Game Genie Code

Super Castlevania IV

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Hidden Staircase
There is an invisible staircase leading to Dracula, and a pit below it, on the level just before Dracula is encountered. Take a large jump into the pit from the edge to land on an invisible platform. Move to the left side to reach a staircase that leads downward. Before going down, move all the way to the left to find some power-ups. Collect 99 hearts, a triple boomerang, and the best whip, then carefully return to the stairs to enter the next level.

Bonus Rooms
Levels 3-1, 6-2, and 9-2 have bonus rooms that contain a large amount of power-ups.

Level 9 Treasure Chest
Jump 255 times on any treasure chest on level 9 for a power-up.

Level Passwords
Do not enter a name on the password screen.

1st Quest
Level 2       Level 4       Level 8       Level A       Final Level  
A, _, _, W    _, _, _,W     _, _, _, _    _, _, _, H    _, _, _, A  
_, A, _, _    W, W, _,_     W, W, _, _    W, H, _, _    W, _, _, _  
_, A, _, _    _, W, _,A     _, W, _, W    _, H, _, H    _, _, _, H  
W, W, _, _    _, _, _,_     W, W, _, _    A, W, _, _    H, H, _, _  
2nd Quest      
Level 1       Level 2       Level 3       Level 4       Level 5       Level 6  
H, A, _, W    _, _, _, _    _, _, _, A    _, _, _, W    _, _, _, _    _, _, _, _  
A, _, _, H    W, _, _, _    W, _, _, _    W, W, _, _    W, _, _, _    W, W, _, _  
_, A, _, _    _, _, _, _    _, _, _, _    _, W, _, A    _, _, _, A    _, W, _, A  
_, H, _, _    W, _, _, _    H, _, _, _    _, _, _, _    W, A, _, _    W, A, _, _  
Level 7       Level 8       Level 9       Level A,      Level B       Final Level  
_, _, _, W    _, _, _, _    _, _, _, A    _, _, _, H    _, _, _, A    _, _, _, W  
W, H, _, _    W, W, _, _    W, W, _, _    W, H, _, _    W, _, _, _    W, W, _, _  
_, H, _, W    _, W, _, W    _, W, _, W    _, H, _, H    _, _, _, H    _, W, _, _  
_, A, _, _    W, W, _, _    H, P_, _      A, W, _, _    H, H, _, _    _, H, A, _  

H = Heart
W = Holy Water
A = Axe
_ = Space 

Game Genie Codes

The following are known Game Genie Codes for Super Castlevania IV on Super Nintendo (SNES).

  • Infinite Lives (Switch Off Code To Get A Password)
  • Start With 10 Lives (First Game Only)
  • Start With 1 Life (First Game Only)
  • Infinite Shots For Most Weapons
  • Start With 99 Hearts (1st Life Only)
  • Start With 50 Hearts (1st Life Only)
  • No Energy Lost When Hit By Some Enemies
  • Stop Timer
  • Slower Timer
  • Faster Timer
  • Fully Powered Up Whip With First Power Up
  • All Hearts Are Worth 99
  • Collecting A Weapon Also Makes The Cross Go Into Effect
  • Collecting A Double Shot Will Give You A Triple Shot
  • Whip Modifier For Whips That Are In Candles
    • 47: Double Shot
    • 44: $100
    • 4D: Invis. Potion
    • 40: Triple Shot
    • 49: Small Meat
    • 41: Large Meat
    • 45: Ball From Boss
    • 46: 1-Up
    • FE: Cross
    • F3: Watch
    • F2: Boomerang
    • FA: Holy Water
    • F8: Axe
    • FC: Dagger
    • FB: Large Heart
    • F6: Small Heart
  • Continue With 99 Hearts
  • Continue With Whip Power-Ups
  • Continue With 255 Health (Still Shows Normal Amount)
  • Continue With Weapon, Hearts, And Triple Shot If You Have It
  • Super Jump
  • Mega Jump
  • Candles With Weapon Modifier
    The normal weapon is displayed and if you want it, you will need to turn this code off.
    • DF: Dagger
    • D4: Axe
    • D7: Holy Water
    • D0: Boomerang
    • D9: Stopwatch
  • Have Maxed Out Hearts With Each One Grabbed
  • Increase Heart Capacity 2.5 Times
  • Stage Select
    Note: Start the game with this code on and when the game starts you on Stage 1, turn this code off and die to start on the Stage you entered.
  • Start With And Always Keep Weapon
    Note: Use DF-D9.
  • This Gives You A Triple Shot Even If You Don’t Have A Weapon
    Note: Do not use this code if you pickup the Stopwatch. You can omit the first line of this code if you use the start with and always keep the weapon you choose above.

Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay & Game Genie) [US]

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Super Castlevania IV on Super Nintendo (SNES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 63

cheat0_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat0_code = "7E13F410"
cheat0_enable = false

cheat1_desc = "Invincible (Also can walk thru enemies and on spikes)"
cheat1_code = "7E00BC02"
cheat1_enable = false

cheat2_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat2_code = "7E007C9A"
cheat2_enable = false

cheat3_desc = "Stop timer"
cheat3_code = "7E13F099"
cheat3_enable = false

cheat4_desc = "Infinite Hearts"
cheat4_code = "7E13F299"
cheat4_enable = false

cheat5_desc = "Infinite Hearts"
cheat5_code = "7E00F299"
cheat5_enable = false

cheat6_desc = "Max Hearts"
cheat6_code = "7E13F2FF"
cheat6_enable = false

cheat7_desc = "Whip power level modifier"
cheat7_code = "7E009200"
cheat7_enable = false

cheat8_desc = "Sub-Weapon modifier"
cheat8_code = "7E008E01"
cheat8_enable = false

cheat9_desc = "Have Triple Shot"
cheat9_code = "7E009002"
cheat9_enable = false

cheat10_desc = "Level modifier"
cheat10_code = "7E008600"
cheat10_enable = false

cheat11_desc = "Most enemies don't see you"
cheat11_code = "7E007830+7E007975"
cheat11_enable = false

cheat12_desc = "Walk on air"
cheat12_code = "7E008060"
cheat12_enable = false

cheat13_desc = "Walk through enemies"
cheat13_code = "7E00BC0A"
cheat13_enable = false

cheat14_desc = "Stop all enemies"
cheat14_code = "7E13FAFF"
cheat14_enable = false

cheat15_desc = "Can jump High and Float [Switch Effects Off]"
cheat15_code = "7E056400"
cheat15_enable = false

cheat16_desc = "No Music & Sound Effects"
cheat16_code = "7E006A9E"
cheat16_enable = false

cheat17_desc = "Fully Powered Up Whip with first Power Up"
cheat17_code = "DD24-AFD7"
cheat17_enable = false

cheat18_desc = "Continue With 99 Hearts"
cheat18_code = "BBB0-0F6F"
cheat18_enable = false

cheat19_desc = "Continue With Whip Power-Ups"
cheat19_code = "DFB0-07AF"
cheat19_enable = false

cheat20_desc = "Continue With 255 Health [Still Shows Normal Amount]"
cheat20_code = "EEB9-0F0F"
cheat20_enable = false

cheat21_desc = "Continue With Weapon, Hearts, And Triple Shot If You Have It"
cheat21_code = "DFB0-04DF+DFB0-040F"
cheat21_enable = false

cheat22_desc = "Have Triple Shot (even if you don't have a weapon)"
cheat22_code = "CBA3-6DAF+D4A3-6FDF+69A3-6F6F"
cheat22_enable = false

cheat23_desc = "Increase Heart capacity 2.5 times"
cheat23_code = "EE2B-6DA7+FC25-64D7+EE26-6767"
cheat23_enable = false

cheat24_desc = "Super Jump"
cheat24_code = "FDC5-04D4"
cheat24_enable = false

cheat25_desc = "Mega Jump"
cheat25_code = "4DC5-04D4"
cheat25_enable = false

cheat26_desc = "Candles With Whip Modifier"
cheat26_code = "7E0DB447"
cheat26_enable = false

cheat27_desc = "Have Maxed Out Hearts with each Heart pickup"
cheat27_code = "DD2B-6D07"
cheat27_enable = false

cheat28_desc = "Collecting A Weapon Also Makes The Cross Go Into Effect"
cheat28_code = "D728-6D07"
cheat28_enable = false

cheat29_desc = "Collecting A Double Shot Will Give You A Triple Shot"
cheat29_code = "EE2B-A767"
cheat29_enable = false

