Game Genie Code

Super Bomberman - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Sound Test
Use a Multi-tap accessory and hold Right on controller five.
Head Start
Bomberman is invincible, and will blink, at the beginning of each stage. Drop a bomb. When it explodes, repeatedly tap A and move around the stage to clear a large portion. Stop immediately before the invincibility ends to avoid damage.

Enter 5656 as a password.


        Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 
Stage 1 4554    6052    3452    1155    4253    1653 
Stage 2 1504    2004    6404    2105    7204    2603 
Stage 3 4545    1045    5442    1143    2243    1642 
Stage 4 0513    4013    0412    3115    6213    3613 
Stage 5 2525    7024    5424    1122    5225    7623 
Stage 6 1563    4062    6463    5165    6262    5663 
Stage 7 2533    7035    2432    1134    2234    7632 
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