Game Genie Code

Borderlands 2

VitaCheat Codes [US]

The following are known VitaCheat Codes for Borderlands 2 on Sony Playstation Vita (PS Vita).
# ID: PCSE00383
# Title: Borderlands 2
# Region: USA
# Version: 1.09
# Type: MaiDump, NoNpDrm
# Code Author: r0ah (NoNpDrm), Fullcodes & dask (MaiDump)
# Credits: RikuNoctis (for the info about how the cheat stop working after switching characters)
# Source:
# Original Source:
# Notes:
#  - MaiDump: 3.60 变革10 with MaiDump Tool_V233.2zEx
#  - NoNpDrm: Most of the codes were made from scratch (meaning I followed the path to get the address) except the badass tokens. Credits to the original code authors Fullcodes and dask.

_V0 Money 99,999,999 (NoNpDrm) [Note 1]
$3203 824EDCE0 00000B84
$3200 00000000 00000198
$3200 00000000 000002A4
$3300 00000000 05F5E0FF

_V0 Eridium 500 (NoNpDrm) [Note 1]
$3203 824EDCE0 00000B84
$3200 00000000 00000198
$3200 00000000 000002B8
$3300 00000000 000001F4

_V0 Skill Points 99 [Select=99 / Start=0] (NoNpDrm) [Note 1]
$C204 00000001 00000001
$3003 824EDCE0 00000B84
$3000 00000000 00000198
$3000 00000000 00000278
$3300 00000000 00000063
$C204 00000001 00000008
$3003 824EDCE0 00000B84
$3000 00000000 00000198
$3000 00000000 00000278
$3300 00000000 00000000

_V0 Badass Tokens 999 (NoNpDrm) [Note 1]
$3204 824EDCE0 00000B84
$3200 00000000 00000198
$3200 00000000 000000A8
$3200 00000000 00001678
$3300 00000000 000003E7

_V0 Skill Points 99 (MaiDump)
$3202 821F39D0 00000024 
$3200 00000000 00000278
$3300 00000000 00000063

_V0 Money 99,999,999 (MaiDump)
$3202 821F39D0 00000024 
$3200 00000000 000002A4
$3300 00000000 05F5E0FF

_V0 Eridium 500 (MaiDump)
$3202 821F39D0 00000024 
$3200 00000000 000002B8
$3300 00000000 000001F4

_V0 Badass Tokens 9999999 (MaiDump)
$3203 821F39D0 00000024 
$3200 00000000 000000A8
$3200 00000000 00001678
$3300 00000000 0098967F

_V0 Infinite Player Health (MaiDump)
$8203 821F39D0 0000002C
$8200 00000000 000001B8
$8200 00000000 00000070
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8503 821F39D0 0000002C
$8500 00000000 000001B8
$8500 00000000 0000005C
$8900 00000000 00000000

_V0 Infinite Player Shield (MaiDump)
$8203 821F39D0 0000002C
$8200 00000000 000001BC
$8200 00000000 00000070
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8503 821F39D0 0000002C
$8500 00000000 000001BC
$8500 00000000 0000005C
$8900 00000000 00000000

_V0 Infinite Grenades Usage (MaiDump)
$8203 821F39D0 0000002C
$8200 00000000 00000194
$8200 00000000 00000070
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8503 821F39D0 0000002C
$8500 00000000 00000194
$8500 00000000 0000005C
$8900 00000000 00000000

_V0 Infinite Ammo Usage & No Reload (MaiDump)
$8203 821F39D0 0000002C
$8200 00000000 0000018C
$8200 00000000 00000070
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8503 821F39D0 0000002C
$8500 00000000 0000018C
$8500 00000000 0000005C
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 821F39D0 0000002C
$8200 00000000 00000190
$8200 00000000 00000070
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8503 821F39D0 0000002C
$8500 00000000 00000190
$8500 00000000 0000005C
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 821F39D0 0000002C
$8200 00000000 00000198
$8200 00000000 00000070
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8503 821F39D0 0000002C
$8500 00000000 00000198
$8500 00000000 0000005C
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 821F39D0 0000002C
$8200 00000000 0000019C
$8200 00000000 00000070
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8503 821F39D0 0000002C
$8500 00000000 0000019C
$8500 00000000 0000005C
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 821F39D0 0000002C
$8200 00000000 000001A0
$8200 00000000 00000070
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8503 821F39D0 0000002C
$8500 00000000 000001A0
$8500 00000000 0000005C
$8900 00000000 00000000
$8203 821F39D0 0000002C
$8200 00000000 000001A4
$8200 00000000 00000070
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8503 821F39D0 0000002C
$8500 00000000 000001A4
$8500 00000000 0000005C
$8900 00000000 00000000
$C204 00000001 00000200
$A200 8164BEA4 19D8F8D7
$A200 8164BEA8 0A0CF8D7
$A200 8164BEAC 0A2CF8C7
$A200 8164BEB0 BF00BF00

_V0 Action Skill No Cooldown (MaiDump)
$3203 821F39D0 0000002C
$3200 00000000 000001B0
$3200 00000000 00000070
$3300 00000000 00000000

_V0 Player Experience Max (MaiDump)
$8203 821F39D0 0000002C
$8200 00000000 000001AC
$8200 00000000 00000070
$8800 00000000 00000000
$8503 821F39D0 0000002C
$8500 00000000 000001AC
$8500 00000000 0000005C
$8900 00000000 00000000

_V0 Notes:
_V0 #1a: Cheat stop working after switching characters?
_V0 #1b: Make a switch in the main-menu then restart the game
#DETAILS: NoNpDrm cheats stop working after switching characters? Switch characters in the main-menu then restart the game. Codes should work.
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