_enable = false

cheat68_desc = "Start with ? Lives"
cheat68_code = "AENVZILA"
cheat68_enable = false

cheat69_desc = "Life Modifier when doing Cheat Code"
cheat69_code = "AAOVATIA"
cheat69_enable = false

cheat70_desc = "Cheat Code = Hard Mode"
cheat70_code = "AAOVATIA"
cheat70_enable = false

cheat71_desc = "Infinite Continues"
cheat71_code = "SNNVIIVI"
cheat71_enable = false

cheat72_desc = "No continues"
cheat72_code = "AAEELLLA"
cheat72_enable = false

cheat73_desc = "9 Continues"
cheat73_code = "PAEELLLE"
cheat73_enable = false

cheat74_desc = "Cheat code always activates"
cheat74_code = "AAOTTVLA"
cheat74_enable = false

cheat75_desc = "Easier Cheat Code"
cheat75_code = "ALOTGTKI"
cheat75_enable = false

Preformatted .CHT File (Game Genie) [EU]

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Battletoads on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 11

cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat0_code = "SUXXLLVI"
cheat0_enable = false

cheat1_desc = "Rat on level 10 runs always to the same side"
cheat1_code = "PXNLEEPK"
cheat1_enable = false

cheat2_desc = "Unlimited continues"
cheat2_code = "OKNTLIVS"
cheat2_enable = false

cheat3_desc = "Poison Gas Spitters on level 10 don't spit gas at all"
cheat3_code = "ATNUIOOL"
cheat3_enable = false

cheat4_desc = "?? Life Modifier"
cheat4_code = "AENTAILA"
cheat4_enable = false

cheat5_desc = "Start with ?? lives after using cheat code"
cheat5_code = "AAEVTTIA"
cheat5_enable = false

cheat6_desc = "Easier Cheat Code entry"
cheat6_code = "ALEVZTKI"
cheat6_enable = false

cheat7_desc = "Mega-Jumping"
cheat7_code = "EYKEVVEI"
cheat7_enable = false

cheat8_desc = "Start with 10 continues"
cheat8_code = "ZAEELLLE"
cheat8_enable = false

cheat9_desc = "Start with 0 continues"
cheat9_code = "AAEELLLA"
cheat9_enable = false

cheat10_desc = "Level Modifier"
cheat10_code = "AAXAALAA"
cheat10_enable = false

Preformatted .CHT File (Rumble)

