- Unlimited Lives
80106554 0009 - Unlimited Armor
8010655C 0000 - 9,999 Wings
80106544 270F - Unlimited Time (1)
80099496 3C00
D00AA310 0003
80099496 A462 - Unlimited Secondary Weapons
801064AC 0009 - Press Select for No Wings in the Shop
D00AA310 0100
80010044 0000 - Press L2 + R2 + X for No Assignments (Mines, etc)
D00A A310 0043
8011 60BA 0000
Note (1): After the level begins, press R2 + L2 and hold until the countdown is over and the mission starts. The counter will decrease slightly after doing this. When you reach the end of each mission, press the L2 + R2 buttons again when the counter stays at 0.