Game Genie Code

Final Fantasy III



Final Fantasy III (SNES) – List of Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

The Approach on Narshe
Watch the snowfield scene without skipping
Destroy Whelk’s armored shell
The first of many
Semantic Nonsense
Steal a MithrilKnife while protecting Terra in the Caves of Narshe
Every little thing she does is Magic
Trigger a hidden scene shortly after escaping Figaro Castle
To the Horizons
Ride a Chocobo on the World Map
Perform AuraBolt
Stubborn Girl
Refuse Banon’s offer three times
River Rats
Spending TOO MUCH TIME on the Lete River
Seafood Soup
Turn up the heat on your first encounter with Ultros
What the-?!?
Make Banon ride a chocobo
May I have this dance?
Get in the way of Cyan’s fury
Have two Ghosts in your party at once
Perform a Suplex on the GhostTrain
Deliver all the letters and items on behalf of the wounded soldier in Mobliz and receive the Tintinabulum.
No, really! I’m not a thief!
Negotiate Locke’s scenario without stealing any clothes (no guard clipping)
Steal Air Lancet from TunnelArmr, never use Runic, and win in Locke’s scenario
Covert Strike Team
Engage in only one battle during Kefka’s raid on Narshe
Friday the 13th
Split an enemy in two with the chainsaw
Photographic Memory
Perform without reviewing the script
Hey – who turned out the lights?
Switch off the lights at the Opera House
World’s Worst Stage Hand
At the Opera House, waste time with the three left switches before flipping the right switch
Drop in on the audience (or stage)
Rat Race
Rats in the rafters – kill as many as you can!
Flawless performance on opening night at the Opera House
Pacifism in the Pit
Find a way to escape the battle with Ifrit and Shiva
The Tempest
Steal a Tempest from Number 128
The World is Yours
Pilot the Airship for the first time
Hanging by a Pom-pom
Choose to rescue Mog
Defeat Intangir in his homeland, no instant death moves, no dances
Chivalry is Undead
Have Zombie Cyan escort Terra through ‘The Cave to the Sealed Gate’
Master Philanthropist
Max out Emperor Gestahl’s favor during the banquet
Psychic Flame
Defeat FireEater by draining away its Magic Points
And Finally … Peace
A happy ending
The Decisive Battle
Steal a Ribbon from and defeat AtmaWeapon, no instant death moves
This is the End
Reach the second world
The Cold Embrace of Death
A dramatic moment
Choose Life
A healthy fish diet
Child Endangerment
Collect every treasure from the collapsing house and escape
Edgar’s ‘interests’
Celes is Seized by Tentacles, and Edgar decides to snap a picture
Super Bouncy Doom
Use nothing but Super Balls against Dullahan and win
Kuku’s Treasures
Find Kuku’s Charm and Ribbon she left behind for Mog
Avenging Vicks and Wedge
Defeat Tritoch, no instant death moves
Hold onto your butts…
Defeat Brachosaur, no instant death moves
Minerva Twins
Defeat Phunbaba’s final form using only Celes and Terra, no instant death moves
I Work Alone
Have Shadow rescue Relm, alone
Step Aside, Gramps!
Solo Hidon using only Relm, no instant death moves
Espers in the Dreamscape
