Game Genie Code

Plants vs. Zombies - VitaCheat Codes [US]

The following are known VitaCheat Codes for Plants vs. Zombies on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
# ID:  PCSE00064
# Title: Plants vs Zombies
# Region: US
# Version: 1.02
# Type: Mai, NoNpDRM
# Code Author: Yohoki
# Source:
# Original Source:
# Wiki:
# Note: Change value of Sun only in increments of 5 or game will crash after completing round.
# Note1: Some users report crashing with coins code. If it crashes, try just activating on main menu and then turning it off.
# Note2: Activate this code once you've chosen your plants and it will replace slots 1-8 with new cards.
#        Hold square and press either L or R on Dpad to swap these out with another new set of plants.
#        This allows you to use any and all plants you desire.

_V0 NoNpDRM Codes
$0000 00000000 00000000

_V0 --1M Coins
$B200 00000000 00000000
$3201 005FFB70 00000308
$3300 00000000 0001869F # Edit Value Here (Default: 0x1869F = 99,999)

_V0 --Inf Sun
$B200 00000000 00000000
$3201 005F41DC 000055CC
$3300 00000000 00001388 # Edit Value Here (Default 0x1388 = 5,000)

_V0 --No Cooldown
$7102 815FC1F0 00000E9C
$7100 00000000 00000080
$7702 00000000 0000FFFF
$000A 00000074 00000000

_V0 -- See Note2
$0000 00000000 00000000

_V0 --Square plus DPad Swaps Plants
### Initialize
#Check if 81888000 is blank
$D201 81888000 00000000
#Write normal data to 81888000 (05000100)
$0200 81888000 00010005
### Controller Combo
#Check LB is 0
$D003 81888003 00000000
#Check Controller for R+Sq
$C202 00000001 00008020
#Mov single bit left
$5000 81888001 81888002
#Set LB to 1
$0000 81888003 00000001
### Controller Combo
#Check LB is 0
$D003 81888003 00000000
#Check Controller for L+Sq
$C202 00000001 00008080
#Mov single bit right
$5000 81888001 81888000
#Set LB to 1
$0000 81888003 00000001
### Apply Selection
#Check LB is 1
$D007 81888003 00000001
#Check S1 for 0x00
$D006 81888001 00000000
#Apply Set 0 to P.Compression
$7002 815FC1F0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000000
$0008 00000074 00000001
#Set Normal Data to Set 0
$0000 81888000 00000005
$0000 81888002 00000001
### Apply Selection
#Check LB is 1
$D007 81888003 00000001
#Check S1 for 0x00
$D006 81888001 00000001
#Apply Set 0 to P.Compression
$7002 815FC1F0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000008
$0008 00000074 00000001
#Set Normal Data to Set 0
$0000 81888000 00000000
$0000 81888002 00000002
### Apply Selection
#Check LB is 1
$D007 81888003 00000001
#Check S1 for 0x00
$D006 81888001 00000002
#Apply Set 0 to P.Compression
$7002 815FC1F0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000010
$0008 00000074 00000001
#Set Normal Data to Set 0
$0000 81888000 00000001
$0000 81888002 00000003
### Apply Selection
#Check LB is 1
$D007 81888003 00000001
#Check S1 for 0x00
$D006 81888001 00000003
#Apply Set 0 to P.Compression
$7002 815FC1F0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000018
$0008 00000074 00000001
#Set Normal Data to Set 0
$0000 81888000 00000002
$0000 81888002 00000004
### Apply Selection
#Check LB is 1
$D007 81888003 00000001
#Check S1 for 0x00
$D006 81888001 00000004
#Apply Set 0 to P.Compression
$7002 815FC1F0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000020
$0008 00000074 00000001
#Set Normal Data to Set 0
$0000 81888000 00000003
$0000 81888002 00000005
### Apply Selection
#Check LB is 1
$D007 81888003 00000001
#Check S1 for 0x00
$D006 81888001 00000005
#Apply Set 0 to P.Compression
$7002 815FC1F0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000028
$0008 00000074 00000001
#Set Normal Data to Set 0
$0000 81888000 00000004
$0000 81888002 00000000
### Reset to normal State
#Check LB is 1
$D002 81888003 00000001
#Check Controller for Sq alone
$C201 00000001 00008000
#Set LB to 0
$0000 81888003 00000000
### Reset to normal State
#Check LB is 1
$D002 81888003 00000001
#Check Controller for L alone
$C201 00000001 00000080
#Set LB to 0
$0000 81888003 00000000
### Reset to normal State
#Check LB is 1
$D002 81888003 00000001
#Check Controller for R alone
$C201 00000001 00000020
#Set LB to 0
$0000 81888003 00000000

_V0 MaiDump Codes
$0000 00000000 00000000

_V0 --1M Coins
$B200 00000000 00000000
$3201 005FFB40 00000308
$3300 00000000 0001869F # Edit Value Here (Default: 0x1869F = 99,999)

_V0 --Inf Sun
$B200 00000000 00000000
$3201 005F41AC 000055CC
$3300 00000000 00001388 # Edit Value Here (Default 0x1388 = 5,000)

_V0 --No Cooldown
$7102 815FC1C0 00000E9C
$7100 00000000 00000080
$7702 00000000 0000FFFF
$000A 00000074 00000000

_V0 -- See Note2
$0000 00000000 00000000

_V0 --Square plus DPad Swaps Plants
$D201 81888000 00000000
$0200 81888000 00010005
$D003 81888003 00000000
$C202 00000001 00008020
$5000 81888001 81888002
$0000 81888003 00000001
$D003 81888003 00000000
$C202 00000001 00008080
$5000 81888001 81888000
$0000 81888003 00000001
$D007 81888003 00000001
$D006 81888001 00000000
$7002 815FC1C0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000000
$0008 00000074 00000001
$0000 81888000 00000005
$0000 81888002 00000001
$D007 81888003 00000001
$D006 81888001 00000001
$7002 815FC1C0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000008
$0008 00000074 00000001
$0000 81888000 00000000
$0000 81888002 00000002
$D007 81888003 00000001
$D006 81888001 00000002
$7002 815FC1C0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000010
$0008 00000074 00000001
$0000 81888000 00000001
$0000 81888002 00000003
$D007 81888003 00000001
$D006 81888001 00000003
$7002 815FC1C0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000018
$0008 00000074 00000001
$0000 81888000 00000002
$0000 81888002 00000004
$D007 81888003 00000001
$D006 81888001 00000004
$7002 815FC1C0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000020
$0008 00000074 00000001
$0000 81888000 00000003
$0000 81888002 00000005
$D007 81888003 00000001
$D006 81888001 00000005
$7002 815FC1C0 00000E9C
$7200 00000000 00000090
$7702 00000000 00000028
$0008 00000074 00000001
$0000 81888000 00000004
$0000 81888002 00000000
$D002 81888003 00000001
$C201 00000001 00008000
$0000 81888003 00000000
$D002 81888003 00000001
$C201 00000001 00000080
$0000 81888003 00000000
$D002 81888003 00000001
$C201 00000001 00000020
$0000 81888003 00000000
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