Game Genie Code

Wolfenstein 3D - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Cheat Mode
Hold R on controller two while powering on the SNES. Release the button at the title screen and begin a new game at the normal skill level. Pause game play and enter one of the following controller actions…

  • Full Ammunition: Press R, Up, B, A
  • Invincibility: Press B, Up B, A
  • Full Map and All Keys: Press A(2), Up, B
  • Level Skip: Press Up, B, R, B

Level Select
Hold R on while powering on the SNES. Continue to hold the button until B.J. appears, then quickly press Up + Select. The level selection screen will appear. Select “S6” to start game play at the secret level.

Level Passwords

Level   Password  
1-1     (none)  
1-2     TRKKHB  
1-3     VHTKJF  
2-1     VVTLLJ  
2-2     RLKLHH  
2-3     RTTLSV  
2-4     SKKLRT  
3-1     SNKLQN  
3-2     PCKLRM  
3-3     PNKLRM  
3-4     QCKLSQ  
4-1     MCKLTP  
4-2     MNKLTP  
4-3     NCKLVS  
4-4     NNKLVS  
4-5     KCKLMR  
5-1     KNKLMR  
5-2     LCKLNV  
5-3     LNKLNV  
5-4     HCKLPT  
5-5     HNKLPT  
5-6     JCKLQN  
6-1     JNKLQN  
6-2     DCKLRM  
6-3     DNKLRM  
6-4     FCKLSQ  
6-5     FNKLSQ  
6-6     BCKLTP  
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