Game Genie Code

Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Time Trial Mode
Enter TRLMDPW as a password.

Pac-Man Game
Enter PCMMDPW as a password.

Ms. Pac-Man Game
Enter MSPCMND as a password.

Practice Mine Cart Level
Enter FFTDB2W as a password.

Pattern Test
Enter PCMNPTT as a password.

Sound Test
Enter BGMRQST as a password.

Display Percentage Completed
Hold Select and press X at the item screen.


Level            Password  
1                [Pac-Man icon]WFTW5W  
2                [Pac-Man icon]WGW45W  
3                [Pac-Man icon]WFTWX4  
Gum Monster      9YGZ11P  
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