Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

Clear Stage 1 (Normal or Hard)

Clear Stage 2 (Normal or Hard)

Clear Stage 3 (Normal or Hard)

Clear Stage 4 (Normal or Hard)

Clear Stage 5 (Normal or Hard)

Clear Stage 6 (Normal or Hard)

Clear Stage 7 (Normal or Hard)

Clear Stage 8 (Normal or Hard)

Clear Stage 9 (Normal or Hard)

Clear Stage 10 (Normal or Hard)

Clear Stage 11 (Normal or Hard)

Clear Stage 12 (Normal or Hard)

Defeat the T-Rex in Stage 1 Without Taking Damage (Normal or Hard)

Defeat the Man-Eater Plant in Stage 2 Without Taking Damage (Normal or Hard)

Defeat the Green Pterodactyl in Stage 3 Without Taking Damage (Normal or Hard)

Defeat the Pack of Ichthyosaurs in Stage 4 Without Taking Damage (Normal or Har

Defeat the Elasmosaurus in Stage 5 Without Taking Damage (Normal or Hard)

Defeat the Mammoth in Stage 6 Without Taking Damage (Normal or Hard)

Defeat the Red Pterodactyl in Stage 7 Without Taking Damage (Normal or Hard)

Defeat the T-Rex in Stage 8 Without Taking Damage (Normal or Hard)

Defeat the Ankylosaurus in Stage 9 Without Taking Damage (Normal or Hard)

Defeat Skullo in Stage 10 Without Taking Damage (Normal or Hard)

Defeat the T-Rex in Stage 11 Without Taking Damage (Normal or Hard)

Defeat the Devil in Stage 12 Without Taking Damage (Normal or Hard)

Complete the Game on Hard Mode

Unlock and Play Bonus Stage 1

Unlock and Play Bonus Stage 2

Unlock and Play Bonus Stage 3

Unlock and Play Bonus Stage 4

Unlock and Play Bonus Stage 5

Find the Hidden Stage in Stage 1

Find the Hidden Stage in Stage 2

Find the Hidden Stage in Stage 4

Find the Hidden Stage in Stage 8

Find the Hidden Stage in Stage 9

Find the Hidden Stage in Stage 10

Score 50,000 Points
RetroAchievements.org is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!
Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks
Replay Level
Press Start, Select to play a level that already has been completed.
Bonus Levels
Kill all the small dinosaurs before cracking the red egg in the middle of level 8. A bonus level will begin where your weapon may be powered up. The bonus level also contains a key that allows entry to the blue dots on the map. Another red egg that leads to a bonus level is at the beginning of Level 9.
Continue at Dinosaur in Final Level
If you lose a life inside the dinosaur, select “Yes” to continue. The map with the last continue location will appear. Begin game play at that location, then press Start, Select. The game will resume inside the dinosaur.
Maximum Lives
Return to a level that contains an extra life after completing it once. Take the extra life and press Start, Select to end the level. Repeat this procedure to accumulate extra lives.
Game Genie Codes
The following are known Game Genie Codes for Joe and Mac on Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).- Infinite Lives
DD36-D40D - Infinite Energy
2BBA-64D7 - All Food Fully Restores Energy
DDE0-0F6F - Start With 2 Lives
DFC8-6464 - Start With 6 Lives
D9C8-6464 - Start With 10 Lives
DBC8-6464 - No Keys Required to Open Locks
8936-D708 - Explore Full Map When Starting a New Game