Game Genie Code


Action Replay Codes

The following are known Action Replay Codes for EarthBound on Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).

  • Level 255
  • This is a weird sound test. Start a new game and you will go to a black screen with some weird sounds & music.
  • Start at Level 9
  • Start at Level 15
  • Start at Level 50
  • Start at Level 100
  • Start at Level 255
  • Start with an insanely strong character
  • Start with lots of HP
  • Start with lots of PSI
  • You get Level 99 after a your first battle
  • You gain at least 1 Level after each battle

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

Finding Ego Orb
Search in the lost underworld near the fire spring. You may have to do a lot of walking to locate him.

Finding the Broken Antenna
It is located in Tenda village in the junk yard.

Infinite Magic Butterflies
Go to the cave in Onett and find the location where you can see the giant step but cannot get to it. Keep entering and exiting this location, heal yourself, then get more butterflies as needed.

Game Genie Codes

The following are known Game Genie Codes for EarthBound on Super Nintendo (SNES).
  • DB23-77D1
    Start With a Level 9 Character
  • DE23-77D1
    Start With a Level 15 Character
  • 7423-77D1
    Start With a Level 50 Character
  • 1723-77D1
    Start With a Level 100 Character
  • EE23-77D1
    Start With a Level 255 Character
  • EE2E-7D01
    Start With a Super Strong Character
  • BB2D-5461
    Start With a Lot of HP
  • BB2F-54A1
    Start With a Lot of PSI

Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay) [US]

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for EarthBound on Super Nintendo (SNES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 39 

cheat0_desc = "Infinite Money On Hand (A Value Above 9999999 Will Crash The Game)"
cheat0_code = "7E983100+7E9832E1+7E9833F5+7E983405"
cheat0_enable = false 

cheat1_desc = "Money In ATM (A Value Above 9999999 Will Crash The Game)"
cheat1_code = "7E9835??+7E9836??+7E9837??"
cheat1_enable = false 

cheat2_desc = "Have All Phone Numbers"
cheat2_code = "7E9C2107"
cheat2_enable = false 

cheat3_desc = "Have All Teleports"
cheat3_code = "7E9C22FF+7E9C23FF"
cheat3_enable = false 

cheat4_desc = "Have All Pictures Taken"
cheat4_code = "7E9C5EFF+7E9C6EFF+7E9C7EFF+7E9C8EFF+7E9C9EFF"
cheat4_enable = false 

cheat5_desc = "Infinite Health"
cheat5_code = "7E9A13E7+7E9A1403"
cheat5_enable = false 

cheat6_desc = "Infinite PP"
cheat6_code = "7E9A1BE7+7E9A1C03"
cheat6_enable = false 

cheat7_desc = "Level 255"
cheat7_code = "0DB60D80"
cheat7_enable = false 

cheat8_desc = "Weird Sound Test"
cheat8_code = "809AE3FF"
cheat8_enable = false 

cheat9_desc = "Start At Level 9"
cheat9_code = "C1D8EC09"
cheat9_enable = false 

cheat10_desc = "Start At Level 15"
cheat10_code = "C1D8EC0F"
cheat10_enable = false 

cheat11_desc = "Start At Level 50"
cheat11_code = "C1D8EC32"
cheat11_enable = false 

cheat12_desc = "Start At Level 100"
cheat12_code = "C1D8EC63"
cheat12_enable = false 

cheat13_desc = "Start At Level 255"
cheat13_code = "C1D8ECFF"
cheat13_enable = false 

cheat14_desc = "Start With An Insanely Strong Character"
cheat14_code = "C1D8F1FF"
cheat14_enable = false 

cheat15_desc = "Start With Lots of HP"
cheat15_code = "C1D90A99"
cheat15_enable = false 

cheat16_desc = "Start With Lots of PSI"
cheat16_code = "C1D91B99"
cheat16_enable = false 

cheat17_desc = "You Get Level 99 After Battle"
cheat17_code = "C1D9FBFF"
cheat17_enable = false 

cheat18_desc = "You Gain At Least 1 Level After Each Battle"
cheat18_code = "C1F9981D"
cheat18_enable = false 

cheat19_desc = "Your Character In Slot 2 Has Walking Priority (Walks On Top Of Ness)"
cheat19_code = "7E107600"
cheat19_enable = false 

cheat20_desc = "Character In Slot 2 Is Invisible"
cheat20_code = "7E2C1E00+7E2C1F00"
cheat20_enable = false 

