Game Genie Code

Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster

VitaCheat Codes [EU]

The following are known VitaCheat Codes for Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
# ID: PCSB00394
# Title: Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster
# Region: EUR
# Version: 1.00
# Type: NoNpDrm
# Code Author: Udaius
# Wiki:
# Source:
# Original Source:
# Original Source:

_V0 Max Gil
$0200 8258D128 05F5E0FF

_V0 Have 99 of All Items
$4101 8258D290 00002000
$0044 00000002 00000001
$4001 8258D490 00000063
$0044 00000001 00000000

_V0 All Dresspheres Unlocked
$4001 8258D15D 00000001
$000F 00000001 00000000
$0200 8258D16E 01000001
$0100 8258D178 00000101

_V0 Have 90 of All Accessories
$4101 8258D5D0 00009000
$0080 00000002 00000001
$4001 8258D6D0 0000005A
$0080 00000001 00000000

_V0 All Garment Grids Unlocked
$4001 8258D154 000000FF
$0008 00000001 00000000

_V0 All Abilities Learned
$4101 8258E6BE 000003E7
$1DFF 00000002 00000000

_V0 Unlock Dresspheres Debug (YRP)
$4001 8258DB3E 000000FF
$0003 00000080 00000000

_V0 Max Level YRP
$0200 8258DB14 00149AB2
$0200 8258DB94 001310C8
$0200 8258DC14 0011D967

_V0 Max HP/MP Permanent (YRP)
$4201 8258DB04 0001869F
$0003 00000080 00000000
$4101 8258DB08 0000270F
$0003 00000080 00000000

_V0 Max Stats Permanent (YRP)
$4201 8258DB0C FFFFFFFF
$0003 00000080 00000000
$4201 8258DB10 FFFFFFFF
$0003 00000080 00000000

_V0 Brother with only Zanmato [Note 1]
$4201 82592EC0 40A440A4
$0004 00000004 00000000
$0100 8258E2B6 0000500C
$0000 8258E2B8 0000003D

_V0 Notes:
$0000 00000000 00000000

_V0 #1: See wiki for details.
$0000 00000000 00000000 # Now with some luck he shouldn't learn any new skills as I have it done in a way that the free slots are all set as zanmato but will continue to test it to see if he does learn anything else, also since his garment grid/dressphere has been modified i'd avoid his equipment page as it asks you to choose a dressphere but you don't need to for this particular usage, also make sure he is in the party beforehand as if you apply the code and then swap him in it forces you to choose a dressphere for him

VitaCheat Codes [US]

The following are known VitaCheat Codes for Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
# ID: PCSE00283
# Title: Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster
# Region: USA
# Version: 1.00
# Type: NoNpDrm
# Code Author: monodevil
# Source:
# Original Source:

_V0 Gil
$0200 8258D128 05F5E0FF

_V0 400 Argent Publicity Points
$0200 825866F8 00000190

_V0 400 Open Air Publicity Points
$0200 825866F4 00000190

_V0 130 Match Making Points
$0200 825866FC 00000082

_V0 Inf Death bullet Gunner Gauntlet
$0000 82585CE9 00000009

_V0 Inf Item slot 1
$0000 8258D490 00000063

_V0 Inf Item slot 2
$0000 8258D491 00000063

_V0 Inf Item slot 3
$0000 8258D492 00000063

_V0 Inf Item slot 4
$0000 8258D493 00000063

_V0 Inf Item slot 5
$0000 8258D494 00000063

_V0 Inf Item slot 6
$0000 8258D495 00000063

_V0 Inf Item slot 7
$0000 8258D496 00000063

_V0 Inf Item slot 8
$0000 8258D497 00000063

_V0 Inf Item slot 9
$0000 8258D498 00000063

_V0 Inf Item slot 10
$0000 8258D499 00000063

_V0 Inf Items all slots
$4001 8258D490 00000063
$0044 00000001 00000000

_V0 Yuna EXP Mod
$0200 826BB900 00000000

_V0 Rikku EXP Mod
$0200 826BB90C 00000000

_V0 Pain EXP Mod
$0200 826BB918 00000000

_V0 Note: Slot 1-8 Creature History order
$0000 00000000 00000000

_V0 Creature Exp Mod slot 1
$0200 826BB9B4 00000000

_V0 Creature Exp Mod slot 2
$0200 826BB9C0 00000000

_V0 Creature Exp Mod slot 3
$0200 826BB9CC 00000000

_V0 Creature Exp Mod slot 4
$0200 826BB9D8 00000000

_V0 Creature Exp Mod slot 5
$0200 826BB9E4 00000000

_V0 Creature Exp Mod slot 6
$0200 826BB9F0 00000000

_V0 Creature Exp Mod slot 7
$0200 826BB9FC 00000000

_V0 Creature Exp Mod slot 8
$0200 826BBA08 00000000

_V0 Blitzball: Command Points
$0200 82586B3C 00000064

_V0 Pain's Blitzball stats
$0000 82587251 00000063 #END
$0000 82587252 00000063 #ATK
$0000 82587253 00000063 #PAS
$0000 82587254 00000063 #SHT
$0000 82587255 00000063 #BLK
$0000 82587250 000000FF #RNG
$0000 82587257 000000FF #REC

_V0 Yuna's Blitzball stats
$0000 8258722D 00000063 #END
$0000 8258722E 00000063 #ATK
$0000 8258722F 00000063 #PAS
$0000 82587230 00000063 #SHT
$0000 82587231 00000063 #BLK
$0000 8258722C 000000FF #RNG
$0000 82587233 000000FF #REC

_V0 Rikku Blitzball stats
$0000 8258723F 00000063 #END
$0000 82587240 00000063 #ATK
$0000 82587241 00000063 #PAS
$0000 82587242 00000063 #SHT
$0000 82587243 00000063 #BLK
$0000 8258723E 000000FF #RNG
$0000 82587245 000000FF #REC

_V0 Brother Blitzball stats
$0000 82587287 00000063 #END
$0000 82587288 00000063 #ATK
$0000 82587289 00000063 #PAS
$0000 8258728A 00000063 #SHT
$0000 8258728B 00000063 #BLK
$0000 82587286 000000FF #RNG
$0000 8258728D 000000FF #REC

_V0 Buddy Blitzball stats
$0000 82587263 00000063 #END
$0000 82587264 00000063 #ATK
$0000 82587265 00000063 #PAS
$0000 82587266 00000063 #SHT
$0000 82587267 00000063 #BLK
$0000 82587262 000000FF #RNG
$0000 82587269 000000FF #REC

_V0 Shinra Blitzball stats
$0000 8258727A 00000063 #CAT
$0000 82587277 00000063 #PAS
$0000 82587274 000000FF #RNG

_V0 Lucil Blitzball stats
$0000 82587143 00000063 #END
$0000 82587144 00000063 #ATK
$0000 82587145 00000063 #PAS
$0000 82587146 00000063 #SHT
$0000 82587147 00000063 #BLK
$0000 82587142 000000FF #RNG
$0000 82587149 000000FF #REC

_V0 Yuyui Blitzball stats
$0000 8258711F 00000063 #END
$0000 82587120 00000063 #ATK
$0000 82587121 00000063 #PAS
$0000 82587122 00000063 #SHT
$0000 82587123 00000063 #BLK
$0000 8258711E 000000FF #RNG
$0000 82587125 000000FF #REC
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