Game Genie Code

Mario Kart 64 - GameShark Codes [US]

The following are known GameShark Codes for Mario Kart 64 on Nintendo 64 (N64).

Device Compatibility: Action Replay & GameShark

P1 Always Last Place81164390 FFFF
81164392 FFFF
P2 Always Last Place81164394 FFFF
81164396 FFFF
P3 Always Last Place81164398 FFFF
8116439A FFFF
P4 Always Last Place8116439C FFFF
8116439E FFFF
P1 Cannot Use Weapons80165F5D 01B2
80165F8A 01B2
P2 Cannot Use Weapons8016603D 01B2
8016606A 01B2
Shadow Items80165F1A 0000
Logo Loop8018EDE0 0001
Automatic Mario8018EDE8 0001
Cannot Select Cup8018EDEC 0001
Crazy Items80165F1D 000F
80165F6D 000F
No Eighth Place (It Removes Yoshi Or Luigi)81164399 0005
Press GS Button For Debug Menu8818EDEF 0002
Press GS Button For a Purple Title Screen881EEDC4 0002
Press GS Button For Smeared Title Screen881FEDC4 0002
Press GS Button at Title Screen to Lower Flag8818EDD9 0002
Press GS Button at Title Screen For Even Lower Flag8818EDD8 0002
Press GS Button at Title Screen For Flag to Left818EDD1 0002
Press GS Button at Title Screen For Flag to Right8818EDD5 0002
Press GS Button at Title Screen For Tilt Flag Forward8818EDCD 0002
Press GS Button at Title Screen For Move Flag Up8818EDC9 0002
Press GS Button at Title Screen For Shrink Flag8818EDC5 0002
Press GS Button at Title Screen For No Flag8818EDC4 0002
Press GS Button at Title Screen For Big Flag8818EDC2 0002
Press GS to Play 2 Players in 1 Player Game8918EDE4 0003
8918EDE4 0001
8918EDE4 0005
8918EDE4 0007
Lap Modifier Codes
No Laps To Race P181164390 0000
81164392 0002
No Laps To Race P281164394 0000
81164396 0002
No Laps To Race P381164398 0000
8116439A 0002
No Laps To Race P48116439C 0000
8116439E 0002
Press GS Button For One Lap To Race P1 [1]89164390 0000
89164392 0001
Press GS Button For One Lap To Race P2 [1]89164394 0000
89164396 0001
Press GS Button For One Lap To Race P3 [1]89164399 0000
8916439A 0001
Press GS Button For One Lap To Race P4 [1]8916439C 0000
8916439E 0001
P1 & P2 Mode Only
Weapon Modifier P1 [2]80165F5D 00??
80165F8A 00??
Weapon Modifier P2 [2]8016603D 00??
8016606A 00??
P3 & P4 Mode Only
Weapon Modifier P1 [2]8016611D 00??
8016614A 00??
Weapon Modifier P2 [2]801661FD 00??
8016622A 00??
Weapon Modifier P3 [2]801662DD 00??
8016630A 00??
Weapon Modifier P4 [2]801663BD 00??
801663EA 00??
Balloon Codes [3]
Infinite Balloons P18118D8C0 0002
Infinite Balloons P28118D8C2 0002
Infinite Balloons P38118D8C4 0002
Infinite Balloons P48118D8C6 0002
GS Button For Balloon Number Modifier P18918D8C1 00??
GS Button For Balloon Number Modifier P28918D8C3 00??
GS Button For Balloon Number Modifier P38918D8C5 00??
GS Button For Balloon Number Modifier P48918D8C7 00??
The Bomb Codes [4]
P1 Always The Bomb8118D8C0 FFFF
P2 Always The Bomb8118D8C2 FFFF
P3 Always The Bomb8118D8C4 FFFF
P4 Always The Bomb8118D8C6 FFFF
Character Codes
P1 Character Modifier8018EDE4 00??
P2 Character Modifier8018EDE5 00??
P3 Character Modifier8018EDE6 00??
P4 Character Modifier8018EDE7 00??
Always Have 46 Points Codes
Mario8118D9C8 002D
Luigi8118D9C9 002D
Yoshi8118D9CA 002D
Toad8118D9CB 002D
D.K.8118D9CC 002D
Wario8118D9CD 002D
Peach8118D9CE 002D
Bowser8118D9CF 002D
Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Codes
01 – Mario
02 – Luigi
03 – Peach
04 – Toad
05 – Yoshi
06 – D.K.
07 – Wario
08 – Bowser
Quantity Digits to Accompany Weapon Modifier Codes
00 – Nothing
01 – Single Banana
02 – Multi Bananas
03 – Single Green Shell
04 – 3 Green Shells
05 – Single Red Shell
06 – 3 Red Shells
07 – Blue Shell
08 – Lightning Bolt
09 – Upside Down ‘?’
0A – Star
0B – Ghost
0C – Single Mushroom
0D – 2 Mushrooms
0E – 3 Mushrooms
0F – Gold Mushroom

[1]: Press the GS button after passing the staring line.
[2]: Sometimes this code glitches in battle mode, when using an item that you cannot normally get.
[3]: With this code, the amount of balloons are not reflected on the screen.
[4]: With these codes, you will not be a bomb on the screen, nor can you kill others by running into them.

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