Game Genie Code

Demon’s Crest

Cheats, Secrets, Tips & Tricks

No Enemies
Enter RBNL XHGB VGBB LYLD as a password. Only Bosses will appear in the game. Note that while using this code, Levels 5 and 6 will not appear.

Have All Items
Enter QFFF KNRR DDLR XGTQ as a password.

Play as Ultimate Gargoyle
Enter FDQP QRMB FGNH GTKL as a password.

Have All Five Vials
Hold A at the Title Screen and keep that button held while pressing Start to begin a new game. Note: Passwords and options may not be used when using this.

Passowrd for Level 2: BDLK BXPB GHGG FQKL

Passowrd for Level 3: TRTL STGZ FQMF XFLF

Game Genie Codes

The following are known Game Genie Codes for Demon’s Crest on Super Nintendo (SNES).
  • First Enemy Takes Longer to Kill
  • First Enemy Take Less Time to Kill
  • More Flash Time
  • Invincible After Hit
  • 1 Hit and You Die
  • Super Jump
  • Ginseng Costs Nothing (Still Says 140 G.P. Though)
  • Walk Through Most Solid Objects (May Have To Turn Off GG To Proceed Through Some Parts)
  • When You Fight The 1st Boss The 1st Time, It’s Already Defeated
  • When You Defeat An Enemy, Coins And Health Appear Like A Fountain Till You Leave The Screen
  • Enemies Drop The 25 Coin And Heart Containers, Don’t Collect The Heart Containers
  • Enemies Always Drop The 20 Coin
  • 20 Coin Worth 999 Coins
  • 5 Coin Worth 165 Coins
  • 1 Coin Worth 999 Coins
  • Large Health Refills All Your Health
  • As Regular Gargoyle Hover, Then You Can Hold The A Button To Fly Like Aerial Gargoyle
  • Fly a Lot Faster When You Hover
  • Rapid Fire
  • Jump a Lot Higher
  • Character is in The “Jump” Animation Permanently
  • You Cannot Fly
  • Infinite Life
  • Infinite Money (GP)
  • Character’s Image is Jumbled Up
  • Always Fly
  • Start New Game With All Items

Retro Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

Ground Gargoyle
Obtain the crest of earth.
Aerial Gargoyle
Obtain the crest of air.
Tidal Gargoyle
Obtain the crest of water.
Legendary Gargoyle
Obtain the crest of time.
Ultimate Gargoyle
Use the crest of heaven.
Obtain the buster weapon.
Obtain the tornado weapon.
Obtain the claw weapon.
Demon fire
Obtain the demon fire.
Long live Firebrand!
Get all maximum health upgrades (without use password).
Get all vellums (without use password).
Get all urns (without use password).
Ready for any situation
Get all talismans (without use password).
But there was nothing here!
Find a secret area on the map.
I’m rich!!
Collect 999 G.P.
Eat your heart out, Sir Arthur
Come back to life.
Sweet revenge
Slay Phalanx (Good Ending).
Gargoyle’s Quest
Beat the game in one sitting, getting all of the items and without dying.
Chaotic Demon Realm
Get the bad ending with only 6 life bars (can’t use potions or magic)
The Demon’s Seal
Get the normal ending with only 6 life bars (can’t use potions or magic).
Oldschool Award (can’t use or equip items)
Get the normal ending using only the fire or earth gargoyle (need to complete the fire crest).
It’s finally over
Slay the Dark Demon.
Lazy Arremer I
Defeat Ovnunu without firing shots (can’t use potions and death spell).
Lazy Arremer II
Defeat Flier I without firing shots (can’t use potions and death spell).
Lazy Arremer III
Defeat Flier II without firing shots (can’t use potions and death spell).
Earth Gargoyle vs. Ovnunu
Defeat Ovnunu using the crest of earth and without getting hit.
Fire Gargoyle vs. Flame Lord
Defeat Flame Lord using only the crest of fire and without getting hit.
Aerial Gargoyle vs. Flier
Defeat Flier using the crest of air and without getting hit.
Legendary Gargoyle vs. Crawler
Defeat Crawler using the crest of time and without getting hit.
Tidal Gargoyle vs. Legendary Arma
Defeat General Arma for the last time using the crest of water (no damage)
Firebrand vs. Phalanx I
Defeat Phalanx I without getting hit using the fire weapon.
Good start
Slay Somulo without taking damage and get your first life extension.
Defeat General Arma for the first time without taking damage.
Arma, again?!
Defeat General Arma for the second time without getting hit.
I think I broke it
Slay Hippogriff without taking damage.
Stop mocking me!
Slay Belth without getting hit.
Defeat Scula without getting damage (Kill the head first)
Under the sea
Slay Holothurion without getting hit.
Nice mullet
Slay Grewon without getting hit.
Phalanx’s Second Form
Defeat Phalanx II without getting hit.
Phalanx’s Last Form
Defeat Phalanx III without use potion and spell.
Professional Arremer
Defeat Dark Demon without use ginseng and elixir. is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

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