Game Genie Code

Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars - VitaCheat Codes [US]

The following are known VitaCheat Codes for Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
# ID: PCSE00376
# Title: Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars
# Region: USA
# Version: 1.00
# Type: NoNpDrm
# Code Author: r0ah
# Source:

_V0 9.999.999 G Points
$0200 813EFEE0 0098967F

_V0 300 Bond Points
$0200 813EFEE4 43960000

_V0 Player Level 99
$0000 813EFF16 00000063

_V0 Player Max Base Stats
$4201 813EFF6C 0001869F
$0002 00000004 00000000
$4101 813EFF74 0000270F
$0007 00000004 00000000

_V0 Fuuko Level 99
$0000 813F001A 00000063

_V0 Fuuko Max Base Stats
$4201 813F0070 0001869F
$0002 00000004 00000000
$4101 813F0078 0000270F
$0007 00000004 00000000

_V0 Serina Level 99
$0000 813F011E 00000063

_V0 Serina Max Base Stats
$4201 813F0174 0001869F
$0002 00000004 00000000
$4101 813F017C 0000270F
$0007 00000004 00000000

_V0 Ellie Level 99
$0000 813F0222 00000063

_V0 Ellie Max Base Stats
$4201 813F0278 0001869F
$0002 00000004 00000000
$4101 813F0280 0000270F
$0007 00000004 00000000

_V0 Torri Level 99
$0000 813F0148 00000063

_V0 Torri Max Base Stats
$4201 813F019E 0001869F
$0002 00000004 00000000
$4101 813F01A6 0000270F
$0007 00000004 00000000

_V0 Narika Level 99
$0000 813F042A 00000063

_V0 Narika Max Base Stats
$4201 813F0480 0001869F
$0002 00000004 00000000
$4101 813F0488 0000270F
$0007 00000004 00000000

_V0 Feene Level 99
$0000 813F052E 00000063

_V0 Feene Max Base Stats
$4201 813F0584 0001869F
$0002 00000004 00000000
$4101 813F058C 0000270F
$0007 00000004 00000000

_V0 Chloe Level 99
$0000 813F0632 00000063

_V0 Chloe Max Base Stats
$4201 813F0688 0001869F
$0002 00000004 00000000
$4101 813F0690 0000270F
$0007 00000004 00000000

_V0 All Children Level 99
$4001 813F0736 00000063 # 70 (0x46) CHILD
$0046 00000104 00000000

_V0 All Children Max Base Stats
$4201 813F078C 0001869F
$0046 00000104 00000000
$4201 813F0790 0001869F
$0046 00000104 00000000
$4101 813F0794 0000270F
$0046 00000104 00000000
$4101 813F0798 0000270F
$0046 00000104 00000000
$4101 813F079C 0000270F
$0046 00000104 00000000
$4101 813F07A0 0000270F
$0046 00000104 00000000
$4101 813F07A4 0000270F
$0046 00000104 00000000
$4101 813F07A8 0000270F
$0046 00000104 00000000
$4101 813F07AC 0000270F
$0046 00000104 00000000
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