# ID: PCSE00801 # Title: God Eater Resurrection # Region: USA # Version: 1.01 # Type: NoNpDrm # Code Author: r0ah # Credits: Anonymous for the address for Infinite Money/HP/ST/OP, Equipment Stats and the Storage Item. Mission Time IDK where I got this (possibly the same author) (https://gbatemp.net/threads/god-eater-resurrection-hacking-thread-discussion.455520) # Wiki: https://github.com/r0ah/vitacheat/wiki/PCSE00801 # Source: https://github.com/r0ah/vitacheat/blob/master/db/PCSE00801.psv _V0 Infinite Money $0200 8890A400 3B9AC9FF _V0 Infinite Mission Time [Note 1] $0100 88A344D8 00000E10 _V0 Infinite Post-Mission Time $0000 88A3703A 00000005 _V0 Infinite HP [Note 2] $4201 889048E0 461C3C00 $0002 0000000C 00000000 _V0 Infinite ST [Note 2] $4201 889048E8 461C3C00 $0002 0000000C 00000000 _V0 Infinite OP [Note 2] $4201 889048E4 461C3C00 $0002 0000000C 00000000 _V0 Infinite HP/ST/OP [Note 2] $4201 889048E0 461C3C00 $0006 00000004 00000000 _V0 Infinite Level 3 Burst [Note 3] $D008 88A34DF9 00000002 $3003 88820988 00000710 $3000 00000000 00000088 $3000 00000000 0000005C $3300 00000000 00000003 $3203 88820988 00000710 $3200 00000000 00000088 $3200 00000000 00000064 $3300 00000000 447A0000 _V0 Infinite Enemy Bullets $4001 88905C54 00000063 $000F 00000478 00000000 _V0 Allies Have Infinite HP [Note 3] $D009 88A34DF9 00000002 $7201 88904864 00000070 $7701 00000000 461C3C00 $0002 0000000C 00000000 $7201 88904868 00000070 $7701 00000000 461C3C00 $0002 0000000C 00000000 $7201 8890486C 00000070 $7701 00000000 461C3C00 $0002 0000000C 00000000 _V0 Max Melee (Slash/Crushing/Piercing) $4101 889059BE 0000270F $0003 00000002 00000000 _V0 Max Gun (Crushing/Piercing) $4101 88905A38 00007EF4 $0002 00000002 00000000 _V0 Max Shield $4101 88905AAE 0000270F $0003 00000002 00000000 _V0 Max Equipment Elements (B/F/Sp/D) $4001 889059C4 00000002 #MELEE $0004 00000002 00000000 $4001 88905A3C 00000005 #GUN $0004 00000002 00000000 $4001 88905AB4 00000004 #SHIELD $0004 00000002 00000000 _V0 Infinite Inventory Items $4101 8890491A 00000063 $0020 00000078 00000000 _V0 Infinite Storage Items $4101 8895F7D4 000003E7 #2 BYTES / MAX VALUE: 999 $0708 00000078 00000000 #MAX: 1,800 / LAST: 88994318 (BELOW IS THE EQUIPMENT STORAGE) _V0 Have Tickets $0200 88993EE0 000A1ABD #BRONZE F $0200 88993F58 000A1ABE #SILVER F $0200 88993FD0 000A1ABF #GOLD F $0200 88994048 000A276D #PLATINUM F $0200 889940C0 000A276E #BLACK F $0200 88994138 000A1AC0 #BRONZE A $0200 889941B0 000A1AC1 #SILVER A $0200 88994228 000A1AC2 #GOLD A $0200 889942A0 000A1AC3 #PLATINUM A $0200 88994318 000A2769 #BLACK A $4001 88993EE6 00000019 #ICON $000A 00000078 00000000 $4101 88993EE4 000003E7 #QUANTITY / SLOT IS AUTO $000A 00000078 00000000 _V0 Have Compound Core/Crystals [Note 4] $0200 88993AA8 000A3533 #GENERIC COMPOUND CORE $0200 88993B20 000A357E #ARAGAMI CRYSTAL 1 $0200 88993B98 000A357F $0200 88993C10 000A3580 $0200 88993C88 000A3581 $0200 88993D00 000A3582 $0200 88993D78 000A3583 $0200 88993DF0 000A3584 $0200 88993E68 000A3585 #ARAGAMI CRYSTAL 8 $0100 88993AAE 00002118 #ICON $4101 88993B26 00000018 $0008 00000078 00000000 $4101 88993AAC 00000063 #QUANTITY $0009 00000078 00000000 _V0 Max GAP $0100 8891B41E 000003E7 _V0 Max Team AP $7201 88A6F278 00000178 $7701 00000000 0001869F $0032 00000178 00000000 #50 ONLY, BUT THERE ARE HUNDRED OF