cheat21_desc = "Character In Slot 3 Is Invisible"
cheat21_code = "7E2C2000+7E2C2100"
cheat21_enable = false 

cheat22_desc = "Character In Slot 4 Is Invisible"
cheat22_code = "7E2C2200+7E2C2300"
cheat22_enable = false 

cheat23_desc = "Enemy #1 Image Modifier (Doesn't Change The Actual Monster)"
cheat23_code = "7E4A8C??+7E4A8D??"
cheat23_enable = false 

cheat24_desc = "Exp After Battle/Amount of Damage You Deal To An Enemy (Fake)"
cheat24_code = "7E9D12??+7E9D13??+7E9D14??"
cheat24_enable = false 

cheat25_desc = "Exp Earned After Battle"
cheat25_code = "7EA974??+7EA975??+7EA976??"
cheat25_enable = false 

cheat26_desc = "Hyper Ness"
cheat26_code = "7E0F0601"
cheat26_enable = false 

cheat27_desc = "When You Sell Anything With Your "For Sale" Sign, You Will Receive $65535"
cheat27_code = "7E866BFF+7E866CFF"
cheat27_enable = false 

cheat28_desc = "Amount of Money You Receive Via Your Father"
cheat28_code = "7E98B9??+7E98BA??+7E98BB??"
cheat28_enable = false 

cheat29_desc = "You Will Never Hear A Specific BGM"
cheat29_code = "7EB53B??"
cheat29_enable = false 

cheat30_desc = "Character 1 Slot Modifier"
cheat30_code = "7E986F??"
cheat30_enable = false 

cheat31_desc = "Character 2 Slot Modifier"
cheat31_code = "7E9870??"
cheat31_enable = false 

cheat32_desc = "Character 3 Slot Modifier"
cheat32_code = "7E9871??"
cheat32_enable = false 

cheat33_desc = "Character 4 Slot Modifier"
cheat33_code = "7E9872??"
cheat33_enable = false 

cheat34_desc = "The Hint You Get From The Hint Guy Modifier"
cheat34_code = "7E8667??"
cheat34_enable = false 

cheat35_desc = "Instantly Win All Battles"
cheat35_code = "7E9F8A00"
cheat35_enable = false 

cheat36_desc = "Always Have A Face-To-Face Battle"
cheat36_code = "7E4DBC00"
cheat36_enable = false 

cheat37_desc = "Dad Never Calls"
cheat37_code = "7E9E54FF+7E9E55FF"
cheat37_enable = false 

cheat38_desc = "Control Scheme Modifier"
cheat38_code = "7E5D9E0?+7E5DA001"
cheat38_enable = false 

