Game Genie Code

Don’t Starve: Giant Edition - VitaCheat Codes [US]

The following are known VitaCheat Codes for Don’t Starve: Giant Edition on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
# ID: PCSE00450
# Title: Don't Starve: Giant Edition
# Region: USA
# Version: 1.00
# Type: NoNpDrm
# Code Author: Yohoki
# Wiki:
# Source:
# Note: Meters may not react immediately, they will show full/empty on next update to them.
# Note2: Some values are stored as 64bit Doubles. Use a calculator to change. Easy numbers: 0=00000000, 100=40590000, 150=4062C000, 200=40690000
# Double to Hex Calculator:

_V0 Inf HP
$0200 81800100 81800100
$8201 81800100 00000010
$8800 00000000 00000000
$3201 818023A8 FFFFC35C
$3300 00000000 00000000
$D202 81800110 00000000
$3201 818023A8 FFFFC324
$3300 00000000 40630000 # Edit here (64bit Double.)
$D502 81800110 00000000
$3201 818023A8 FFFFC354
$3300 00000000 40630000 # Edit here (64bit Double.)

_V0 Inf Hunger
$0200 81800100 81800100
$8201 81800100 00000014
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8601 818023A8 FFFFE980
$8900 00000000 00000000
$D202 81800114 00000000
$3201 818023A8 FFFFF654
$3300 00000000 40630000 # Edit here (64bit Double.)
$D502 81800114 00000000
$3201 818023A8 FFFFE978
$3300 00000000 40630000 # Edit here (64bit Double.)

_V0 Full Sanity [use only 1]
$3201 818023A8 FFFFFA9C
$3300 00000000 40690000 # Edit here (64bit Double.)

_V0 No Sanity [use only 1]
$3201 818023A8 FFFFFA9C
$3300 00000000 00000000 # Edit here (64bit Double.)
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