SLOTS ENOUGH TO MAKE AN ARMY _V0 Have High-End God Arc Skills [Note 5] $0000 00000000 00000000 _V0 * Master Skills [1/3] $0100 88A0F49E 00000E1D #Ability Assistance IV / hex_generator( "88A0F49E", <COUNT>, 120 ) $0100 88A0F516 0000131C #Accelerando III $0100 88A0F58E 000009C4 #Ace $0100 88A0F606 000009CF #Activation II $0100 88A0F67E 00000DA5 #Active Oracle IV $0100 88A0F6F6 0000273B #Additional GAP IV $0100 88A0F76E 00000C16 #Advantage V $0100 88A0F7E6 00000AB7 #Adversary IV $0100 88A0F85E 00000B59 #Advice VI $0100 88A0F8D6 00000C97 #Aegis Guard IV $0100 88A0F94E 00001248 #Aerial Killer $0100 88A0F9C6 00000DFF #Aficionado IV $0100 88A0FA3E 000010CF #Afterburner IV $0100 88A0FAB6 00001219 #Air Strike IV $0100 88A0FB2E 00000CD3 #All Honor IV $0100 88A0FBA6 00001024 #Alliance III $0100 88A0FC1E 00001045 #Ambition VI $0100 88A0FC96 00000868 #Ambush Mastery III $0100 88A0FD0E 0000149A #Anger IV $0100 88A0FD86 000014F1 #Antibody II $0100 88A0FDFE 0000108A #Appealing Features V $0100 88A0FE76 00000A6E #Apsara $0100 88A0FEEE 00000977 #Artisan's Hand IV $0100 88A0FF66 00000B93 #Aspiration IV $0100 88A0FFDE 00000D7C #Assault Gun Master III $0100 88A10056 00000D73 #Assault Gunner IV $0100 88A100CE 000013A9 #Athletic IV $0100 88A10146 00000EBC #Athleticism III $0100 88A101BE 00000F21 #Balliamo IV $0100 88A10236 00001537 #Banquet II $0100 88A102AE 00000D0F #Base Up IV $0100 88A10326 00001183 #Baton of Bravery IV $0100 88A1039E 00000FFD #Battle Drums IV $0100 88A10416 00001236 #Battle Lust III $0100 88A1048E 00000852 #Bayoneteer $0100 88A10506 00000A0D #Belladonna IV $0100 88A1057E 000008E1 #Best Works IV $0100 88A105F6 00000D87 #Bias Tendency IV $0100 88A1066E 00000B7F #Big Eater IV $0100 88A106E6 00000892 #Binder V $0100 88A1075E 00000951 #Blade Wielder VI $0100 88A107D6 00000FA3 #Blast Gun Master IV $0100 88A1084E 00000F99 #Blast Gunner IV $0100 88A108C6 00001039 #Bodyguard IV $0100 88A1093E 00002727 #Bond Brk Reward Up IV $0100 88A109B6 00000F17 #Bouncer IV $0100 88A10A2E 000009B2 #Break Pocket III $0100 88A10AA6 000008AE #Breakback III $0100 88A10B1E 00000B39 #Brute Hand IV $0100 88A10B96 00000F2B #Bugbear IV $0100 88A10C0E 00000945 #Buildup IV $0100 88A10C86 00001326 #Bullet Boost III $0100 88A10CFE 00001205 #Bulwark IV $0100 88A10D76 000008D6 #Burst Aid III $0100 88A10DEE 0000127C #Burst Rise III $0100 88A10E66 00000AAD #Buster Blade Master IV $0100 88A10EDE 00000C0B #Calamitous Deed IV $0100 88A10F56 000012C2 #Carnage III $0100 88A10FCE 00000E32 #Carnivorous V $0100 88A11046 0000085E #Catch the Way III $0100 88A110BE 00000A53 #Cecchino IV $0100 88A11136 00000C5A #Chaotic Fire III $0100 88A111AE 000007FB #Cherry Petal Dance IV $0100 88A11226 00000B6B #Cicada Chorus IV $0100 88A1129E 00001381 #Clear Mind IV $0100 88A11316 00000AA5 #Cleaver VI $0100 88A1138E 00000A03 #Commanding Officer IV $0100 88A11406 00001197 #Conditioning IV $0100 88A1147E 00000A83 #Corrosion II $0100 88A114F6 00000D4B #Cost Cutting IV $0100 88A1156E 0000104D #Counseling IV $0100 88A115E6 0000152D #Counter Move II $0100 88A1165E 00000FB7 #Crack Shot IV $0100 88A116D6 00001505 #Cryptoforce II $0100 88A1174E 00000E45 #Custom Gear IV $0100 88A117C6 00001345 #Cut-up IV $0100 88A1183E 00001484 #Cycling Rate III $0100 88A118B6 0000087E #Daunting Might V $0100 88A1192E 00001007 #Death Road IV $0100 88A119A6 