Game Genie Code

Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

All Force Powers
Quickly press X, B(2), Y, X, A(2) at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press Start before demonstration mode begins. Press Select during game play to access the powers of The Force.

Skip to Last Level
Quickly press A, X, B, A, Y, X, B, A(2), X, B(2), Y, X at the title screen before demonstration mode begins.

Ninety-Nine Lives
Press X, Y, B(3), X, A, Y(2), B, A, X, Y at the game selection screen. Darth Vader will say “impressive” to confirm correct code entry. Press Start before demonstration mode begins.

Seven Continues
Quickly press X, Y, A, B, X(2) at the title screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Infinite Thermal Detonators
Press A, X, B, X(2), A, Y when the game selection screen initially appears. Darth Vader will say “impressive” to confirm correct code entry. Press Start before demonstration mode begins.

Debug Mode
Press A, B, Y, X, A, B, Y, X, A, B, A, B, Y, X(2), Y, A, B, Y, X when the main menu first appears. Darth Vader will say “impressive” to confirm correct code entry. Press Start the to begin a game with all Force powers and unlimited thermal detonators. Press one of the following controller actions during game play for additional effects..

  • Display Debug Menu
    Press L + R on controller two.
  • Invincibility
    Hold Select + A + B + Y + X on controller two.
  • Level Skip
    Press Start.

Sound Test
Hold A + B + X + Y (in order) during any side-scrolling level. Hold those buttons and press Down, Start. Repeat the code to play the next sound.

View High Scores
Press A(2), B(2) at the main menu.

View Credits
Press A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B at the game selection screen.

Control Introduction Sequence
Press Y(4) when the main menu first appears. Darth Vader will say “impressive” to confirm correct code entry. Wait for the Star Wars logo to fade, then use the D-pad, L, and R to rotate and scroll the introduction text and Star Destroyer.


Level                    Easy    Brave   Jedi 
First Cave               WDWDWB  TCCPSJ  FHPSMN 
Outside Cave             CSPTNP  SSFJND  CCTLFR  
Second Cave              NSRSCL  NLBJJF  MDWNDF  
Probe Droid              WFBJTB  JRWNPL  THNTLR  
Hoth Hangar Bay          BHRDHL  DGBDPL  LQYSCH  
3D Snowspeeder           HMGPWJ  RCWJMF  GQTVDD  
2D Snowspeeder           LDGLTJ  JRGRTD  PNFDHJ  
Inside AT-AT             LLJFBG  MDBNMR  SCWWFZ  
Han in Hoth Base 1       WLJWDN  HDPPLL  LFHWWB  
Han in Hoth Base 2       WBWHRW  GTLCNP  RBHNFC  
Millennium Falcon        NCCGSP  WWBGHF  KCDFZK  
Dagobah                  GLTTDJ  PGBNBH  KCCVGJ 
Habogad                  GJBHNF  TNPSPL  RBQRWS 
Han at Bespin            MCDGRJ  DLPMMD  QBTTXX  
Ugnaught Factory         PGPNMG  SHRBLW  ZGLKDV  
Carbonite Chamber        NGMSJB  LNGPNN  VVDQXC  
Chewbacca vs. Boba Fett  RLMSWJ  FSFMSR  FGTTVV  
3D Fight at Cloud City   MBRCGB  FCPDPC  YDHBQT  
Luke vs. Darth Vader     SWPMSS  HPLSHJ  TNHJSK  
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