Game Genie Code

Sky Force Anniversary - VitaCheat Codes [US]

The following are known VitaCheat Codes for Sky Force Anniversary on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
# ID: PCSE00865
# Title: Sky Force Anniversary
# Region: USA
# Version: 1.00/1.02
# Type: NoNpDrm
# Code Author: Smoker1, dask
# Source:
# Original Source:
# Original Source:
# Note: by Smoker1:
#  - This game needs a LOT of work to find the Codes. Was told by @Seven Swords, this Game is hard to get correct Codes for, but thankfully I found what I could.
#  - 1.02 is for the Update
#  - Laser Code I found works as $0200 for both.
#    - 5 Shields Code is maybe Dynamic. In my Search, I found 5+ Addresses for it. So this Game uses a mix of Coding.
#    - For the US Version, use the same Searching as shown here.
#  - 3 Mega-Bomb = Easy Search, 8Bit - 3, 2, 1
#  - 5 Lasers = Same as above
#    - Then use Fuzzy Search to find the Floating Value Address
#    - Can use Codes together as 1 Cheat but use $0200
#  - 5 Shields = If you can find this, please Post in Comments
#  - Shield Gauge and Aircraft Health % are both Floating Value and are Dynamic. Shield Gauge might need Multi-Pointers, since TempAR Pointer Searcher did not show Highlighted Address Lines.

_V0 机库资源9999//Resources 9999 (v1.02)
$B200 00000000 00000000
$A200 00B8B740 E302170F

_V0 99999 Stars
$0200 852B3864 0001869F

_V0 Always 3 Mega Bombs
$0000 852B388C 00000003

_V0 Always 5 Lasers*
$0000 852B3888 00000005

_V0 Always 5 Shields*
$0000 852B3890 00000005
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