Game Genie Code

Dragon Quest V: Tenkuu no Hanayome

Game Genie Codes

The following are known Game Genie Codes for Dragon Quest V: Tenkuu no Hanayome on Super Nintendo (SNES).
  • Always Do a Tremendous Blow/Monsters Always Offer to Join
  • Can Add/Take Any Item at Oracle Valley/Oracleberry Item Storage
  • Withdraw Gold at Oracle Valley/Oracleberry to Get 257,000 Gold in Bank, 65,793 in Hand
    Note: You must deposit 1,000 Gold in the bank first.
  • Walk Thru Walls
    Note: Be sure to go up and down stairs in areas that depict elevation or you will not be able to go through doors on the appropriate level.
  • Enables Debug Menu 5
    Note: Start the game and push A to bring up the menu and choose the 5th option.

Preformatted .CHT File (Action Replay) [JP]

The following is a preformatted .CHT file for Dragon Quest V: Tenkuu no Hanayome on Super Nintendo (SNES). These files have been collected from around the web and may not be all inclusive. Be sure to check the code pages and other preformatted files, if applicable, for additional codes if what you are looking for is not included.

You can also use the codes out of this file manually on the appropriate device or software.
cheats = 11 

cheat0_desc = "Walk Anywhere On The World Map"
cheat0_code = "7E1954FF"
cheat0_enable = false 

cheat1_desc = "250000 Casino Coins (Enough To Buy Everything)"
cheat1_code = "7E203C90+7E203DD0+7E203E03"
cheat1_enable = false 

cheat2_desc = "53 Small Medals (Enough To Buy Everything)"
cheat2_code = "7E203F35"
cheat2_enable = false 

cheat3_desc = "Max Gp (99999)"
cheat3_code = "7E20199F+7E201A75+7E201B00"
cheat3_enable = false 

cheat4_desc = "Exp Gained From A Battle"
cheat4_code = "7E10FC??+7E10FD??+7E10FE??"
cheat4_enable = false 

cheat5_desc = "Gp Gained From Battle"
cheat5_code = "7E10FF??+7E1100??+7E1101??"
cheat5_enable = false 

cheat6_desc = "No Random Battles"
cheat6_code = "7E1A9A01"
cheat6_enable = false 

cheat7_desc = "Many Random Battles"
cheat7_code = "7E1A9AFF"
cheat7_enable = false 

cheat8_desc = "Always Do XXXX Damage"
cheat8_code = "7E10EC??+7E10ED??"
cheat8_enable = false 

cheat9_desc = "Enemies Attack Each Other"
cheat9_code = "7E10F6FF"
cheat9_enable = false 

cheat10_desc = "Battle Command/Result Is Repeated Until The Code Is Turned Off"
cheat10_code = "7E10D7FF"
cheat10_enable = false 

Retro Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

The Lost Herbologist
Free the trapped herbologist
The Stalker
Defeat the Walking Statue in Lenoire Castle
The Haunted Housekeeper
Defeat the Boss Ghost in Lenoire Castle
Reward for the Rescue
Acquire the Handwoven Cape
Secret of the Key
Learn how to unlock wooden doors
The Sound of Birds
Retrieve the Flute of Spring
The Missing Prince
Rescue Prince Henry
Ten Years Later
Become a teenager
What Did You Expect to Find?
Examine the pot in the sleeping quarters at the slavery camp.
Escape from the slavery camp
Party Wagon
Purchase the caravan
A Father’s Legacy
Collect the sword and the letter from Papas
Key to the Kingdom
Obtain the Reinhart’s Key
A Tale of Two Empresses
Defeat the impostor Empress
Beware of Kitty
Stop the beast terrorizing Kabochi
I’m Outta Here!
Demonstrate your skill with the Return spell
A Pretty Little Thing
Inquire about puff puff
From the Heart of the Volcano
Collect the Ring of Flames
The Second Ring
Collect the Ring of Water
You Are Here
Purchase the Wayfarer’s Map
I’m Flattered, But…
Declare your love for another
‘Til Death Do Us Part
Get married
Let’s Cuddle
Have a romantic getaway with Bianca
Not the Hero
Try on the Zenithian Helm
Special Delivery
Collect both presents sent by Ludman for marrying Flora
What’s That Sound?
Spend the night deep under the mountain pass
The Mimics of Mountain Pass
Defeat all three mimics, both man-eater chests, and the demon jar in the mountain pass
Hidden Treasure – Mountain Pass
Find the hidden treasure in Mountain Pass
Hidden Treasure – Granvania
Find the hidden treasure in Granvania
A Kingdom of Your Own
Be crowned king
Guardian of the Tower
Defeat Jahmi
Just Like His Father
Acquire the Hat of Wind
Acquire the Zenithian Helm
After All These Years
Check in on the woman that you didn’t marry
A Whole New World
Acquire the Magic Carpet
The Sunken City
Find out why there’s a palace under the water
Sleight of Hand
Trick a boy out of his teasure
Rude Awakening
Defeat Buorn
Monsters, Begone!
Banish all monsters from the Emblem Cave
Sealed Away
Acquire the Royal Cloak
A Warm Welcome
Talk to the new inhabitants of the haunted castle
Another Ancient Spell
Learn the Chance spell
Avenge your father’s death
The Master Revealed
Restore Master Dragon to his true form
Power Armor
Acquire the Zenithian Armor
A Stronger Curse
Attempt to free your wife as you were freed
The Price of Freedom
Find out what happened to the guard that helped you escape
Can I Have Your Autograph?
Use Ivol’s Book in the battle with Ivol
End of the Cult
Defeat Ivol
A Mother’s Love
Reunite with your mother
Quicker than Quicksilver
Defeat a King Metal
Sliding Puzzle
Solve the sliding puzzle
Demon Lord No More
Defeat Mildrath
A Family Matter
Defeat Mildrath using only members of your family
Heroic Trainer
Defeat Mildrath using only recruited monsters
Until Next Time
Defeat Esturk
Underworld Challenge
Defeat Esturk in 25 turns or less (no cheating)
Monster Tamer
Recruit your first wild monster
Monster Recruiter
Recruit five unique monsters
Monster Hunter
Recruit ten unique monsters
Monster Collector
Recruit sixteen unique monsters
I Don’t Want Your Help
Reunite with your kitty before recruiting any monsters
Kandar’s Henchmen
Find and defeat all three of Kandar’s Henchmen
Small Medal Hunter
Find 29 small medals hidden in pots, barrels, dressers, and other places
Small Medal Collector
Collect 19 small medals from treasure chests
King Metal Shield
Purchase the King Metal Shield
King Metal Sword
Purchase the King Metal Sword
The Sacred Raiment
Equip the main character with the Sun Crown, Dragon Staff, Royal Cloak, and Shield of Radiance (and no accessories)
There and Back Again
Unlock all 17 return locations
That’s Got To Hurt
Do at least 500 damage to one enemy with a single attack (no cheating) is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

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