Game Genie Code

Krusty’s Super Fun House



Krusty’s Super Fun House (SNES) – List of Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

Fun House Lobby 1-01
1-01 is on the upper level, far left.
Fun House Lobby 1-02
1-02 is on the upper level, in the middle.
Fun House Lobby 1-03
1-03 is on the upper level, far right.
Fun House Lobby 1-04
1-04 is on the bottom level, far right.
Breaking Down the Wall
Kick the magic block in Level 1-04 to unlock 1-07.
Fun House Lobby 1-05
1-05 is on the bottom level, in the middle.
Fun House Lobby 1-06
1-06 is on the bottom level, far left.
Fun House Lobby 1-07
1-07 is behind the wall unlocked via 1-04.
World 01 Complete
Finish 1-08 and head to the exit to receive your password.
Krusty Water Works 2-01
2-01 is on the bottom floor, far right.
Krusty Water Works 2-02
2-02 is on the bottom level, in the middle.
Super Krusty Bros Plumbing Services
Kick the magic block in Level 2-02 to unlock the pipe.
Krusty Water Works 2-03
2-03 is on the bottom level, on the left.
Krusty Water Works 2-04
2-04 is in the middle of World 2.
Krusty Water Works 2-05
2-05 is on the unlocked pipe, left door.
Krusty Water Works 2-06
2-06 is on the unlocked pipe, middle door.
Krusty Water Works 2-07
2-07 is on the unlocked pipe, right door.
Krusty Water Works 2-08
2-08 is on the upper-left level, right door.
Krusty Water Works 2-09
2-09 is on the upper-left level, left door.
World 02 Complete
Finish 2-10 and head to the exit to receive your password.
Carnival Caper 3-01
3-01 is on the immediate left.
Carnival Caper 3-02
3-02 is on the lower left of World 3.
Carnival Caper 3-03
3-03 is beneath the World 3 entrance.
Carnival Caper 3-04
3-04 is the first door above 3-03.
Carnival Caper 3-05
3-05 is on the first upper level, left door.
Acute Coulrophobia
Kick the magic block in Level 3-05 to unlock 3-07.
Carnival Caper 3-06
3-06 is on the first upper level, right door.
Carnival Caper 3-07
3-07 is beneath 3-04 and is unlocked from 3-05.
Carnival Caper 3-08
3-08 is on the second lower level, left door.
Hiding Under the Bed
Kick the magic block in 3-08 to unlock 3-10.
Carnival Caper 3-09
3-09 is on the second lower level, right door.
Carnival Caper 3-10
3-10 is beneath 3-06 and is unlocked in 3-08.
Carnival Caper 3-11
3-11 is on the far right of World 3.
Hiding Behind the Curtains
Kick the magic block in Level 3-11.
Carnival Caper 3-12
3-12 is on the second upper level, left door.
Carnival Caper 3-13
3-13 is on the second upper level, right door.
World 03 Complete
Finish 3-14 and head to the exit to receive your password.
Clown Cellar 4-01
4-01 is immediately right of the entrance.
Clown Cellar 4-02
4-02 is directly beneath 4-01.
Clown Cellar 4-03
4-03 is immediately left of 4-02.
Clown Cellar 4-04
4-04 is at the far left and bottom of World 4.
Clown Cellar 4-05
4-05 is on the bottom level, to the right of 4-04.
Clown Cellar 4-06
4-06 is immediately to the right of 4-05.
Clown Cellar 4-07
4-07 is up the stairs right from 4-06.
Krusty’s Amontillado!
Kick the magic block in Level 4-07 to unlock 4-08.
Clown Cellar 4-08
4-08 is across the gap left of 4-07.
Clown Cellar 4-09
4-09 is immediately right of 4-07.
Clown Cellar 4-10
4-10 is immediately right of 4-09.
Dark Secrets of the Underground
Kick the magic block in Level 4-10 to unlock 4-11.
Clown Cellar 4-11
4-11 is underneath on the far right.
Skeletons in Krusty’s Closet
Kick the magic block in Level 4-11 to unlock 4-12.
Clown Cellar 4-12
4-12 is underneath in the middle.
Comic Book Guy’s Room
Kick the magic block in Level 4-12 to unlock 4-13.
Clown Cellar 4-13
4-13 is underneath on the far left.
World 04 Complete
Finish 4-14 and head to the exit to receive your password.
Pierrot Atrium 5-01
5-01 is right next to the entrance.
Pierrot Atrium 5-02
5-02 is just beneath 5-01.
Pierrot Atrium 5-03
5-03 is to the right of 5-02 after a staircase.
Pierrot Atrium 5-04
5-04 is just below 5-03.
Pierrot Atrium 5-05
5-05 is just above 5-03.
Pierrot Atrium 5-06
5-06 is just to the right of 5-05 and 5-03.
Pierrot Atrium 5-07
5-07 is right beneath 5-06.
Pierrot Atrium 5-08
5-08 is beneath the locked door of 5-14.
Heeeere’s Krusty!
Kick the magic block in Level 5-08 to unlock 5-10.
Pierrot Atrium 5-09
5-09 is way up above the locked door, 5-14.
Pierrot Atrium 5-10
5-10 is right and above 5-08.
Krusty Kancels the Wall
Kick the magic block in Level 5-10 to unlock 5-11.
Pierrot Atrium 5-11
5-11 is just to the right of 5-10.
Golden Joystick Award
Kick the magic block in Level 5-11 to unlock the last two levels.
Pierrot Atrium 5-12
5-12 is just below 5-10.
Pierrot Atrium 5-13
5-13 is all the way to the bottom right of World 5.
Send Off The Clowns
Complete 5-14 AND head to the exit of Krusty’s Fun House!
Itchy and Scratchy’s 9 Lives
Obtain the maximum amount of nine lives.
Krusty the Lounge Rat
Complete World 1 without losing a life.
Krusty the Sewer Rat
Complete World 2 without losing a life.
Krusty the Circus Clown … Clown
Complete World 3 without losing a life.
Krusty the Pennywise
Complete World 4 without losing a life.
Krusty the Entrepreneur
Complete World 5 without losing a life.
Krusty’s Bag of Tricks
Get 25,000 points at any time.
How About a Nice Cup of 50,000 Points
Get 50,000 points at any time.
100,000 Krusty Burgers
Get 100,000 points at any time.
Honkers Gonna Honk
Get 250,000 Points at any time. is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Cheat Mode
Enter _JOSHUA_ as a password, where “_” indicates a space. This allows all rooms to be accessed, unlimited lives, and pies/balls to be refilled by pressing L + R.