Using nothing but Magicite, slay all three Dream Stooges
Throne Retained
Defeat Wrexsoul and win a Pod Bracelet
Alone in the Dark
Solo Master Pug using only Gau, no instant death moves
Samurai Showdown
Steal from and defeat KatanaSoul, no instant death moves
Transform Odin into Raiden
Psychic Vampires
Defeat MagiMaster by draining away his Magic Points
Shielded from View
Find the well-hidden Aegis Shield in Kefka’s Tower
Use Runic to counter Atma’s Ultima
Goddess of Darkness
Steal a Red Jacket from and defeat Poltergeist, no instant death moves
Defeat Doom and learn Forcefield, no instant death moves
Goddess of Light
Defeat Goddess, no instant death moves
So Long and Thanks for All the Fish
Clear the game with all the fish!
Clear the game with no character exceeding level 30
Custom Background
I guess default’s not good enough for you
Gotta Dash
Equip Sprint Shoes on any character
Have Strago and Relm wear Tabby, Chocobo, Moogle, Nutkin, or Behemoth suits
Mascot Relm
Have Relm dress up in a Moogle Suit
Double Dragoon
Equip DragoonBoots and Dragon Horns on Edgar and Mog at once
Gender Crisis
Recruit Gogo
The Abominable Comrade
Recruit Umaro
You Are Not Alone
Recruit every character
The Coin Toss
Witness a hidden scene that reveals Edgar and Sabin’s past
Forever Rachel
Witness a hidden scene that reveals Locke’s past
Repairing the Airship
Witness a hidden scene that reveals Setzer’s past
What is a Man?
Witness a hidden scene that involves Gau and his father
Beyond the Shadows I
Witness Shadow’s first set of dreams
Beyond the Shadows II
Witness Relm’s dream
Win a pair of Marvel Shoes at the colosseum
Win a Cat Hood at the colosseum
Win an Illumina at the colosseum
The Master Swordsman
Defeat the true Siegfried
Blitz Expert
Perform Bum Rush
Slam Dancin’
Learn all Dances
Swordity Sword
Learn all Swordtechs
Complete Toolset
Find the Air Anchor in the Fanatics’ Tower
Elder Wisdom
Learn all Lores
Why so Serious?
Cast 7-7-7 Joker Doom
Beastlore I
Learn the Tier 1 Rages
Beastlore II
Learn the Tier 2, 3, and 4 Rages
Beastlore III
Learn the Tier 5 and 6 Rages
Learn the rarest, most elusive Rages
Patience Pays I
Earn Shadow’s eternal respect
Patience Pays II
Find a Hero Ring in the South Figaro Cave
Patience Pays III
Uncurse the Curse Shield
Power Level I
At least one character has reached level 40
Power Level II
At least one character has reached level 99
Patron Auctioneer
Win all the exclusive items at the Auction House
Dragon Slayer
Defeat the eight legendary dragons
Life, Crystalized
Collect all Magicite
None Shall Pass
Have at least one run-in with the Guardian before the final dungeon
Deplete all 55,555 HP from Doom Gaze in one encounter, and obtain Bahamut
Deal 9,999 base damage in a single attack (Final value may be reduced)
Earn 5,000,000 Gp
A Lesson in Modesty
Have someone introduce Cyan to Humpty and Dumpty
Half-Past Many
Obtain half of the clock elixirs
Elixirs of Life
Obtain all of the clock elixirs
We’re All Mad Here
Defeat the Dream Stooges with a party of three imps and full imp gear is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