cheat30_desc = "Infinite lives [switch off effects to get a password]"
cheat30_code = "DD6C-DD66"
cheat30_enable = false

cheat31_desc = "Start with 10 lives [first game only]"
cheat31_code = "FDB2-D4AF"
cheat31_enable = false

cheat32_desc = "Start with 1 life [first game only]"
cheat32_code = "DFB2-D4AF"
cheat32_enable = false

cheat33_desc = "Infinite shots for most weapons"
cheat33_code = "A689-0FD7"
cheat33_enable = false

cheat34_desc = "Start with 99 hearts [1st life only]"
cheat34_code = "BBB3-D40F"
cheat34_enable = false

cheat35_desc = "Start with 50 hearts [1st life only]"
cheat35_code = "9DB3-D40F"
cheat35_enable = false

cheat36_desc = "Stop timer"
cheat36_code = "6D6D-DF06"
cheat36_enable = false

cheat37_desc = "Slower timer"
cheat37_code = "5E6D-DDA6"
cheat37_enable = false

cheat38_desc = "Faster timer"
cheat38_code = "FE6D-DDA6"
cheat38_enable = false

cheat39_desc = "Invincbile"
cheat39_code = "608E-D7FB+C92C-6DD4"
cheat39_enable = false

cheat40_desc = "Start With Second Playthrough Difficulty Level"
cheat40_code = "7E008801"
cheat40_enable = false

cheat41_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat41_code = "C96C-DFD6"
cheat41_enable = false

cheat42_desc = "Infinite Energy"
cheat42_code = "C22F-07D7+C28C-AF0C+C2C9-0F6D+C221-AD0E"
cheat42_enable = false

cheat43_desc = "Perfect Invincibility"
cheat43_code = "2D2B-6764+2DCD-D764"
cheat43_enable = false

cheat44_desc = "Event Modifier"
cheat44_code = "DDD7-DD6D"
cheat44_enable = false

cheat45_desc = "In Stage Event Modifier"
cheat45_code = "DDD5-DDDD"
cheat45_enable = false

cheat46_desc = "Jump In Midair"
cheat46_code = "462B-6D04+DC2B-6D64+BD2B-6DA4+D02B-6FD4+442B-6F04+B42B-6F64+C72B-6FA4+DD2B-64D4+3C2B-6404+186D-DDD6+C28A-A46F+18CF-6D0D"
cheat46_enable = false

cheat47_desc = "Hit Anywhere"
cheat47_code = "6D20-A7A4+6D21-AF64+DD2C-A764+B428-AFA4+C728-A4D4"
cheat47_enable = false

cheat48_desc = "All Hearts Are Worth 99"
cheat48_code = "D726-6407"
cheat48_enable = false

cheat49_desc = "Candles With Weapon Modifier"
cheat49_code = "CB2C-6DD7+DF2C-6D07"
cheat49_enable = false

cheat50_desc = "Stage Select"
cheat50_code = "CB26-DFAF+DD26-D40F+6926-D46F"
cheat50_enable = false

cheat51_desc = "Start With And Always Keep Weapon (Use DF-D9)"
cheat51_code = "CBAA-6DAF+69AA-6F6F"
cheat51_enable = false

cheat52_desc = "This Gives You A Triple Shot Even If You Don't Have A Weapon"
cheat52_code = "CBA3-6DAF+D4A3-6FDF+69A3-6F6F"
cheat52_enable = false

cheat53_desc = "Have Enhanced Whip #1"
cheat53_code = "7E009201"
cheat53_enable = false

cheat54_desc = "Have Enhanced Whip #2"
cheat54_code = "7E009202"
cheat54_enable = false

cheat55_desc = "Infinite Time (Alternate)"
cheat55_code = "7E13-F050+7E13-F104"
cheat55_enable = false

cheat56_desc = "Infinite Lives (Alternate Code)"
cheat56_code = "7E007C03"
cheat56_enable = false

cheat57_desc = "Unlimited Extra Weapons"
cheat57_code = "7E13F214"
cheat57_enable = false

cheat58_desc = "No Mystic Whip Power-Ups"
cheat58_code = "7E13ECFF"
cheat58_enable = false

cheat59_desc = "Sub Weapon Modifier"
cheat59_code = "7E008E00"
cheat59_enable = false

cheat60_desc = "Always Have Double Trouble Power Up"
cheat60_code = "7E009001"
cheat60_enable = false

cheat61_desc = "Always Have Fully Powered Whip"
cheat61_code = "7E009203"
cheat61_enable = false

cheat62_desc = "Moon Walk (Sort Of)"
cheat62_code = "7E0F0C80+7E0F0F70+7E0F1070+7E0F1370+7E0F1480+7E0F1770+7E0F1870+7E0F1B70+7E0F1C80+7E0F1F70"
cheat62_enable = false

