Game Genie Code

Captain Novolin - Retro Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

The Ghetto
Complete the Breakfast (Day 1)
The District
Complete the Morning Snack (Day 1)
The Suburb
Complete the Lunch (Day1)
The Residential District
Complete the Afternoon Snack (Day1)
The Lake
Complete the Dinner (Day1)
The Forest
Complete the Bedtime Snack (Day1)
The River
Complete the Breakfast (Day2)
The Ocean
Complete the Morning Snack (Day2)
The Ascension
Complete the Lunch (Day2)
The Mountainside
Complete the Afternoon Snack (Day2)
The Peak
Complete the Dinner (Day2)
You’ve beat the game!
But yeah, you’re still diabetic… Want a lollipop? Oh, I forgot… you can’t!
Cap’tain Diabete!
Kill the boss without being hit and watch the beautiful ending (Very Hard!)
The Big Quiz #1
Answer correctly at the first question
The Big Quiz #2
Answer correctly at the second question
The Big Quiz #3
Answer correctly at the third question
The Big Quiz #4
Answer correctly at the fourth question
The Big Quiz #5
Answer correctly at the fifth question
The Big Quiz #6
Answer correctly at the sixth question
The Big Quiz #7
Answer correctly at the seventh question
The Big Quiz #8
Answer correctly at the eighth question
The Big Quiz #9
Answer correctly at the final question
Want an ice cream?
Find the secret yourself!
Don’t forget to stay in the Safe Zone!
Complete every level while being in the glucose Safe Zone
Oh sire, just one little thin mint
Don’t forget to eat 4 fruits and vegetables per day
Aahh, sometimes I… I forget things
Stop avoiding everything!
250 k-lorie
Obtain 250k points
It’s dangerous to go alone take these socks
Do you really have the will to take those beautiful socks?
Diabetics are naturally Sweet
Finish the game without losing a life
You’re going to need this one!
DROOOOOOOOOOOOOOGUE is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

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