Game Genie Code

Prince of Persia - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Sound Test
Hold Start and press Select during game play. Press Up and Down to select a sound. Press A to hear the current selection.

Song Select
Press Start, then immediately press Select during game play.

Sky Princess
Run to the right when level 20 begins and wait at the window. An image of the princess will appear in the sky.

Skip to Last Level
Begin a new game, drop down two screens and run to the right to find a guard. Purposely lose to the guard. Press Select to obtain the current password when the “Press button to continue” text is displayed. Reset the game, select the continue option and enter that password. Game play will resume on level 20 with the previous amount of time and bottles.

Maximum Bottles
There are two sections and two bottles in level 3. After taking the bottles, display the current password, and restart the level using that password. You will be able to take the same bottles once again until the maximum number (15) is accumulated. Keep in mind, there is only two hours of game play allowed, spending excess time in this level may prevent successful completion of the game.

Level Passwords

    Level        Password  
    1            BRNGBB9  
    2            MRG5L2X  
    3            B6+TWNN  
    4            9Z3NRDX  
    5            LQHWTVR  
    6            CGKDBZ2  
    7            TH4Q++B  
    8            VXPNBY2  
    9            QLL!WHR  
    10           HWB93WX  
    11           7F39R1B  
    12           H9TZD8N  
    13           7TXF+9V  
    14           H+KX3L7  
    15           GZ9MRZJ  
    16           84CPBC6  
    17           QQNL2PV  
    18           4Q7TMHJ  
    19           QHJG!Q7  
    20           H8J12+Y  
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