Preformatted .CHT File (Game Genie) [EU / US]

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Super Castlevania IV on Super Nintendo (SNES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 27 

cheat0_desc = "Infinite Lives (Switch Off Effects To Get A Password)"
cheat0_code = "DD6C-DD66"
cheat0_enable = false 

cheat1_desc = "Start With 10 Lives (First Game Only)"
cheat1_code = "FDB2-D4AF"
cheat1_enable = false 

cheat2_desc = "Start With 1 Life (First Game Only)"
cheat2_code = "DFB2-D4AF"
cheat2_enable = false 

cheat3_desc = "Infinite Shots For Most Weapons"
cheat3_code = "A689-0FD7"
cheat3_enable = false 

cheat4_desc = "Start With 99 Hearts (1st Life Only)"
cheat4_code = "BBB3-D40F"
cheat4_enable = false 

cheat5_desc = "Start With 50 Hearts (1st Life Only)"
cheat5_code = "9DB3-D40F"
cheat5_enable = false 

cheat6_desc = "No Energy Lost When Hit By Some Enemies"
cheat6_code = "D22F-07D7"
cheat6_enable = false 

cheat7_desc = "Stop Timer"
cheat7_code = "6D6D-DF06"
cheat7_enable = false 

cheat8_desc = "Slower Timer"
cheat8_code = "5E6D-DDA6"
cheat8_enable = false 

cheat9_desc = "Faster Timer"
cheat9_code = "FE6D-DDA6"
cheat9_enable = false 

cheat10_desc = "Fully Powered Up Whip With First Power Up"
cheat10_code = "DD24-AFD7"
cheat10_enable = false 

cheat11_desc = "All Hearts Are Worth 99"
cheat11_code = "D726-6407"
cheat11_enable = false 

cheat12_desc = "Collecting A Weapon Also Makes The Cross Go Into Effect"
cheat12_code = "D728-6D07"
cheat12_enable = false 

cheat13_desc = "Collecting A Double Shot Will Give You A Triple Shot"
cheat13_code = "EE2B-A767"
cheat13_enable = false 

cheat14_desc = "Whip Modifier For Whips That Are In Candles"
cheat14_code = "**39-D46D"
cheat14_enable = false 

cheat15_desc = "Continue With 99 Hearts"
cheat15_code = "BBB0-0F6F"
cheat15_enable = false 

cheat16_desc = "Continue With Whip Power-Ups"
cheat16_code = "DFB0-07AF"
cheat16_enable = false 

cheat17_desc = "Continue With 255 Health (Still Shows Normal Amount)"
cheat17_code = "EEB9-0F0F"
cheat17_enable = false 

cheat18_desc = "Continue With Weapon, Hearts, And Triple Shot If You Have It"
cheat18_code = "DFB0-04DF+DFB0-040F"
cheat18_enable = false 

cheat19_desc = "Super Jump"
cheat19_code = "FDC5-04D4"
cheat19_enable = false 

cheat20_desc = "Mega Jump"
cheat20_code = "4DC5-04D4"
cheat20_enable = false 

cheat21_desc = "Candles With Weapon Modifier"
cheat21_code = "CB2C-6DD7+##2C-6D07"
cheat21_enable = false 

cheat22_desc = "Have Maxed Out Hearts With Each One Grabbed"
cheat22_code = "DD2B-6D07"
cheat22_enable = false 

cheat23_desc = "Increase Heart Capacity 2.5 Times"
cheat23_code = "EE2B-6DA7+FC25-64D7+EE26-6767"
cheat23_enable = false 

cheat24_desc = "Stage Select"
cheat24_code = "CB26-DFAF+**26-D4DF+DD26-D40F+6926-D46F"
cheat24_enable = false 

cheat25_desc = "Start With And Always Keep Weapon (Use DF-D9)"
cheat25_code = "CBAA-6DAF+**AA-6FDF+69AA-6F6F"
cheat25_enable = false 

cheat26_desc = "This Gives You A Triple Shot Even If You Don't Have A Weapon"
cheat26_code = "CBA3-6DAF+D4A3-6FDF+69A3-6F6F"
cheat26_enable = false 