Action Replay Codes

The following are known Action Replay Codes for Final Fantasy III on Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).

  • Some bosses are on the Velet
  • Instant airship
  • Sprint Shoes
  • Walk through walls anywhere in most houses, buildings or whatever. Does not work well outside in a town.
  • Leo and Kefka
  • Become Level 99 after one battle
  • No random encounters
  • Hit twice
  • Party hits twice
  • All relics, even cursed ones
  • Instant Sprint Shoes and Moggle Charm
  • Instant freeze and float
  • Always have Haste, Float and Regen
  • Everyone has a hidden Economizer (Inside of battle only)
  • Get Gold
  • Get Illumina or Ragnarok after battle depending who you fight, plus a lot of random items
  • Give items
  • All relics equipped
  • Conversion
  • Learn all spells of equipped Esper after one battle
  • Learn all spells after 1 battle
  • Learn all spells after 1 battle
  • Equip items again and again (In other words, infinite equipment)
  • Items can be used infinity
  • All items are free
  • Everyone has a hidden Economizers (Outside of battle only)
  • Tonics gives 240 HP
  • Tincture gives 240 MP
  • Terra starts with 276 HP
  • Terra starts with menu item one changed
  • Changes Terra’s Stamina
  • Start Terra with 200 HP
  • Start Terra with Man-Eater equipped
  • Start Terra with Blizzard equipped
  • Start Terra with Enhancer equipped
  • Start Terra with Excalibur equipped
  • Start Terra with Illumina equipped
  • Start Terra with Tempest equipped
  • Start Terra with Mithril Shield equipped
  • Start Terra with Gold Shield equipped
  • Start Terra with Fire Shield equipped
  • Start Terra with Ice Shield equipped
  • Start Terra with Hairband equipped
  • Start Terra with Red Cap equipped
  • Start Terra with Mystery Veil equipped
  • Start Terra with Circlet equipped
  • Start Terra with Silk Robe equipped
  • Start Terra with Mithril Vest equipped
  • Start Terra with White Dress equipped
  • Start Terra with Force Armor equipped
  • Start Terra with Genji Armor equipped
  • Terra is equiped with a Cursed Ring in relic slot 1
  • Terra is equiped with Illumina in her weapon slot
  • Start with 255 Offering relics
  • Get 99 of the item in the first item slot
  • Any item placed in the final row will have 99. You can move it and it will still have 99.
  • Get 99 of all items
  • Earn weapons
  • Items after battle
  • 34 HP for Terra
  • All weapons equipped and Gogo and Terra in the paryy at level 99
  • Have all weapons and all start at level 99 for Sabin, Terra and Gogo
  • Everyone starts at level 99
  • Everyone starts at level 99
  • 1st command
  • Speed
  • Start with Moogle Charm equipped on Terra
  • Start with Moogle Charm equipped on Terra
  • Start with 255 Offering Relics
  • Adds all Espers to your Esper List
  • Gives you 9999 HP to Character #1. Change the digits to 7A, 7B for #2, 7C, 7D for #3, and 7E, 7F for #4.
  • Sets Characters #1’s HP to multiples of 255. The way it works is if the max HP of the first person is between 1 and 255, it will be 255. If it is 256 to 511, it will be 511. If it is 512 to 767, etc… The last digits can be changed for the other 3 people. 7A, D5, F6 for #2, 7C, F5, F8 for #3, and 7E, 15, FA for #4.

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Better Starting Cyan
Assign the name “Leo” to Cyan when he appears in the game. His character will begin at Sword Tech 4 instead of 3.