00000C01 #Deathflower IV $0100 88A11A1E 00000CC8 #Death's Obsession III $0100 88A11A96 0000089A #Decline III $0100 88A11B0E 0000139F #Decoy Mastery IV $0100 88A11B86 0000133B #Defense Mastery IV $0100 88A11BFE 00000D05 #Defense-minded IV $0100 88A11C76 00000F3F #Defensive Form IV $0100 88A11CEE 000011FB #Defensive IV $0100 88A11D66 000009D8 #Defensive Type $0100 88A11DDE 00000F0D #Desperado IV $0100 88A11E56 000010A7 #Detonation IV $0100 88A11ECE 00000BBB #Devil's Embrace IV $0100 88A11F46 0000142A #Devoted Care III $0100 88A11FBE 00000823 #Digitalis IV $0100 88A12036 00000BC4 #Disaster III $0100 88A120AE 00000A66 #Disease Treatment III $0100 88A12126 00000873 #Disorder IV $0100 88A1219E 00000ECE #Dogged Fighter $0100 88A12216 00000C83 #Doomsday III $0100 88A1228E 00001165 #Double Breath IV $0100 88A12306 00000FF3 #Draw-in IV $0100 88A1237E 00000A5C #Dunamis III $0100 88A123F6 00000FC1 #Earth's Bounty IV $0100 88A1246E 000013D1 #Easy Burst IV $0100 88A124E6 00000E3B #Edacious IV $0100 88A1255E 0000122D #Efficient Evasion IV $0100 88A125D6 00001268 #Embers of Battle III $0100 88A1264E 00000A20 #Energy Bar III $0100 88A126C6 00000DD6 #Energy Cake III $0100 88A1273E 000011AA #Energy Drops III $0100 88A127B6 00000B62 #Energy Surge V $0100 88A1282E 00000D37 #Enforcer IV $0100 88A128A6 00001290 #Enmity III $0100 88A1291E 00000F48 #Entertainer III $0100 88A12996 00000A99 #Eruption IV $0100 88A12A0E 0000116F #Evasion Control IV $0100 88A12A86 00000F04 #Exalt V $0100 88A12AFE 000012FF #Exorcism IV $0100 88A12B76 00000849 #Extra Length II $0100 88A12BEE 00001130 #Fallout _V0 * Master Skills [2/3] $0100 88A12C66 000013F6 #Fantasista $0100 88A12CDE 00001464 #Far East Champion $0100 88A12D56 00001126 #Fatal Shot $0100 88A12DCE 000007E8 #Fencer V $0100 88A12E46 000014D4 #Fierce Combatant III $0100 88A12EBE 00000DCB #Fleet-footed II $0100 88A12F36 00000EAA #Focused Mind V $0100 88A12FAE 0000129B #Follow-up IV $0100 88A13026 00000C6F #Footwork IV $0100 88A1309E 00001240 #Fortify III $0100 88A13116 00000AD5 #Freakout IV $0100 88A1318E 00000E13 #Freikugel IV $0100 88A13206 00000909 #Full of Promise IV $0100 88A1327E 000012E1 #Full Snatch IV $0100 88A132F6 0000150F #Full Step II $0100 88A1336E 00000AE9 #Furinkazan IV $0100 88A133E6 00001011 #Furious Hammer IV $0100 88A1345E 000011F1 #Game Changer IV $0100 88A134D6 0000110A #Gastronome III $0100 88A1354E 00000DEB #Gatling Charge IV $0100 88A135C6 0000140C #Generator III $0100 88A1363E 0000272B #Get Cnsumable Itms IV $0100 88A136B6 000012AF #Gift IV $0100 88A1372E 0000120F #Gift with Blades IV $0100 88A137A6 00000D24 #Gifted Shooter V $0100 88A1381E 0000276C #God of Rare Drops $0100 88A13896 00000B86 #Goddess of Mercy $0100 88A1390E 000014C9 #Goddess of War II $0100 88A13986 00000913 #Golden Flame IV $0100 88A139FE 00000841 #Gran Suerte IV $0100 88A13A76 00000931 #Great Devourer IV $0100 88A13AEE 00000DE1 #Grim Aura IV $0100 88A13B66 00000DC0 #Grip on Life $0100 88A13BDE 000011B4 #Grit III $0100 88A13C56 00000E6A #Guard Assist $0100 88A13CCE 00000B23 #Guard Support II $0100 88A13D46 00000C65 #Gun Mania IV $0100 88A13DBE 00000F53 #Gun Master IV $0100 88A13E36 00001093 #Gun of the Revolution IV $0100 88A13EAE 00000FAE #Gun Support V $0100 88A13F26 00000E09 #Gunner IV $0100 88A13F9E 00000D2D #Gunslinger IV $0100 88A14016 00000BB1 #Hammer Master IV $0100 88A1408E 00000BA8 #Hammerer V $0100 88A14106 000009E4 #Hard Fighter III $0100 88A1417E 00001478 #Hardboiled $0100 88A141F6 0000102F #Harmony of Zero IV $0100 88A1426E 00000837 #Harvester IV $0100 88A142E6 00000BE3 #Healing Touch IV $0100 88A1435E 00001054 #Hearty Appetite $0100 88A143D6 00001068 #Heavy Bullet $0100 88A1444E 0000145C #Hedgehog III $0100 88A144C6 00001147 #Heroic Hour IV $0100 88A1453E 00001389 #Hidden Reserves II $0100 88A145B6 00001434 #High Power III $0100 88A1462E 00000F8D #High Spirits II $0100 88A146A6 0000143E #High Storage III $0100 88A1471E 000013BD #High Velocity IV $0100 88A14796 00000FE6 #Hot Stuff $0100 88A1480E 00000F65 #Hunter Training II $0100 88A14886 00000CBF #Hurricane Lily IV $0100 88A148FE 0000271F #Ignore Bond IV $0100 88A14976 00002717 #Ignore Endurance IV $0100 88A149EE 0000271B #Ignore Time IV $0100 88A14A66 0000134D #Impregnable II $0100 88A14ADE 00001416 #In Shape III $0100 88A14B56 000011DD #Initiative IV $0100 88A14BCE 00000805 #Insight IV $0100 88A14C46 00000CFB #Iron Cavalier IV $0100 88A14CBE 0000115B #Iron Ramparts IV $0100 88A14D36 000014E8 #Iron Vitality III $0100 88A14DAE 00000963 #Ironsides IV $0100 88A14E26 00000F35 #Item Support IV $0100 88A14E9E 000008B9 #Jambes d'Or IV $0100 88A14F16 00000F7A #Judgment III $0100 88A14F8E 00000C1F #Kahuna Pohaku IV $0100 88A15006 00000F70 #Kaleidoscope III $0100 88A1507E 00000AC1 #Keen Eyes IV $0100 88A150F6 00001286 #Knight's Pride III $0100 88A1516E 00000819 #La Reine des Neiges IV $0100 88A151E6 000010B1 #La Vie en Rose IV $0100 88A1525E 00000E4F #Lampo Rosso IV $0100 88A152D6 00000C48 #Lancer V $0100 88A1534E 0000091B #Liberator II $0100 88A153C6 00001361 #Life of Worth II $0100 88A1543E 00000B9D #Lift Up IV $0100 88A154B6 00000CB5 #Light of Foresight IV $0100 88A1552E 00001252 #Lightning Speed $0100 88A155A6 0000113C #Lion's Roar III $0100 88A1561E 00000959 #Long Blade Master IV $0100 88A15696 00001448 #Long Lasting III $0100 88A1570E 00000D5D #Long-range Focus II $0100 88A15786 00001421 #Lotus Petal IV $0100 88A157FE 000014FB #Low Calorie II $0100 88A15876 000010BA #Lucky Cat Hunter III $0100 88A158EE 00000D69 #Lullaby IV $0100 88A15966 00000926 #Main Dish III $0100 88A159DE 00001151 #Majesty IV $0100 88A15A56 000008F4 #Major Step III $0100 88A15ACE 0000098A #Malediction III $0100 88A15B46 0000109D #Martial Sign IV $0100 88A15BBE 00000AF2 #Massive Bomb III $0100 88A15C36 00000ADF #Matchless Jewel IV $0100 88A15CAE 00000D19 #Medical Care IV $0100 88A15D26 00001019 #Medical Training II $0100 88A15D9E 00000ED9 #Melee Boost II $0100 88A15E16 00001395 #Melee Mastery IV $0100 88A15E8E 00000B75 #Mighty Force IV $0100 88A15F06 00000BF5 #Mighty Power II $0100 88A15F7E 00000DB9 #Miracle Shooter IV $0100 88A15FF6 00000A35 #Mission Auxiliary IV $0100 88A1606E 000014B7 #Mutant IV $0100 88A160E6 00000CA1 #Nero Diamante IV $0100 88A1615E 000009F9 #New-type Training IV $0100 88A161D6 00000BCF #Nonaggression IV $0100 88A1624E 000009EF #Objective Master IV $0100 88A162C6 0000146E #One Shot One Kill $0100 88A1633E 00000D9B #Oracle Increase IV $0100 88A163B6 00000A4A #Oracle Rise V _V0 * Master Skills [3/3] $0100 88A1642E 00001114 #Oracle Shot III $0100 88A164A6 0000111E #Oracle Support III $0100 88A1651E 00000ACB #Oregano IV $0100 88A16596 00000C33 #Outbreak IV $0100 88A1660E 00000A8E #Over the Limit III $0100 88A16686 00000FD4 #Overclocking III $0100 88A166FE 000012CC #Overdrive III $0100 88A16776 00000A16 #Patron Saint III $0100 88A167EE 00000EEE #Peculiar Palate III $0100 88A16866 000012D6 #Perseverance III $0100 88A168DE 00000FDE #Pest Control III $0100 88A16956 000014DE #Physical Guard III $0100 88A169CE 00000E95 #Physical Training IV $0100 88A16A46 000008EB #Polished Defense IV $0100 88A16ABE 000008FE #Polished Evasion III $0100 88A16B36 000010D9 #Polished Melee (?) $0100 88A16BAE 000010DA #Polished Melee IV $0100 88A16C26 0000093B #Polished Offense IV $0100 88A16C9E 00000FCB #Positioning IV $0100 88A16D16 00000DF5 #Positivity IV $0100 88A16D8E 000013DB #Power Food IV $0100 88A16E06 000012A5 #Power Rise IV $0100 88A16E7E 000011D3 #Power Saver IV $0100 88A16EF6 000010C5 #Power Walker IV $0100 88A16F6E 00000F5D #Precision Fire IV $0100 88A16FE6 00000C29 #Purified Spirit IV $0100 88A1705E 000011E7 #Quick Turn IV $0100 88A170D6 0000276B #Rare Items for All $0100 88A1714E 00000CE7 #Reaper IV $0100 88A171C6 00000AFD #Reassurance IV $0100 88A1723E 00000EB3 #Reinvigorate IV $0100 88A172B6 00001518 #Relentless $0100 88A1732E 000012B6 #Reliable $0100 88A173A6 0000125F #Resistance Training IV $0100 88A1741E 00000A2A #Resuscitation III $0100 88A17496 00002713 #Reward Credits Up IV $0100 88A1750E 00002723 #Reward Rate Up IV $0100 88A17586 000008C2 #Rosa College III $0100 88A175FE 00000C3D #Rumble Shot IV $0100 88A17676 00001223 #Runner's Lung IV $0100 88A176EE 00001378 #Safeguard V $0100 88A17766 00000BED #Saint's Embrace IV $0100 88A177DE 00000E27 #Scramble IV $0100 88A17856 00000CF0 #Scythe Master III $0100 88A178CE 00000EC5 #Secrecy II $0100 88A17946 00000D41 #Secrets of Battle IV $0100 88A179BE 000011BF #Self Control IV $0100 88A17A36 00000DAF #Self Discipline IV $0100 88A17AAE 00001401 #Self-starter II $0100 88A17B26 00000C8D #Shadow of the Fallen IV $0100 88A17B9E 0000276D #Share the Wealth $0100 88A17C16 00001312 #Shedding Skin III $0100 88A17C8E 00000BD9 #Shield Rise IV $0100 88A17D06 00001331 #Shifting Winds IV $0100 88A17D7E 000013E5 #Shining Naga IV $0100 88A17DF6 000007F1 #Short Blade Master IV $0100 88A17E6E 0000107F #Shotgun Master IV $0100 88A17EE6 00001075 #Shotgunner IV $0100 88A17F5E 00000A78 #Shutout $0100 88A17FD6 0000099E #Sickness III $0100 88A1804E 0000118D #Sinceramente IV $0100 88A180C6 000009BC #Skilled Hand III $0100 88A1813E 00000E82 #Sniper Gunner V $0100 88A181B6 00000E8B #Sniping Master IV $0100 88A1822E 00000E75 #Solidify II $0100 88A182A6 00000D55 #Solo Charge IV $0100 88A1831E 00000B4D #Solo Endeavor IV $0100 88A18396 000013EF #Soul Eater IV $0100 88A1840E 00000C51 #Spear Master IV $0100 88A18486 00000B19 #Special Guard II $0100 88A184FE 000010E3 #Specialist IV $0100 88A18576 000010F7 #Speed Eater IV $0100 88A185EE 00001356 #Speed Guard $0100 88A18666 00000D91 #Spiritual Recall IV $0100 88A186DE 0000082C #Splitting Wedge III $0100 88A18756 0000273F #Spport Skill Uses +1 IV $0100 88A187CE 000014C1 #Stalwart Shield IV $0100 88A18846 000012F5 #Stamina Rise IV $0100 88A188BE 00000CDD #Stealth IV $0100 88A18936 00000EF9 #Steeled Observer IV $0100 88A189AE 00000B0E #Stratagem $0100 88A18A26 000011A1 #Supplement IV $0100 88A18A9E 000014A3 #Supplier IV $0100 88A18B16 00002743 #Support Redraw IV $0100 