Game Genie Code

Salt and Sanctuary - VitaCheat Codes [AS]

The following are known VitaCheat Codes for Salt and Sanctuary on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
# ID: PCSE01023
# Title: Salt and Sanctuary
# Region: AS/CHN
# Version: 1.02
# Type: NoNpDrm
# Code Author: speedfly, r0ah
# Source:
# Original Source:

_V0 9,999,999 Gold
$0200 88BB72F0 0098967F

_V0 9,999,999 Salt
$0200 88BB7300 0098967F

# _V0 999 Skill Point
# $3103 8BE83AB4 000000C8
# $3100 00000000 00000EA8
# $3100 00000000 00000198
# $3300 00000000 000003E7

_V0 金沙变动后777777777//Change Gold 777777777
$B200 00000000 00000000
$A200 003A7FE4 2071F24F
$A200 003A7FE8 605BF6C2
$A100 003A7FEC 00001C00
$A200 003A7FF6 1C001C07
$A200 003A8006 1C001C00
$A100 003A800A 00001C00
$A200 003CB506 2071F24F
$A200 003CB50E 605BF6C2
_V0 盐变动后777777777//Change Salt 777777777
$B200 00000000 00000000
$A200 003FDC38 2271F24F
$A200 003FDC3C 625BF6C2
$A100 003FDC44 00006622
$A200 003FDC58 1C001C00
$A100 003FDC5C 00001C00
$A200 003FB580 2071F24F
$A200 003FB584 605BF6C2
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