Game Genie Code

Freedom Wars - VitaCheat Codes [KO]

The following are known VitaCheat Codes for Freedom Wars on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
# ID: PCSD00087
# Title: Freedom Wars
# Region: ASA/KOR
# Version: 1.22
# Type: MaiDump
# Code Author: Fullcodes(树的原理)
# Source:
# Original Source:
# Note: 3.60 变革0 enso with MaiDump Tool_V233.2zEx

_V0 Never Increase Sentence
$A100 8323F03C 0000BF00

_V0 Entitlement Points 9,999,999
$A100 8323F0C4 0000BF00
$A100 8323F0E4 0000BF00

_V0 Limit Time Always Max in Battle
$A200 83001B76 BF00BF00

_V0 Infinite Sustainbility but Enermy Nope
$A100 83001BEE 0000D013
$A100 83001C02 00002000

_V0 Saved Max Civilians but Enermy Nope
$A100 8302170A 00003063
$A200 8302151A 0F00F1B9
$A200 8302151E 811AF040

_V0 Player Invincible
$A200 831A2F16 0F01F1BE
$A100 831A2F1A 0000D011

_V0 Infinite Thorn
$A100 8318CB08 0000BF00
$A200 8318CB34 BF00BF00

_V0 Infinite Weapon Ammo Usage
$A200 83738440 13BCF8D0

_V0 Player High Speed Move
$3203 84701060 000000D0
$3200 00000000 00000000
$3200 00000000 00000108
$3300 00000000 40800000

_V0 Player Normal Speed Move
$3203 84701060 000000D0
$3200 00000000 00000000
$3200 00000000 00000108
$3300 00000000 3F800000
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