Game Genie Code

Kirby Super Star - Achievements


Kirby Super Star (SNES) – List of Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

Like A Gentle Breeze
Complete Spring Breeze.
Classic Kirby
Complete Spring Breeze without abilities or helpers. [New Game]
Hungriest Runner
Win all three races in the Gourmet Race Grand Prix.
Speed Eater
Win Gourmet Race Grand Prix in under 2 minutes.
Bye Bye Birdy
Complete Dynablade.
Secrets Can’t Save You Now
Complete Dynablade without abilities or helpers. [New Game]
Dr. Kirby, I Presume?
Find all the treasure in The Great Cave Offensive.
Back On Solid Ground
Complete The Great Cave Offensive.
The Great Cave Defensive
Complete The Great Cave Offensive without dying. [New Game]
I Work Alone
Complete The Great Cave Offensive without abilities or helpers. [New Game]
Enter The Collector
Collect all the abilities in Milky Way Wishes.
Balance Restored…?
Complete Milky Way Wishes.
On An Ability Diet
Complete Milky Way Wishes without collecting a single permanent ability.
What A Meta-Knightmare
Complete Revenge of Meta-Knight.
The Arena
Unlock and find The Arena in the main menu.
Jamming Out
Complete The Arena and unlock the sound test.
Tomato Free
Beat The Arena without healing.
The Pink Blur
Complete The Arena in less than 9 minutes.
The Iron Stub
Complete Megaton Punch on Level 3.
The Day Pop Star Cracked
Get the highest score possible in Megaton Punch.
The Seventh Kirby
Beat any opponent in Samurai Kirby in 2 frames or under.
Kusanagi Expert
Complete Samurai Kirby on Expert.
My Pal
Get a helper.
Shaken, Not Stirred
Play the ability roulette.
RNG Surprise!
Turn into the Mario OR Samus stone statue when using the stone ability.
Made It, Ma! Top Of The World!
Stand on top of Whispy Wood. [Spring Breeze]
Over Before It Began
Defeat Lololo and Lalala in one move, without helpers. [Spring Breeze]
Louder Than Thunder
Defeat Kracko with a loud scream, without helpers. [Spring Breeze]
Dyna Delightful Secret
Find the 1st secret level in Dynablade.
Of Secret Blades And Secret Rooms
Find the 2nd secret level in Dynablade.
Kirby 747 Meets Roadkill
Defeat Dynablade with the Jet ability. [Dynablade]
You Hid Those?
Find Mace-Knight’s hidden tomato stash. [Chapter 6]
No Honour
Defeat Meta-Knight without the Sword ability. [Revenge of Meta-Knight]
Take the easy way out and defeat Waddle-Doo in one move. [The Arena]
Splish Splosh Splish Splosh, I Want To Paint A Picture
Collect the Paint ability.
Phaser Set To Stun
Collect the Beam ability.
Choppy Chop Chop
Collect the Cutter ability.
PK Yoyo
Collect the Yoyo ability.
Silent, Deadly, and Weightless
Collect the Ninja ability.
Wind Beneath my Wings
Collect the Wing ability.
Collect the Fighter ability.
Fly Me To The Danger Zone
Collect the Jet ability.
Hero of Dreamland
Collect the Sword ability.
Running a Fever
Collect the Fire ability.
Between A Puffball and a Hard Place
Collect the Stone ability.
You Da Bomb!
Collect the Bomb ability.
Kirby SSJ 2
Collect the Plasma ability.
Collect the Wheel ability.
Never Melt Kirby
Collect the Ice ability.
Who Is The Fairest Kirby Of Them All?
Collect the Mirror ability.
Will The Real Kirby Please Stand Up?
Collect the Copy ability.
It’s Gonna Be A Slobberknocker!
Collect the Suplex ability.
Hammer Time
Collect the Hammer ability.
Singing In The Rain
Collect the Parasol ability.
Grammy Award Winner
Collect the Mike ability.
Just 5 More Minutes
Collect the Sleep ability.
Tonight’s Secret Ingredient Is…
Collect the Cook ability.
Let the Bodies Hit the Floor
Collect the Crash ability. is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

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