Game Genie Codes

The following are known Game Genie Codes for Final Fantasy III on Super Nintendo (SNES).
  • D15C-78E5
    Start Terra With Man-Eater Equipped
  • F65C-78E5
    Start Terra With Excalibur Equipped
  • FC5C-78E5
    Start Terra With Illumina Equipped
  • FA5C-78E5
    Start Terra With Atma Equipped
  • 435C-78E5
    Start Terra With Tempest Equipped
  • D35C-78E5
    Start Terra With Blizzard Equipped
  • F75C-78E5
    Start Terra With Enhancer Equipped
  • 9A58-7675
    Start Terra With Mythril Shield Equipped
  • 9258-7675
    Start Terra With Gold Shield Equipped
  • 1F58-7675
    Start Terra With Ice Shield Equipped
  • 1D58-7675
    Start Terra With Fire Shield Equipped
  • 1C58-7655
    Start Terra With Hairband Equipped
  • 1B58-7655
    Start Terra With Leather Hat Equipped
  • 5C58-7655
    Start Terra With Circlet Equipped
  • 5B58-7655
    Start Terra With Mystery Veil Equipped
  • 5658-7655
    Start Terra With Red Cap Equipped
  • 6658-7685
    Start Terra With Silk Robe Equipped
  • 6B58-7685
    Start Terra With Mythril Vest Equipped
  • 6858-7685
    Start Terra With White Dress Equipped
  • BC58-7685
    Start Terra With Genji Armor Equipped
  • B058-7685
  • 108C-EF03 + 108C-E4A3
    All Items in Shops Are Free (You must switch off this code to sell items for GP)
  • DDA4-8767
    Party Always Has Sprint Shoes
  • ED30-E944
    Using a Tonic Heals 240 HP
  • 3CB8-5DAE
    Most Items Can Be Used Infinitely (This does not work in battle and you must switch this code off to exit the menu screen.)
  • DD97-5FDA
    Party Always Has Economizer While Not in Battle (MP Cost 1)
  • DD90-EFDB
    Party Always Has Economizer While in Battle (MP cost 1)
  • D007-8DD7
    Party Always Has Super Spring Shoes
  • CE17-77D6
    Spells Learned Faster
  • AA23-54D8
    A Lot of EXP After Battle (Obtain Level 99)
  • AA24-E7D8
    Get Items After Every Battle
  • DC2C-E4D8
    Get the Maximum Amount of Gold
  • D493-54D8
    Over 16,000 EXP Per Battle
  • D793-54D8
    ~1,000,000 EXP Per Battle.
  • AA6C-EF08
    Party Always Has Sprint Shoes
  • AAD8-EF08
    All Party Members Float, Are Affected By Stop and Have Reflect in Battles
  • DD27-E7DB
    Everyone Has Hidden Gold Hairpin (In Battle Only)
  • DD20-EFDB
    Everyone Has Hidden Econimizer (In Battle Only)
  • DD27-5FDA
    Everyone Has Hidden Econimizer (Out of Battle Only)
  • DD20-5DDA
    Everyone Has Hidden Golden Hairpin (Out of Battle Only)
  • D0A7-8DD7
    Super Sprint Shoes in Effect (Only works With Sprint Shoes equipped or with an “Always Have Sprint Shoes” code in effect.)
  • AA95-EFA8
    Randomly Selects Number of Items Gained after a Battle
  • ED3B-E5C4
    Using a Tincture Heals 240 MP
  • DFD8-EF68
    All Party Members Have Float
  • D6D8-EF68
    All Party Members Have Haste
  • D8D8-EF68
    All Party Members Have Haste, Float and Regen
  • D4D8-EF68
    All Party Members Have Reflect
  • D7D8-EF68
    All Party Members Have Regen
  • DBD8-EF68
    All Party Members Have Haste and Float
  • DCD8-EF68
    All Party Members Haste and Regen
  • 3DD8-EF68
    All Party Members Have Float and Safe
  • BDD8-EFD8
    All Party Members have Reflect and Stop
    All Party Members Have Increased HP & MP
    All Party Members Have Hidden Moogle Charm
  • D762-EF68
    Vigor, Speed, Stamina and MagPwr Becomes 255
    HP / MP Becomes 9,999 / 999 Respectively
  • CE37-77D6
    Spells Are Learned at a Rate of 10%
  • EE37-7DD6
    All Spells Are Learned After 1 Battle With Any Esper (Note the game may appear to freeze, but it will become playable after some time.)
  • EE39-7DD6
    Learn All Spells of Equipped Esper After 1 Battle
  • AA90-74DD
    Walk Through Some Walls
  • 3B24-0703 + EE39-076E + 3C39-DEA7
    Multiply GP and EXP By 1,000 After a Battle
  • AA94-E7D8 + AA94-EF08 + AA94-E4D8 + D794-E708
    Get Paladin Shields, Offerings, Gem Boxes, Econimizers and Other Items from Battles
  • 4DBE-8C88 + 3DB0-EC78
    Faster Left / Right Movement on World Map
  • 4DBB-EB88 + 3DB3-E6E8
    Faster Up / Down Movement on World Map
  • AA9B-E768 + AA9B-E708 + AA9B-E7D8 + AA9B-E7A8
    Switch Characters After a Battle

Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay) [US]

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Final Fantasy III on Super Nintendo (SNES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 30

cheat0_desc = "Player 1 Perceived Level 255 In Combat"
cheat0_code = "7E3B18FF"
cheat0_enable = false 

cheat1_desc = "Infinite Morph"
cheat1_code = "7E3F305D"
cheat1_enable = false 

cheat2_desc = "Overwrite Status Effects Player 1"
cheat2_code = "7E3EF800"
cheat2_enable = false 

cheat3_desc = "Don't Display Status Image Player 1"
cheat3_code = "7E2EC300"
cheat3_enable = false 