Preformatted .CHT File (Rumble)

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Super Castlevania IV on Super Nintendo (SNES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheat0_address = "5108"
cheat0_address_bit_position = "0"
cheat0_big_endian = "false"
cheat0_cheat_type = "0"
cheat0_code = ""
cheat0_desc = "energie"
cheat0_enable = "false"
cheat0_handler = "1"
cheat0_memory_search_size = "3"
cheat0_rumble_port = "0"
cheat0_rumble_primary_duration = "300"
cheat0_rumble_primary_strength = "65535"
cheat0_rumble_secondary_duration = "300"
cheat0_rumble_secondary_strength = "65535"
cheat0_rumble_type = "4"
cheat0_rumble_value = "0"
cheat0_value = "0"
cheat1_address = "8000"
cheat1_address_bit_position = "0"
cheat1_big_endian = "false"
cheat1_cheat_type = "0"
cheat1_code = ""
cheat1_desc = "Score "
cheat1_enable = "false"
cheat1_handler = "1"
cheat1_memory_search_size = "3"
cheat1_rumble_port = "0"
cheat1_rumble_primary_duration = "200"
cheat1_rumble_primary_strength = "65535"
cheat1_rumble_secondary_duration = "200"
cheat1_rumble_secondary_strength = "65535"
cheat1_rumble_type = "3"
cheat1_rumble_value = "0"
cheat1_value = "0"
cheat2_address = "5106"
cheat2_address_bit_position = "0"
cheat2_big_endian = "false"
cheat2_cheat_type = "0"
cheat2_code = ""
cheat2_desc = "coeurs"
cheat2_enable = "false"
cheat2_handler = "1"
cheat2_memory_search_size = "3"
cheat2_rumble_port = "0"
cheat2_rumble_primary_duration = "200"
cheat2_rumble_primary_strength = "38550"
cheat2_rumble_secondary_duration = "200"
cheat2_rumble_secondary_strength = "38550"
cheat2_rumble_type = "1"
cheat2_rumble_value = "0"
cheat2_value = "0"
cheat3_address = "513"
cheat3_address_bit_position = "0"
cheat3_big_endian = "false"
cheat3_cheat_type = "0"
cheat3_code = ""
cheat3_desc = "Fouet "
cheat3_enable = "false"
cheat3_handler = "1"
cheat3_memory_search_size = "3"
cheat3_rumble_port = "0"
cheat3_rumble_primary_duration = "200"
cheat3_rumble_primary_strength = "25700"
cheat3_rumble_secondary_duration = "200"
cheat3_rumble_secondary_strength = "25700"
cheat3_rumble_type = "3"
cheat3_rumble_value = "0"
cheat3_value = "0"
cheat4_address = "1662"
cheat4_address_bit_position = "0"
cheat4_big_endian = "false"
cheat4_cheat_type = "0"
cheat4_code = ""
cheat4_desc = "Environement"
cheat4_enable = "false"
cheat4_handler = "1"
cheat4_memory_search_size = "3"
cheat4_rumble_port = "0"
cheat4_rumble_primary_duration = "200"
cheat4_rumble_primary_strength = "20560"
cheat4_rumble_secondary_duration = "200"
cheat4_rumble_secondary_strength = "20560"
cheat4_rumble_type = "1"
cheat4_rumble_value = "0"
cheat4_value = "0"
cheat5_address = "1280"
cheat5_address_bit_position = "0"
cheat5_big_endian = "false"
cheat5_cheat_type = "0"
cheat5_code = ""
cheat5_desc = "chandeliers"
cheat5_enable = "false"
cheat5_handler = "1"
cheat5_memory_search_size = "3"
cheat5_rumble_port = "0"
cheat5_rumble_primary_duration = "300"
cheat5_rumble_primary_strength = "46260"
cheat5_rumble_secondary_duration = "300"
cheat5_rumble_secondary_strength = "46260"
cheat5_rumble_type = "3"
cheat5_rumble_value = "0"
cheat5_value = "0"
cheats = "6"
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