Game Genie Code

Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow - Achievements


Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (SNES) – List of Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

Mojo Mansion
Complete the Level 1: Mojo Mansion
The Ninja Training Grounds
Complete the Level 2: The Ninja Training Grounds
Muddrake Mayhem
Complete the Level 3: Muddrake Mayhem
Sacrifice of Maui
Complete the Level 4: Sacrifice of Maui
The Test of Duckhood
Complete the Level 5: The Test of Duckhood
The Flying Duckman
Complete the Level 6: The Flying Duckman
The Realm of the Dead
Complete the Level 7: The Realm of the Dead
The Mojo Stronghold
Complete the Level 8: The Mojo Stronghold and finish the game
Maui Island
From the beginning, finish the game on Hard (no password, unlock after credits)
Mojo Mansion – Loot I
Collect all loots in “Level 1: Stage 1”
Mojo Mansion – Loot II
Collect all loots in “Level 1: Stage 2”
Mojo Mansion – Loot III
Collect all loots in “Level 1: Stage 3”
Mojo Mansion – Loot IV
Collect all loots in “Level 1: Stage 4”
Mojo Mansion – Looter Duck
Collecting all the treasures in level 1 without dying on Hard
Giant Metal Spider – Boss
Defeat the Giant Metal Spider without taking damage in Level 1 on Hard
Mojo Mansion – Babaluau Baby
Complete Bonus 1 and get the password
Mojo Mansion – Babaluau Duck
Complete Bonus 1 with 0:50 or more seconds left
The Ninja Training Grounds – Loot I
Collect all loots in “Level 2: Stage 1”
The Ninja Training Grounds – Loot II
Collect all loots in “Level 2: Stage 2”
The Ninja Training Grounds – Loot III
Collect all loots in “Level 2: Stage 3”
The Ninja Training Grounds – Looter Duck
Collecting all the treasures in level 2 without dying on Hard
Shuriken – Boss
Defeat Shuriken without taking damage in Level 2 on Hard
The Ninja Training Grounds – Babaluau Baby
Complete Bonus 2 and get the password
The Ninja Training Grounds – Babaluau Duck
Complete Bonus 2 with 0:50 or more seconds left
Muddrake Mayhem – Loot I
Collect all loots in “Level 3: Stage 1”
Muddrake Mayhem – Loot II
Collect all loots in “Level 3: Stage 2”
Muddrake Mayhem – Loot III
Collect all loots in “Level 3: Stage 3”
Muddrake Mayhem – Looter Duck
Collecting all the treasures in level 3 without dying on Hard
MudDrake Gladiator – Boss
Defeat MudDrake Gladiator without taking damage in Level 3 on Hard
Muddrake Mayhem – Babaluau Baby
Complete Bonus 3 and get the password
Muddrake Mayhem – Babaluau Duck
Complete Bonus 3 with 0:50 or more seconds left
Sacrifice of Maui – Loot I
Collect all loots in “Level 4: Stage 1”
Sacrifice of Maui – Loot II
Collect all loots in “Level 4: Stage 2”
Sacrifice of Maui – Loot III
Collect all loots in “Level 4: Stage 3”
Sacrifice of Maui – Looter Duck
Collecting all the treasures in level 4 without dying two times on Hard
Lava Quack – Boss
Defeat Lava Boss without taking damage in Level 4 on Hard
Sacrifice of Maui – Babaluau Baby
Complete Bonus 4 and get the password
Sacrifice of Maui – Babaluau Duck
Complete Bonus 4 with 0:50 or more seconds left
The Test of Duckhood – Loot I
Collect all loots in “Level 5: Stage 1”
The Test of Duckhood – Loot II
Collect all loots in “Level 5: Stage 2”
The Test of Duckhood – Loot III
Collect all loots in “Level 5: Stage 3”
The Test of Duckhood – Loot IV
Collect all loots in “Level 5: Stage 4”
The Test of Duckhood – Looter Duck
Collecting all the treasures in level 5 without dying on Hard
Frog God – Boss
Defeat Frog God without taking damage in Level 5 on Hard
The Test of Duckhood – Babaluau Baby
Complete Bonus 5 and get the password
The Test of Duckhood – Babaluau Duck
Complete Bonus 5 with 0:50 or more seconds left
The Flying Duckman – Loot I
Collect all loots in “Level 6: Stage 1”
The Flying Duckman – Loot II
Collect all loots in “Level 6: Stage 2”
The Flying Duckman – Looter Duck
Collecting all the treasures in level 6 without dying two times on Hard
Pirate Head – Boss
Defeat Pirate Head without taking damage in Level 6 on Hard
The Flying Duckman – Babaluau Baby
Complete Bonus 6 and get the password
The Flying Duckman – Babaluau Duck
Complete Bonus 6 with 0:50 or more seconds left
The Realm of the Dead – Loot I
Collect all loots in “Level 7: Stage 1”
The Realm of the Dead – Loot II
Collect all loots in “Level 7: Stage 2”
The Realm of the Dead – Looter Duck
Collecting all the treasures in level 7 without dying on Hard
The Realm of the Dead – Babaluau Baby
Complete Bonus 7 and get the password
The Realm of the Dead – Babaluau Duck
Complete Bonus 7 with 0:50 or more seconds left
Witch Doctor – Boss
Defeat Witch Doctor without taking damage in Level 8 on Hard
Mighty Duck
From the beginning, finish the game without dying on Hard
Two little ducks in the lake
Get at least 22 lives or more while playing
Mojo Doll
Get at least 6 continues or more while playing is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

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