# ID: PCSE00398 # Title: Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus # Region: USA # Version: 1.00 # Type: NoNpDrm # Code Author: InfamousK # Source: https://github.com/r0ah/vitacheat/blob/master/db/PCSE00398.psv # Original Source: http://www.codemasters-project.net/forum/forum/playstation-hacking/playstation-vita-hacking/code-vault-ps3-aa/3112-pcse00398-senran-kagura-shinovi-versus#post3112 # Note: Made by me with NoNpDrm dump. v1.0 _V0 Invinciblity (Item) $0000 81423D78 00000080 $0200 81423D98 40000000 _V0 Infinite Health $5200 81424548 81424540 _V0 Infinite Ninja Art Scrolls $5000 8142453C 81424538 $0200 8142454C 42C60000 _V0 Opponent(s) Can't Transform or Use Ninja Arts $0000 814320DC 00000000 $0000 81436D4C 00000000 $0000 8143B9BC 00000000 _V0 Infinite Zeni $0200 813FC56C 000F423F _V0 Earn Max EXP $0200 8142388C 3B9AC9FF _V0 Max Flash, Yang and Yin $0200 81423898 42C80000 $0200 8142389C 42C80000 $0200 814238A0 42C80000 _V0 Strip Yourself (R+Square=Short / R+Cross=Long) $C201 00000000 00008200 $0000 81421609 00000012 $C201 00000000 00004200 $0100 81421608 00001F80 _V0 Strip Opponent(s) (R+Square=Short / R+Cross=Long) $C203 00000000 00008200 $0000 8142F209 00000012 $0000 81433E79 00000012 $0000 81438AE9 00000012 $C203 00000000 00004200 $0100 8142F208 00001F80 $0100 81433E78 00001F80 $0100 81438AE8 00001F80 _V0 Strip Everyone (R+Square=Short / R+Cross=Long) $C204 00000000 00008200 $0000 81421609 00000012 $0000 8142F209 00000012 $0000 81433E79 00000012 $0000 81438AE9 00000012 $C204 00000000 00004200 $0100 81421608 00001F80 $0100 8142F208 00001F80 $0100 81433E78 00001F80 $0100 81438AE8 00001F80 _V0 Enemies Move in Slow-mo (R+Left=On / R+Right=Off) $C202 00000000 00000280 $0200 8141F044 814238D0 $0200 8141F048 3CCCCCCD $C202 00000000 00000220 $0200 8141F044 00000000 $0200 8141F048 3CCCCCCD _V0 Enemies Are Frozen (R+Left=On / R+Right=Off) $C202 00000000 00000280 $0200 8141F044 814238D0 $0200 8141F048 00000000 $C202 00000000 00000220 $0200 8141F044 00000000 $0200 8141F048 3CCCCCCD _V0 Become Crimson Homura (R+Up=On / R+Down=Off) $D00A 813FC588 00000005 $C202 00000000 00000210 $0000 814218F5 00000001 $0000 814218F4 00000001 $C202 00000000 00000240 $0000 814218F5 00000000 $0000 814218F4 00000000 $D003 814218F5 00000001 $0000 81423CB0 00000001 $0200 81424574 41000000 $0100 814218FE 00004000 _V0 Become Frenzied Hikage (R+Up=On / R+Down=Off) $D008 813FC588 00000007 $C201 00000000 00000210 $0000 814218F5 00000001 $C201 00000000 00000240 $0000 814218F5 00000000 $D004 814218F5 00000001 $0000 81423CB0 00000001 $0200 81424574 42700000 $0100 814218FE 00004000 _V0 Can't Be Kicked From Dressing Room $0000 813EBDE0 00000000 _V0 Destroy Top Clothing [Dressing Room] (Triangle+D-Pad) #Triangle+Left=1st Layer / Triangle+Down=2nd Layer / Triangle+Right=3rd Layer #Triangle+Up=All Layers $C202 00000000 00001080 $D001 813EBDB4 00000000 $0000 813EBDA8 00000014 $C202 00000000 00001040 $D001 813EBDB4 00000001 $0000 813EBDA8 00000028 $C202 00000000 00001020 $D001 813EBDB4 00000002 $0100 813EBDA8 0000032A $C206 00000000 00001010 $D001 813EBDB4 00000000 $0000 813EBDA8 00000014 $D001 813EBDB4 00000001 $0000 813EBDA8 00000028 $D001 813EBDB4 00000002 $0100 813EBDA8 0000032A _V0 Destroy Bottom Clothing [Dressing Room] (Cross+D-Pad) #Cross+Left=1st Layer / Cross+Down=2nd Layer / Cross+Right=3rd Layer #Cross+Up=All Layers $C202 00000000 00004080 $D001 813EBDB8 00000000 $0000 813EBDAC 00000014 $C202 00000000 00004040 $D001 813EBDB8 00000001 $0000 813EBDAC 00000028 $C202 00000000 00004020 $D001 813EBDB8 00000002 $0100 813EBDAC 0000032A $C206 00000000 00004010 $D001 813EBDB8 00000000 $0000 813EBDAC 00000014 $D001 813EBDB8 00000001 $0000 813EBDAC 00000028 $D001 813EBDB8 00000002 $0100 813EBDAC 0000032A _V0 Always Play as Asuka $0000 813FC588 00000000 _V0 Always Play as Ikaruga $0000 813FC588 00000001 _V0 Always Play as Katsuragi $0000 813FC588 00000002 _V0 Always Play as Yagyu $0000 813FC588 00000003 _V0 Always Play as Hibari $0000 813FC588 00000004 _V0 Always Play as Homura $0000 813FC588 00000005 _V0 Always Play as Yomi $0000 813FC588 00000006 _V0 Always Play as Hikage $0000 813FC588 00000007 _V0 Always Play as Mirai $0000 813FC588 00000008 _V0 Always Play as Haruka $0000 813FC588 00000009 _V0 Always Play as Yumi $0000 813FC588 0000000A _V0 Always Play as Murakumo $0000 813FC588 0000000B _V0 Always Play as Yozakura $0000 813FC588 0000000C _V0 Always Play as Shiki $0000 813FC588 0000000D _V0 Always Play as Minori $0000 813FC588 0000000E _V0 Always Play as Miyabi $0000 813FC588 0000000F _V0 Always Play as Murasaki $0000 813FC588 00000010 _V0 Always Play as Imu $0000 813FC588 00000011 _V0 Always Play as Ryobi $0000 813FC588 00000012 _V0 Always Play as Ryona $0000 813FC588 00000013 _V0 Always Play as Daidoji $0000 813FC588 00000014 _V0 Always Play as Rin $0000 813FC588 00000015
Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus - VitaCheat Codes [US]
The following are known VitaCheat Codes for Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
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