Game Genie Code

Metal Combat: Falcon’s Revenge



Metal Combat: Falcon’s Revenge (SNES) – List of Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

Graduated from Bootcamp
Complete the training
Defeated the Garam 2
Defeat Guido and his Garam 2
Bested the Garam 2
Defeat Guido and his Garam 2 without taking damage.
Defeated the Siamang
Defeat Chada and his Siamang
Bested the Siamang
Defeat Chada and his Siamang without taking damage.
Defeated the Wong
Defeat Dayan and his Wong
Bested the Wong
Defeat Dayan and his Wong without taking damage.
Defeated the Griffin
Defeat Orusoh and his Griffin
Bested the Griffin
Defeat Orusoh and his Griffin without taking damage.
Defeated the Viscount
Defeat Carlos and his Viscount
Bested the Viscount
Defeat Carlos and his Viscount without taking damage.
Defeated the Thanatos
Defeat Anubus and his Thanatos
Bested the Thanatos
Defeat Anubus and his Thanatos without taking damage.
Defeated the Arachus
Defeat Dampe and his Arachus
Bested the Arachus
Defeat Dampe and his Arachus without taking damage.
Defeated the Cobra
Defeat Zephyr and his Cobra
Bested the Cobra
Defeat Zephyr and his Cobra without taking damage.
Defeated the Groken
Defeat Pamela and her Groken
Bested the Groken
Defeat Pamela and her Groken without taking damage.
Defeated the Virvius 1
Defeat the REAL Anubis and his Virvius 1
Bested the Virvius 1
Defeat the REAL Anubis and his Virvius 1 without taking damage.
Defeated the Virvius 2
Defeat the REAL Anubis and his Virvius 2
Bested the Virvius 2
Defeat the REAL Anubis and his Virvius 2 without taking damage.
Defeated the Giga-Desp 1
Defeat the Typhon and his Giga-Desp 1
Bested the Giga-Desp 1
Defeat the Typhon and his Giga-Desp 1 without taking damage.
Defeated the Giga-Desp 2 and save Earth
Defeat the Typhon and his Giga-Desp 2 and Save Earth
Bested the Giga-Desp 2
Defeat the Typhon and his Giga-Desp 2 without taking damage.
There Will Be No Sacrifice!
Refuse to sacrifice Rola and save her
Too Close For Comfort
Win a battle when your HP is at critial levels.
Better Save These For Later
Have 5 bombs
Who Needs Bombs Anyway?
Beat the game with 5 bombs is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Change Name
Press L, A, B, L at the Title Screen. Change the default name (Partner) and press Start to begin game play.

Change Difficulty
Complete the game and view the ending credits. In any subsequent game, press B, A, L(2) at the Title Screen. The screen will change colors to confirm correct code entry. Begin another game to access a menu that will allow difficulty to be set to low, medium, or high.

Delete All Saved Game Data
Press Up(2), Down(2), L, R, L, R at the Title Screen.

Delete Standings Data
Press L, R, L, R at the Title Screen to display the data clear screen.

Demonstration Mode
Hold Right.

Fight as ST Tornado
Complete normal training and reset the game. Press B, A, B, Y at the Title Screen. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Select “No”, when prompted to continue, to fight as Falcon or Tornado.

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