Retro Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

Mourn the loss of a friend
Jumping the Sharks
Put an end to the Sharks’ reign of tyranny
Is This Legal?
Face-off against the Onett Police Force and win
Four Fried Chickens and a Coke
Watch your first ‘Runaway Five’ concert
Uki Uki Kukyuki
(Thanks for the gum.)
Tales from the Cryptid
Spot Tessie in the Loch
Take to the Sky
Take flight with the Sky Runner!
Freed Threed
Bring light back to Threed
A Meditation in Patience
Successfully enter Belch’s base
You’ve Come Far
Chill out and enjoy a coffee break in Saturn Valley
Dry White Toast
Catch the ‘Runaway Five’ at the Topolla Theater
Roughly the Third Strongest, Give or Take
Defeat all five Guardian Diggers
Gettin’ the Band Back Together
One last performance from the Runaway Five!
This is Madness!
Welcome to Mooooonsiiiide
The King Banana
Meet his royal highness, the Talah Rama
A Message from Eternity
Help Poo suffer through his Mu training
Release the Kraken!
Tame the monsterous Kraken
Tearful Goodbye
After a long journey, a comrade departs
Overcoming Shyness
Help the Tenda overcome their inadequacy
You’ve Come Farther
Chill out and reminisce again, you’ve earned it!
On a Mission from God
Clear the game
Who Cares?
Use ‘Don’t Care’ at least once
You’ll Catch Cold Dressed Like That! [m]
Head out in your PJs
Earthbound Gamers Do It One-handed [m]
Go out at night and investigate the loud noise … using only your left hand
It’s a Secret to Everybody [m]
Find the Secret Clubhouse
Just brush it off a little, it’ll be fiiiine
If I Give You This, Will You Go Away?!?
Bother the man at the Twoson Hotel
Oh, Come Now, He’s Not All That Bad…
Invest in Orange Kid
Caught Blue-handed [m]
Get caught stealing from the Happy Happy Village food stand
Insane Killing Spree [m]
Defeat at least eight Insane Cultists in a single battle
Retro Achievement
Tame a New-Age Retro Hippie (No Auto-Win)
Brains vs. Brawn [m]
Solo a Cave Boy with Jeff
Have Dr. Saturn operate on you
Discover the significance of the Insignificant Item
Fighter Pilot Eyes
Find both Sesame Seeds in the desert
Dusty Dunes Slot Trio
Get 7-7-7 on slots
Eagle Eyes
Return the Contact Lens to its owner
Project DIVA [m]
Catch a solo Venus performance at the Topolla Theater
Everdead [m]
Try Everdred’s patience as he shares his last words
Metal Gear Solid [m]
Skip past all the Robo Sentries on the 48th floor
What a Turd
Find Pokey’s ‘gift’ in Scaraba
Smooshed Criminal
Engage the Master Criminal Worm in battle in Scaraba and win (No Auto-Win)
Give Ness the Hall of Fame bat
Who Needs Courage? [m]
Lead all of the Flying Men to their deaths.
Happiness is a Blue Gun [m]
Tame Mr. Carpainter without using any PP
Whac-a-Mole [m]
Tame Mondo Mole, and don’t let Paula’s HP reach zero
Fly Honey-Free [m]
Tame Master Belch without feeding him Fly Honey
The Auto-Fight of Your Life [m]
Tame the Department Store Spook using only Auto-Battle
Trippy Wallpaper, Man [m]
Tame Shrooom! with at least one character Mushroomized
Feel the Thunder [m]
Tame Thunder and Storm without the Franklin Badge
OHKO [m]
Tame the Deep Darkness boss in only one move
Because I Know Something You Don’t Know [m]
Defeat Starman Super Deluxe … using only your left hand
Diamond Dogs [m]
Tame Diamond Dog with at least one character Diamondized
Ness’ Nightmare [m]
Tame the Sea of Eden boss after it runs out of PP
In the Bowels of Hell [m]
Defeat Giygas’ servant without letting anyone’s HP drop to zero
Your Sanctuary I
Claim Giant Step
Your Sanctuary II
Claim Lilliput Steps
Your Sanctuary III
Claim Milky Well
Your Sanctuary IV
Claim Rainy Circle
Your Sanctuary V
Claim Magnet Hill
Your Sanctuary VI
Claim Pink Cloud
Your Sanctuary VII
Claim Lumine Hall
Your Sanctuary VIII
Claim Fire Springs
Insatiable Sweet Tooth
Sprinkle Sugar onto a Cookie
These Are Free, Right?
Eat a condiment all by itself
Harvest Moon
Buy a Fresh Egg and sell it for 110 dollars with the ‘For Sale’ sign
Supreme Ruler
Check and see how an enemy measures up
Now That’s How you Make an Exit!
Use an Exit Mouse
Truffle Uppagus
Sniff out a truffle
Fix it, Jeff! [m]
Repair a Broken Air Gun
Fix it, Jeff II
Repair a Broken Laser
Fix it, Jeff III
Repair a Broken Bazooka
Fix it, Jeff IV
Repair a Broken Parabolic Antenna
Kingly Regalia I [m]
Give Poo the Sword of Kings
Kingly Regalia II
Give Poo the Cloak of Kings
Kingly Regalia III
Give Poo the Bracer of Kings
Kingly Regalia IV
Give Poo the Diadem of Kings
The Cutest Ribbon of All
Give Paula the Goddess Ribbon
Fallen Star
Give Ness a Star Pendant
Bionic Slugger
Give Ness the Gutsy Bat
That Was Easy!
Get your first insta-win
Ring the Bell while riding your bike
Let’s End This!!!
Win a battle while suffering mortal damage
Smiles and Tears
Ending – Return home
Polestar Reunion
Ending – Escort Paula back home
Better Late Than Never…
Ending – Return a book to the Onett Library
Kidnap Success!
Ending – Make sure Paula never goes home
First-time Homeowner
Purchase the seaside property
Get the fewest photos possible and clear the game.
Fuzzy Pickles! [m]
Get all event photos and clear the game
Time for an Off-shore Bank Account
Store one million dollars in the ATM
You Cannot Grasp the True Form of This Achievement
Ending – Roam the Earth as ghost(s) is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

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