Game Genie Code

Mario is Missing!



Mario is Missing! (SNES) – List of Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

Mama Luigi!
Reunite Luigi and Yoshi.
Second Floor
Make it to the Second Floor of Bowser’s Castle. (No Passwords)
Third Floor
Make it to the Third Floor of Bowser’s Castle. (No Passwords)
Mario is Saved!
Complete the Game. (No Passwords)
A Souvenir!
Make a photo of a showplace.
Tourist in Athens
Find all informations about Athens, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Cleaned Athens
Kill all Koopas in Athens, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Tourist in Beijing
Find all informations about Beijing, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Cleaned Beijing
Kill all Koopas in Beijing, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Tourist in Buenos Aires
Find all informations about Buenos Aires, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Cleaned Buenos Aires
Kill all Koopas in Buenos Aires, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Tourist in Cairo
Find all informations about Cairo, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Cleaned Cairo
Kill all Koopas in Cairo, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Tourist in London
Find all informations about London, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Cleaned London
Kill all Koopas in London, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Tourist in Mexico City
Find all informations about Mexico City, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Cleaned Mexico City
Kill all Koopas in Mexico City, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Tourist in Moscow
Find all informations about Moscow, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Cleaned Moscow
Kill all Koopas in Moscow, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Tourist in Nairobi
Find all informations about Nairobi, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Cleaned Nairobi
Kill all Koopas in Nairobi, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Tourist in New York City
Find all informations about New York City, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Cleaned New York City
Kill all Koopas in New York City, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Tourist in Paris
Find all informations about Paris, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Cleaned Paris
Kill all Koopas in Paris, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Tourist in Rio de Janeiro
Find all informations about Rio de Janeiro, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Cleaned Rio de Janeiro
Kill all Koopas in Rio de Janeiro, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Tourist in Rome
Find all informations about Rome, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Cleaned Rome
Kill all Koopas in Rome, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Tourist in San Francisco
Find all informations about San Francisco, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Cleaned San Francisco
Kill all Koopas in San Francisco, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Tourist in Sydney
Find all informations about Sydney, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Cleaned Sydney
Kill all Koopas in Sydney, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Tourist in Tokyo
Find all informations about Tokyo, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Cleaned Tokyo
Kill all Koopas in Tokyo, bring back all artifacts and leave the location.
Great Vacations
Make a photo of every showplace. is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

Action Replay Codes [US]

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Mario is Missing! on Super Nintendo (SNES).

These codes are for the U.S. version of the game.

  • Use Computer To View Pamphlets On Any Artifact
    Note: No checks appear on computer.
  • Always Get Yoshi After Using Globulator
  • Pick Up One Artifact And Get All Three
  • Talk To Someone Once To Learn All They Know
    Note: All 4 checks appear on computer for that person.
  • Use Computer To Access Any Facts Except Pamphlets
    Note: No checks appear on computer.

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Face Final Boss
Enter ZPF*M86 as a password.


    The first column is the password to the first room, the second column is the password to the second room and the third column is the password to the third room for each respective door.
  • First Door: PVV23CZ | CX746YF | DWV6P78
  • Second Door: FCBSB6W | NBGR6CF | PCD1384
  • Third Door: YHYAMLZ | XIKRN4X | DJ49LZ3
  • Fourth Door: Y4MOPFW | X**KLDK | D9FKPTR
  • Fifth Door: G5F96CX | S48O5N4 | TTMGMQM

Game Genie Codes

The following are known Game Genie Codes for Mario is Missing! on Super Nintendo (SNES).

  • Talk To Someone Once To Learn All They Know (All 4 Checks Appear On Computer For That Person)
  • Use Computer To Access Any Facts Except Pamphlets (No Checks Appear On Computer)
  • Use Computer To View Pamphlets On Any Artifact (No Checks Appear On Computer)
  • Always Get Yoshi After Using Globulator
  • Pick Up One Artifact And Get All Three
  • Leave Level As Soon As You Enter To Complete Level
    Note: You do not need Yoshi if you enter the pipe as soon as you come out of it.

Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay) [EU / US]

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Mario is Missing! on Super Nintendo (SNES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 5 

cheat0_desc = "Use Computer To View Pamphlets On Any Artifact"
cheat0_code = "80B5DF80"
cheat0_enable = false 

cheat1_desc = "Always Get Yoshi After Using Globulator"
cheat1_code = "80F80101"
cheat1_enable = false 

cheat2_desc = "Pick Up One Artifact And Get All Three"
cheat2_code = "80B4FFA9+80B500FF+80B501EA"
cheat2_enable = false 

cheat3_desc = "Talk To Someone Once To Learn All They Know"
cheat3_code = "80B50CA9+80B50DFF+80B50EEA"
cheat3_enable = false 

cheat4_desc = "Use Computer To Access Any Facts Except Pamphlets"
cheat4_code = "80B60B80+80B64D00+80B67800"
cheat4_enable = false 
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