Game Genie Code

Wings 2: Aces High

Action Replay Codes [US]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Wings 2: Aces High on Super Nintendo (SNES).

These codes are for the U.S. version of the game.

  • No Damage

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Hold L + R + Up and press Start at the title screen. A radar display will appear on the lower left corner of a screen during dogfights.

Fully Powered Marcel LeBlanc
Select the “Continue Game” option at the continue screen. Select the “End” option at the password screen.

Level Passwords

Level                     Mission          Pilots       Password
Bombing Duty!             Bombing          0 0 0 0 2    FGXHMBQ!nG!xF
A truck is moving up      Strafe           0 0 0 2 2    r5xKNJH2pg!3
Can't get overconfident   Dogfight         0 0 0 4 2    HMdMJ6C!brG!v!
Two of them!              Dogfight         0 0 2 4 2    LV!xv!HLPQBCP
Blow up the bridge        Bombing          0 2 2 4 2    T!BRLQ!wC7lBF!
Out of the clouds         Dogfight         1 2 2 4 2    jX2TBGnkGC!w
Two tanks advancing       Strafe           2 2 2 4 2    sZG70wW6HBF
3 Albatross on prowl      Dogfight         2 4 2 4 2    !4!FlGCwPQk8Y
The oil refinery          Bomb/Dogfight    4 4 2 4 2    hVY09Gs4BG!Z
Two to one?               Dogfight         4 4 4 4 2    7YW2yn!R7Hzh
Dug into bunkers          Strafe/Dogfight  4 4 4 4 4    LHxPFCb!4!!!BsG!
Got one on my tail        Dogfight         6 4 4 4 4    S!!dNpG9BwH96
Destroy them on ground    Bomb/Dogfight    6 5 4 4 4    6m!CQG!NCGGL8
Three little birds        Dogfight         6 7 4 4 4    DvkbP4T!dXwB
Enemy armor advancing     Strafe/Dogfight  6 7 5 4 4    B!HdPBB!gQLTB!
Bandit!                   Dogfight         6 7 5 6 4    zqSgPNL8Hq!B
Three jokers              Dogfight         6 7 5 6 6    !c!LlKGsKQFXj
Regimental HQ             Bomb/Dogfight    7 7 5 6 6    7dzl2G8MwR!Z
Something big             Several          8 8 8 0 0    BBHnwLL1CB!r

Game Genie Codes

The following are known Game Genie Codes for Wings 2: Aces High on Super Nintendo (SNES).

  • Infinite Lives For All Pilots (You Can Still Get Fired)
  • Infinite Power-Ups

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