Game Genie Code

Kirby’s Dream Land 3 - Achievements


Kirby’s Dream Land 3 (SNES) – List of Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

Star Collector
Get 1UP for collecting star pieces
Jump for your life!
Get 1UP in the jumping minigame
Cut the salad
Become Cutter Kirby
Hotter than tabasco
Become Burning Kirby
Who needs light?
Become Spark Kirby
Become Needle Kirby
Become Stone Kirby
Free Refrigerator
Become Ice Kirby
Cover from the rain
Become Parasol Kirby
Cleaner than ever
Become Clean Kirby
Invincible Monster
Eat an Invincibility Lollipop
Whispy Woods Bested
Defeat Whispy as Burning Kirby with full health
Grass Land Completed
Get all Heart Star’s in Grass Land
Let’s Have a Picnic!
Complete Level 1 – Grass Land
Acro Bested
Defeat Acro as Ice Kirby with full health
Ripple Field Completed
Get all Heart Star’s in Ripple Field
Swimming Much?
Complete Level 2 – Ripple Field
PonCon Bested
Defeat PonCon as Clean Kirby with full health
Sand Canyon Completed
Get all Heart Star’s in Sand Canyon
Are you thirsty?
Complete Level 3 – Sand Canyon
ADO Bested
Defeat ADO as Parasol Kirby with full health
Cloudy Park Completed
Get all Heart Star’s in Cloudy Park
Fly Higher!
Complete Level 4 – Cloudy Park
King Dedede Bested
Defeat Dedede as Spark Kirby with full health
Iceberg Completed
Get all Heart Star’s in Iceberg
Is this the end?
Win the game!
Too cold for me!
Complete Level 5 – Iceberg
Zero Bested
Defeat Zero with full health
Game Completed
Beat Zero and unlock Boss Butch
Land where I want
Jump perfectly 10 times in Jumping Sub-Game
Star Warrior
Win Boss Butch
Game Master
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