Level Passwords

  • Level 2: BARTMAN
  • Level 3: SMITHERS
  • Level 4: SNOWBALL
  • Level 5: JEBEDIAH

Game Genie Codes

The following are known Game Genie Codes for Krusty’s Super Fun House on Super Nintendo (SNES).

  • Start With Section 1 Finished
  • Start With Section 2 Finished
  • Start With Section 3 Finished
  • Start With Section 4 Finished
  • Start With Access To All Sections
  • Start With 1 Life Instead Of 3
  • Start With 2 Lives
  • Start With 5 Lives
  • Start With 7 Lives
  • Start With 9 Lives
  • Infinite Lives
  • Start With 0 Custard Pies
  • Start With 2 Custard Pies
  • Start With 5 Custard Pies
  • Start With 2 Superballs Instead Of 10 Custard Pies
  • Start With 5 Superballs
  • Start With 10 Superballs
  • Custard Pie Bonus Worth 2 Pies Instead Of 10
  • Custard Pie Bonus Worth 5 Pies
  • Custard Pie Bonus Same As Superball Bonus
    Note: Do not use this code with the next code or the game will freeze.
  • Superball Bonus Same As Custard Pie Bonus
    Note: Do not use this code with the previous code or the game will freeze.
  • Superball Bonus Worth 2 Balls Instead Of 5
  • Superball Bonus Worth 10 Balls
  • Infinite Custard Pies
  • Infinite Superballs
  • Food Bonuses Restore Less Strength
  • Food Bonuses Restore More Strength
  • Food Bonuses Restore Krusty To Full Strength
  • Food Bonuses Also Get Custard Pie Bonus
  • Food Bonuses Also Get Superball Bonus
  • Doll Bonus Same As Custard Pie Bonus
  • Doll Bonus Same As Superball Bonus
  • Doll Bonus Same As Food Bonus
  • Krusty Invincibility
  • Krusty Jumps Higher
  • Krusty Jumps Much Higher

Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay) [EU / US]

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Krusty’s Super Fun House on Super Nintendo (SNES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 15 

cheat0_desc = "Unlimited Krusties"
cheat0_code = "7E11A303"
cheat0_enable = false 

cheat1_desc = "Start With 10 Superballs"
cheat1_code = "0088A301"
cheat1_enable = false 

cheat2_desc = "Infinite Lives"
cheat2_code = "008D77AD"
cheat2_enable = false 

cheat3_desc = "Krusty Invincibility"
cheat3_code = "00D972B3"
cheat3_enable = false 

cheat4_desc = "Krusty Jumps Much Higher"
cheat4_code = "00E8A508"
cheat4_enable = false 

cheat5_desc = "Food Bonuses Restore Krusty To Full Strength"
cheat5_code = "00EDF963"
cheat5_enable = false 

cheat6_desc = "Infinite Custard Pies"
cheat6_code = "00F06CA6"
cheat6_enable = false 

cheat7_desc = "Infinite Superballs"
cheat7_code = "00F0DEA6"
cheat7_enable = false 

cheat8_desc = "Start With Access To All Sections"
cheat8_code = "00867C04+00867D80+00867E05"
cheat8_enable = false 

cheat9_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat9_code = "7E11A4FF"
cheat9_enable = false 

cheat10_desc = "Set Score To 990k"
cheat10_code = "7E11A099"
cheat10_enable = false 

cheat11_desc = "Always Have A Puzzle Block In Inventory"
cheat11_code = "7E032501"
cheat11_enable = false 

cheat12_desc = "Infinite Krusty Pies"
cheat12_code = "7E032C0A"
cheat12_enable = false 

cheat13_desc = "Invincible"
cheat13_code = "7E0D86FF"
cheat13_enable = false 

cheat14_desc = "Switch F/X On To Float"
cheat14_code = "7E030FFE"
cheat14_enable = false 
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