88A18B8E 00000E62 #Supporter III $0100 88A18C06 00000A3F #Survival Mastery IV $0100 88A18C7E 000012EC #Survival V $0100 88A18CF6 00001309 #Talisman IV $0100 88A18D6E 000014AA #Tea Time $0100 88A18DE6 00002737 #Team AP Up IV $0100 88A18E5E 00000B06 #Team Tactics III $0100 88A18ED6 00000981 #Technical Power IV $0100 88A18F4E 00001452 #Tempter III $0100 88A18FC6 000009A9 #Thousand Arms IV $0100 88A1903E 000013B3 #Time to Dance IV $0100 88A190B6 00000996 #Timid Wisdom V $0100 88A1912E 000008A5 #To the Luminous IV $0100 88A191A6 0000096D #Total Protection IV $0100 88A1921E 00000B43 #Tout Le Monde IV $0100 88A19296 0000080F #Toxic Power IV $0100 88A1930E 00000F84 #Trance III $0100 88A19386 00001522 #Transcendent Wisdom $0100 88A193FE 00000EE5 #Treatment IV $0100 88A19476 00000B2D #Trickster II $0100 88A194EE 00000E9F #Trinity Guard IV $0100 88A19566 0000148D #Triple Point II $0100 88A195DE 00000887 #Troublemaker IV $0100 88A19656 000010FF #Unusual Eater II $0100 88A196CE 000011C9 #Unyielding Spirit IV $0100 88A19746 0000105F #Vanguard II $0100 88A197BE 000008CD #Venom Leap IV $0100 88A19836 00000CAA #Vital Support III $0100 88A198AE 000010EC #Voracity III $0100 88A19926 000013C6 #War Cry III $0100 88A1999E 00000E58 #Warmup III $0100 88A19A16 0000136D #Watcher from Above IV $0100 88A19A8E 00001271 #Yaksha II $0100 88A19B06 00001178 #Yaksha Stance III $0100 88A19B7E 00000C80 #Zero Gravity III _V0 * Equipment Melee: Short $4201 88A0F450 00160001 #CATEGORY $0165 00000078 00000000 $4201 88A0F454 00400001 #EQUIPMENT ICON $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4A0 0000000A #LEVEL $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F453 00000000 #TYPE $0165 00000078 00000000 $4101 88A0F457 00001AB7 #LEVEL ICON $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4BC 0000001E #1 UP $0165 00000078 00000000 _V0 * Equipment Melee: Long $4201 88A0F450 00160001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4201 88A0F454 00410001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4A0 0000000A $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F453 00000001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4101 88A0F457 00001AB7 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4BC 0000001E $0165 00000078 00000000 _V0 * Equipment Melee: Buster $4201 88A0F450 00160001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4201 88A0F454 00420001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4A0 0000000A $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F453 00000002 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4101 88A0F457 00001AB7 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4BC 0000001E $0165 00000078 00000000 _V0 * Equipment Melee: Hammer $4201 88A0F450 00160001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4201 88A0F454 00430001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4A0 0000000A $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F453 00000003 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4101 88A0F457 00001AB7 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4BC 0000001E $0165 00000078 00000000 _V0 * Equipment Melee: Spear $4201 88A0F450 00160001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4201 88A0F454 00440001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4A0 0000000A $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F453 00000004 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4101 88A0F457 00001AB7 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4BC 0000001E $0165 00000078 00000000 _V0 * Equipment Melee: Scythe $4201 88A0F450 00160001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4201 88A0F454 004C0001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4A0 0000000A $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F453 00000005 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4101 88A0F457 00001AB7 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4BC 0000001E $0165 00000078 00000000 _V0 * Equipment Gun: Sniper $4201 88A0F450 00170001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4201 88A0F454 00480001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4A0 0000000A $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F453 00000000 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4101 88A0F457 00001AB7 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4BC 0000001E $0165 00000078 00000000 _V0 * Equipment Gun: Assault $4201 88A0F450 00170001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4201 88A0F454 00490001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4A0 0000000A $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F453 00000001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4101 88A0F457 00001AB7 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4BC 0000001E $0165 00000078 00000000 _V0 * Equipment Gun: Blast $4201 88A0F450 00170001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4201 88A0F454 004A0001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4A0 0000000A $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F453 00000002 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4101 88A0F457 00001AB7 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4BC 0000001E $0165 00000078 00000000 _V0 * Equipment Gun: Shotgun $4201 88A0F450 00170001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4201 88A0F454 004B0001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4A0 0000000A $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F453 00000003 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4101 88A0F457 00001AB7 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4BC 0000001E $0165 00000078 00000000 _V0 * Equipment Shield: Buckler $4201 88A0F450 00180001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4201 88A0F454 00450001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4A0 0000000A $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F453 00000000 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4101 88A0F457 00001AB7 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4BC 0000001E $0165 00000078 00000000 _V0 * Equipment Shield: Shield $4201 88A0F450 00180001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4201 88A0F454 00460001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4A0 0000000A $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F453 00000001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4101 88A0F457 00001AB7 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4BC 0000001E $0165 00000078 00000000 _V0 * Equipment Shield: Tower Shield $4201 88A0F450 00180001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4201 