Game Genie Code

Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls - Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

11 Attribute Points
Highlight the tournament option on the main menu. Press L(3), R, L, R, L, R. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Each player may distribute eleven attribute points instead of nine. Also, The maximum points possible for an attribute will be raised from five to six.

13 Attribute Points
Highlight the tournament option on the main menu. Press L(3), R, L, R, L, R, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, R(2). A sound will confirm correct code entry. Each player may distribute thirteen attribute points. Also, The maximum points possible for an attribute will be raised to seven.

15 Attribute Points
Highlight the tournament option on the main menu. Press L(3), R, L, R, L, R, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, R(2), Right, Down(2), Left, Up, Right, L, R, L, R, L, R. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Each player may distribute fifteen attribute points. Also, The maximum points possible for an attribute will be raised to eight.

Have 9 Continues
Highlight the tournament option on the main menu. Press Left, Right, Left, Right, L(2), R(3). The word “fight” will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. The continues in quest mode will increase from three to nine.

Disable Throws
Highlight the tournament option on the main menu. Press R, Right, L(2), Left(2), R(2).

Disable Dizzies
Highlight the tournament option on the main menu. Press Down(2), Left, Up, Down(2), Left, Up, R(2), L.

Fight as Bosses
Highlight the tournament option on the main menu. Press L, R, Up, L(2), Down, R(2). A laugh will confirm correct code entry. Two Boss characters will be selectable in all modes except story mode.

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