Game Genie Code

Mortal Kombat 3 - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Fight as Smoke
Hold Left + A on the copyright screen until it disappears. Hold Right + B on the Williams screen until it disappears. Then, hold X + Y until Smoke appears.

Eight Man Endurance Mode
Hold L + R and press Start to select Vs. Tournament mode. For random character selection press Up + Start.

Sound Test
Press A, Y, B, X, Select on the Start/Options screen.

Random Character Select
Highlight Shang Tsung and press Up + Start. For player two, highlight Liu Kang and press Up + Start on controller two.

Hidden Character Select
Sweep the D-pad in a clockwise Full-Circle and press Select on the character selection screen. For player two, perform the same sweep counter-clockwise.

Cheat Menus
Enter one of the following series of controller actions on the “Start Game” screen to display the corresponding cheat menu…

  • Kool Stuff
    Press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, A, B, A.
  • Kooler Stuff
    Press Select, A, B, Right, Left, Down(2), Up(2).
  • Scott’s Stuff
    Press X, B, A, Y, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down. Note: For easy moves, enable this code, pause game play, execute the move, then resume gameplay.

Display Version
Hold L + R and power on the SNES. A version number screen will be displayed.
Kombat Kodes
Select a two player game and enter the Vs. screen. Press Y, B, and A on controller one to select the first three characters of the Kode, and those same buttons on controller two for the last three characters. Enter a valid Kode before the Vs. screen fades. Pressing a button will cycle the specific character to which it is assigned:

Character       Abbreviation        Presses 
Dragon              D                  0 
MK Logo             M                  1 
Ying-Yang           Y                  2 
Three               3                  3 
Question Mark       ?                  4 
Lightning Bolt      L                  5 
Goro                G                  6 
Raiden              R                  7 
Shao Kahn           K                  8 
Skull               S                  9 

Kombat         Kode Effect  
?3Y-Y3?        More Energy, No Time  
SKR-MY3        Hidden Energy Bar  
G?Y-?GK        Play the old arcade game Galaga!  
D33-LG?        Winner fights Shao Kahn  
YDL-YDL        Winner fights Smoke  
RGS-3?Y        Winner fights Noob Saibot  
SGS-M?M        Winner fights Motaro  
SKR-DM3        No energy bars  
DYD-DYD        No blocking  
MDD-MDD        No throwing  
DSM-YS3        No Sweeping  
?GG-?GG        Unlimited running  
SLL-SLL        Max Fatilty Time  
S??-S??        1 Button Fatalities  
GKK-?YY        Dark Kombat  
G?M-?GK        Galaga  
RDR-DDD        Player 1 at 1/4 energy  
DDD-RDR        Player 2 at 1/4 life  
D33-DDD        Player 1 at 1/2 energy  
DDD-D33        Player 2 at 1/2 life  
YKY-YKY        No Fear Kombat  
RYY-RYY        No Kombos  
3SD-DDD        Player 1 does 1/2 damage  
3SD-3SD        Inflict 1/2 damage  
DDD-3SD        Player 2 does 1/2 damage  
GKK-?33        Fast Uppercut recovery  
3YM-RKS        Super Run Jumps  
GKK-GKK        Fast Uppercut Recover  
??S-??S        Invisibility  
LLL-LLG        No Special Moves!  
DMY-DMY        Auto Health Recover  
YYM-LLR        Uppercut to next level  
?GD-?GD        Switcheroo  
SKS-KSK        Auto Tourney  
MSM-MSM        Hyper Fighting  
MYD-MYD        View Credits  
?GD-?GD        Random Selection of opponent  
SKR-GGG        Flippers Message  
SKR-GLL        Play Slots  
MY3-SYG        "There is no knowledge that is not power"  
SKL-MYL        Pyscho Kombat: Dark, random, no blocks, recovery
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