88A0F454 00470001 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4A0 0000000A $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F453 00000002 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4101 88A0F457 00001AB7 $0165 00000078 00000000 $4001 88A0F4BC 0000001E $0165 00000078 00000000 _V0 Change Name [Note 6] $0200 8890487F 00000000 #DO NOT ACTIVATE THIS CHEAT $0200 8890489F 00000000 _V0 Avatar Zero Link Aid $0200 88A38A24 00000000 _V0 No HUD in Battle [Select=On / Start=Reset] [Note 7] $C201 00000000 00000001 $0000 88A34DF9 00000003 $C201 00000000 00000008 $0000 88A34DF9 00000002 _V0 Notes: $0000 00000000 00000000 _V0 #1: Will affect your Avatar Card! See wiki for details. $0000 00000000 00000000 # This cheat prevents you from getting a mission clear time. The consequence of this cheat is you have a mission clear count but no clear time in either multi, single or solo categories thus making your avatar card non-legit until you re-do the mission (with cheat disabled) to get a clear time. Not an issue but this is something that you should be aware of. _V0 #2: HP/ST/OP stats can be restored by changing equipments $0000 00000000 00000000 # In the loadout menu _V0 #3: Might conflict with No HUD in Battle. Do not activate both. $0000 00000000 00000000 _V0 #4: Can't use crystals? See wiki for details. $0000 00000000 00000000 # Enable cheat then quit the VitaCheat menu to get crystals. Re-enter the VitaCheat menu and disable cheat then return to the game. Withdraw all x99 crystals from your storage to your inventory and you can now use the items. You can then store it back to your storage later on if you wish to do so. You can ignore the generic compound core. $0000 00000000 00000000 # When withdrawing crystals don't collect by pressing the triangle button as it makes the crystal in your inventory invalid and selecting it will crash the game. You can however fix it by pressing the square button to sell the item. _V0 #5a: All (x3) Master Skill cheat must be activated! $0000 00000000 00000000 # Make sure to activate all master skill (x3) cheat or your game will crash upon entering the skill menu! If you encounter crash upon opening the skill rebuild/install menus just activate any equipment cheat to fix it. As to why it crashes it's because you don't have 367 god arcs. _V0 #5b: Then activate "one" Equipment cheat. See wiki for details. $0000 00000000 00000000 # If you want to install god arc skill on your short melee then activate "Equipment Melee: Short". To switch disable previously activated equipment cheat and activate another. _V0 #6: Use address as a bookmark only. See wiki for details. $0000 00000000 00000000 # Don't want to start over again? Click the cheat and you'll see two addresses. You can change your name by opening the first address (Codename) by pressing the triangle button. Edit. Repeat for the second address (Name). $0000 00000000 00000000 # Save & re-load savedata to reflect changes _V0 #7: If no respawn, press the start button $0000 00000000 00000000 # Set radio to none/voice to minimize on-screen notices
God Eater Resurrection - VitaCheat Codes [US]
The following are known VitaCheat Codes for God Eater Resurrection on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
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