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Battletoads on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheat0_address = "1306"
cheat0_address_bit_position = "0"
cheat0_big_endian = "false"
cheat0_cheat_type = "0"
cheat0_code = ""
cheat0_desc = "energy 1p (Rumble)"
cheat0_enable = "false"
cheat0_handler = "1"
cheat0_memory_search_size = "3"
cheat0_rumble_port = "1"
cheat0_rumble_primary_duration = "160"
cheat0_rumble_primary_strength = "41120"
cheat0_rumble_secondary_duration = "160"
cheat0_rumble_secondary_strength = "41120"
cheat0_rumble_type = "0"
cheat0_rumble_value = "0"
cheat0_value = "31"
cheat1_address = "1527"
cheat1_address_bit_position = "0"
cheat1_big_endian = "false"
cheat1_cheat_type = "0"
cheat1_code = ""
cheat1_desc = "score 1p B (Rumble)"
cheat1_enable = "false"
cheat1_handler = "1"
cheat1_memory_search_size = "3"
cheat1_rumble_port = "1"
cheat1_rumble_primary_duration = "160"
cheat1_rumble_primary_strength = "41120"
cheat1_rumble_secondary_duration = "160"
cheat1_rumble_secondary_strength = "41120"
cheat1_rumble_type = "0"
cheat1_rumble_value = "0"
cheat1_value = "2"
cheat2_address = "1526"
cheat2_address_bit_position = "0"
cheat2_big_endian = "false"
cheat2_cheat_type = "0"
cheat2_code = ""
cheat2_desc = "score 1p C (Rumble)"
cheat2_enable = "false"
cheat2_handler = "1"
cheat2_memory_search_size = "3"
cheat2_rumble_port = "1"
cheat2_rumble_primary_duration = "160"
cheat2_rumble_primary_strength = "41120"
cheat2_rumble_secondary_duration = "160"
cheat2_rumble_secondary_strength = "41120"
cheat2_rumble_type = "0"
cheat2_rumble_value = "0"
cheat2_value = "1"
cheat3_address = "1307"
cheat3_address_bit_position = "0"
cheat3_big_endian = "false"
cheat3_cheat_type = "0"
cheat3_code = ""
cheat3_desc = "energy 2p (Rumble)"
cheat3_enable = "false"
cheat3_handler = "1"
cheat3_memory_search_size = "3"
cheat3_rumble_port = "2"
cheat3_rumble_primary_duration = "160"
cheat3_rumble_primary_strength = "41120"
cheat3_rumble_secondary_duration = "160"
cheat3_rumble_secondary_strength = "41120"
cheat3_rumble_type = "0"
cheat3_rumble_value = "0"
cheat3_value = "23"
cheat4_address = "1532"
cheat4_address_bit_position = "0"
cheat4_big_endian = "false"
cheat4_cheat_type = "0"
cheat4_code = ""
cheat4_desc = "score 2p C (Rumble)"
cheat4_enable = "false"
cheat4_handler = "1"
cheat4_memory_search_size = "3"
cheat4_rumble_port = "2"
cheat4_rumble_primary_duration = "160"
cheat4_rumble_primary_strength = "41120"
cheat4_rumble_secondary_duration = "160"
cheat4_rumble_secondary_strength = "41120"
cheat4_rumble_type = "0"
cheat4_rumble_value = "0"
cheat4_value = "1"
cheat5_address = "1533"
cheat5_address_bit_position = "0"
cheat5_big_endian = "false"
cheat5_cheat_type = "0"
cheat5_code = ""
cheat5_desc = "score 2p D (Rumble)"
cheat5_enable = "false"
cheat5_handler = "1"
cheat5_memory_search_size = "3"
cheat5_rumble_port = "2"
cheat5_rumble_primary_duration = "160"
cheat5_rumble_primary_strength = "41120"
cheat5_rumble_secondary_duration = "160"
cheat5_rumble_secondary_strength = "41120"
cheat5_rumble_type = "0"
cheat5_rumble_value = "0"
cheat5_value = "0"
cheats = "6"

Retro Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

Ragnarok’s Canyon
Beat Level 1 – Ragnarok’s Canyon
Wookie Hole
Beat Level 2 – Wookie Hole
Turbo Tunnel
Beat Level 3 – Turbo Tunnel
Arctic Caverns
Beat Level 4 – Arctic Caverns
Surf City
Beat Level 5 – Surf City
Karnath’s Lair
Beat Level 6 – Karnath’s Lair
Volkmire’s Inferno
Beat Level 7 – Volkmire’s Inferno
Intruder Excluder
Beat Level 8 – Intruder Excluder
Terra Tubes
Beat Level 9 – Terra Tubes
Rat Race
Beat Level 10 – Rat Race
Clinger Winger
Beat Level 11 – Clinger Winger
The Revolution
Beat Level 12 – The Revolution
The Dark Queen
Defeat the Dark Queen
Big Bad Boot
Perform the Rat Race Skip (Rat #1 or Rat #2)
Toadally Perfect
Beat the Game with a Score Total of 999,999
Warpless Toad
Complete the Game Without Using Warps
Turbo Tunnel Challenge
Complete Turbo Tunnel Speed Bikes While Staying on the Right Side of the Screen
BT Bashing Ball
Get a Total of 8 Lives in Wookie Hole
Lucky Escape
Clear Karnath’s Lair While Dying
Full Speed Ahead
Win Race #3 in Rat Race Without Hitting the Rat
Defeat Big Blag Using Only the Stick is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

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