cheat4_desc = "Always Display The Turn Gauge"
cheat4_code = "7E3B0400"
cheat4_enable = false 

cheat5_desc = "Always Run"
cheat5_code = "7E11DF20"
cheat5_enable = false 

cheat6_desc = "No Random Encounters"
cheat6_code = "7E1F6E00"
cheat6_enable = false 

cheat7_desc = "Experience After Battle"
cheat7_code = "7E2F35FF+7E2F36E7+7E2F3776"
cheat7_enable = false 

cheat8_desc = "Save Anywhere"
cheat8_code = "7E020180"
cheat8_enable = false

cheat9_desc = "Have All Espers"
cheat9_code = "7E1A69FF+7E1A6AFF+7E1A6BFF+7E1A6CFF"
cheat9_enable = false

cheat10_desc = "Enemy 1 No Health"
cheat10_code = "7E3BFC00+7E3BFD00"
cheat10_enable = false

cheat11_desc = "Enemy 2 No Health"
cheat11_code = "7E3BFE00+7E3BFF00"
cheat11_enable = false

cheat12_desc = "Enemy 3 No Health"
cheat12_code = "7E3C0000+7E3C0100"
cheat12_enable = false

cheat13_desc = "Enemy 4 No Health"
cheat13_code = "7E3C0200+7E3C0300"
cheat13_enable = false

cheat14_desc = "Enemy 5 No Health"
cheat14_code = "7E3C0400+7E3C0500"
cheat14_enable = false

cheat15_desc = "Enemy 6 No Health"
cheat15_code = "7E3C0600+7E3C0700"
cheat15_enable = false

cheat16_desc = "No Random Battles"
cheat16_code = "7E1FA100"
cheat16_enable = false

cheat17_desc = "Sprint Shoes and Moogle Charm Effects always ON"
cheat17_code = "7E11DF22"
cheat17_enable = false

cheat18_desc = "Infinite Morph Time (Out of Battle)"
cheat18_code = "7E1CF6FF"
cheat18_enable = false

cheat19_desc = "Infinite Morph Time (Battle)"
cheat19_code = "7E3F31FF"
cheat19_enable = false

cheat20_desc = "Best S. Item Set"
cheat20_code = "7E1EBAC7+7E1EBBFF+7E1EBC0F"
cheat20_enable = false

cheat21_desc = "All SwdTech's"
cheat21_code = "7E1CF7FF"
cheat21_enable = false

cheat22_desc = "All Blitz's"
cheat22_code = "7E1D28FF"
cheat22_enable = false

cheat23_desc = "All Lore's"
cheat23_code = "7E1D29FF+7E1D2AFF+7E1D2BFF"
cheat23_enable = false

cheat24_desc = "All Dance's"
cheat24_code = "7E1D4CFF"
cheat24_enable = false

cheat25_desc = "All Rage's"
cheat25_code = "7E1D2CFF+7E1D2DFF+7E1D2EFF+7E1D2FFF+7E1D30FF+7E1D31FF+7E1D32FF+7E1D33FF+7E1D34FF+7E1D35FF+7E1D36FF+7E1D37FF+7E1D38FF+7E1D39FF+7E1D3AFF+7E1D3BFF+7E1D3CFF+7E1D3DFF+7E1D3EFF+7E1D3FFF+7E1D40FF+7E1D41FF+7E1D42FF+7E1D43FF+7E1D44FF+7E1D45FF+7E1D46FF+7E1D47FF+7E1D48FF+7E1D49FF+7E1D4AFF+7E1D4BFF"
cheat25_enable = false

cheat26_desc = "Activate 'Morph'"
cheat26_code = "7E1DD10C"
cheat26_enable = false

cheat27_desc = "Have 99 Pieces of Coral"
cheat27_code = "7E1FD063"
cheat27_enable = false

cheat28_desc = "Enable All Characters"
cheat28_code = "7E1EDEFF+7E1EDFFF"
cheat28_enable = false

cheat29_desc = "Infinite Time, Gestahl's Banquet"
cheat29_code = "7E118A33"
cheat29_enable = false
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