# ID: PCSE01097 # Title: Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas # Region: USA # Version: 1.00 # Type: NoNpDrm # Code Author: r0ah, Yohoki # Source: https://github.com/r0ah/vitacheat/blob/master/db/PCSE01097.psv _V0 **Codes by Roah** $0000 00000000 00000000 _V0 Infinite Gold $4200 82C2D430 0098967F $0002 00000004 00000000 $4000 82C2D5D0 00000039 $0007 00000001 00000000 _V0 Max Level $4100 82C2D820 00002710 $0002 00000004 00000000 _V0 **Codes by Yohoki** $0000 00000000 00000000 _V0 Max Level $0200 82C2D820 00002710 _V0 Max HP [Not Inf HP] $0200 82C332B0 0000000D _V0 Inf Money $0200 82C2D430 000F423F _V0 Inf Blood Stones # May need to collect 1 more stone for the guy that collects them to realise. $0200 82C33A90 00000063 _V0 Inf Bombs $0200 82C2E000 00000063 _V0 Inf Mana $0200 82C144AC 3F800000 $0200 82C144A8 3F800000 _V0 Unlock All Equipment $4000 82C134C0 00000001 $0014 00000054 00000000 _V0 MP Bar Available # Use if you haven't unlocked spells yet $0200 82C14468 01010101 _V0 Funny Bomb Codes... $0000 00000000 00000000 _V0 ...LOLBOMBS #Just makes bombs say you have "LOL" left $0200 82C2E1A0 004C4F4C _V0 ...F-Bombs #Just makes bombs say you have "F" left $0200 82C2E1A0 00000046
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas - VitaCheat Codes [US]
The following are known VitaCheat Codes for Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
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