Game Genie Code

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Fight as Human Smoke
Highlight the Smoke. Hold Away + HP + HK + Block + Run until the match starts.

Random Character Select
Highlight Rain and press Up + Start. For player two, highlight Noon Saibot and press Up + Start on controller two.

Original Tournament
Press L + R + Start.

Cheat Menus
Enter one of the following series of controller actions at the start/options screen to display the corresponding cheat menu…

  • Kool Stuff
    Press Right, Up, B(2), A, Down, Up, B, Down, Up, B
  • Kooler Stuff
    Press Up, B, A, Left, Down, Y
  • Scott’s Stuff
    Press B, A, Down(2), Left, A, X, B, A, B, Y

Sound Test
Press Left, Down, Y(2) at the start/options screen.
In-Game Restart
Quickly tap Start on controller two, then hold Start on controller one in a one player game. Select the “Mortal Kombat” option to start a new game.

Display Mystery Text
Hold L + R on controller two and power on the SNES.

Kombat Kodes
Select a two player game and enter the Vs. screen. Press Y, B, and A on controller one to select the first three characters of the Kode, and those same buttons on controller two for the last three characters. Enter a valid Kode before the Vs. screen fades. Pressing a button will cycle the specific character to which it is assigned:

Character    Abbreviation    Presses 
Dragon            D             0 
MK Logo           M             1 
Ying-Yang         Y             2 
Three             3             3 
Question Mark     ?             4 
Lightning Bolt    L             5 
Goro              G             6 
Raiden            R             7 
Shao Kahn         K             8 
Skull             S             9 
Kombat Kode                Effect 
000-033 or 033-000         Player 1/2 Half Energy 
000-707 or 707-000         Player 1/2 Quarter Energy 
445-any or any-445         Timer Disabled 
012-345                    One Button Brutalities (Press HP)  
955-955                    Extended Fatality Time  
944-944                    One Button Fatalities  
788-322                    Fast Uppercut Recovery  
044-440                    No Power - One Hit Kills
300-300                    No Music  
012-012                    Health Recovery  
100-100                    Throwing Disabled  
010-010                    Throwing Encouraged  
020-020                    Blocking Disabled  
205-205                    Winner fights Smoke  
769-342                    Winner fights Noob  
969-141                    Winner fights Shao Kahn  
033-564                    Winner fights Motaro  
444-444 or 460-460         Randper Kombat 
820-028                    Fight at Pit III  
343-343                    Fight on the Roof  
282-282                    No Fear Message  
987-666                    Flipper Message  
123-926                    "..No knowledge without power..."  
221-557                    Uppercut Changes Stage Every Time  
191-191                    Hyper Speed  
120-120                    Credit Screen Before Fight  
989-898                    8-Man Tournament - Random Characters  
999-995                    In-close Combos Disabled  
091-293                    Sweeping Disabled  
432-234                    Minimal Damage  
449-449                    Invisible Fighters  
987-123                    No Powerbars  
688-422                    Dark Fighting  
985-125                    Psycho Kombat  
642-468                    Play Hidden Game  
666-444                    Fight at Scorpion's Lair  
330-033                    Fight at Jade's Desert  
466-466                    Unlimited running  
002-003                    Fight at The River  
004-700                    Fight at Kahn's Kave  
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