Game Genie Code

Earthworm Jim - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Cheat Mode
Pause game play and press Left + A, B, X, A(2), B, X, A, Start. An option and information screen will appear allowing cheat mode (invincibility), level selection, pausing without a dim screen, or viewing the entire level.

Note: Enabling this code may prevent completion of the game.

Level Skip
Pause game play and press A, B, X, A, A + X, B + X, B + X, A + X. Resume game play to start at the next level.

Wrong Cheat Code
Pause game play and press Y, A, B(2), A, Y, A, B(2), A.

8 Plasma Shots
Pause game play and press A(2), B + L, A(2), X, B + L, X.

Extra Continue
Pause game play and press A, B, A, B, X, Y, X, Y.

Full Ammunition
Pause game play and press A, B, B + L, B, X, A, X(2).

Extra Life
Pause game play and press B + X, B(3), A(2), X, A.

Jump to Princess
Pause game play and press Left + A, X(2), X + B, X, A, X, Left + A.

Full Energy
Pause game play and press A + X, B, A, B(2), X + Y, B, A.

Map View Mode
Pause game play and press A, X, A, X, A(4).

Level Codes

    Pause game play and enter one of the following controller actions to jump to the corresponding level:
  • What The Heck: Press Y, X, Y, X, A, B, A, X
  • Down The Tubes: Press Up, Down, Left + Down, Left, Down, Down, Up + Left, Down
  • Snot A Problem: Press A, B, X, B, A, B, B, B + L
  • Level 5: Press A + B, B + X, X + Y, Left, Left, Right, Left, Right
  • For Pete’s Sake: Press A, B, X, A, B, X, A, B + R
  • Buttville: Press A, X, Left, Left, X + Y, Up, Down, Left
  • Andy Asteroids: Press A + L, A, R + A, A, B, B, X, B
  • Who Turned Out The Light?: Press A, B, Up + Y, Up + Y, Left, Right, Left, Right
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