Game Genie Code

Bobby’s World - Retro Achievements

Wait a minute… achievements? I don’t remember achievements for this game. That is because there were not any, but there are now! See Below

Out of space
Clear stage 1
Just a dream
Clear stage 2
Krusty Krab
Clear stage 3
Sunset Riders
Clear stage 4
It’s Halloween
Clear stage 5
All Clean!
Beat the game
Easier than my homework
Beat the game without use continues
Shining Bedroom
Beat the game without using passwords
Beat the first boss without taking damage
Holly Krab
Beat the second boss without taking damage
Friday 13th
Beat the third boss without taking damage
Candy Shop
Collect 99 lollipops
Better than a cat
Collect 9 lives
Bobby’s in love
Collect all 6 hearts
Spider Man
Pick up the jumping Webbly
Webbly first
Block 10 enemies hits
Don’t look down
Stay suspended by 55 seconds
Stay 25 second swinging
Jump mania
Jump over 50 times
Roger that!
Make a Roger’s jackpot is a community who collaborates and competes with one another to earn custom-made achievements in classic games through emulation. Achievements are made by and for the community. New achievements for the wide variety of games as well as new games are added regularly. Not already participating but eager to? Sign Up Here!

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