Title ID: 01008FE00E2F6000
Build ID: 7ad7ff7329152b07
[1.5 times the moving speed / attack speed] 04000000 004AE7D0 1E2F1000 [16 times increase in coins] 04000000 01226500 52800211 04000000 01226504 1B117C21 04000000 01226508 2A1503E0 04000000 0122650C D65F03C0 04000000 00186014 9442813B [2x attack range] 04000000 000643B4 1E201002 [2x moving speed / attack speed] 04000000 004AE7D0 1E201000 [3x moving speed / attack speed] 04000000 004AE7D0 1E211000 [4 times increase in coins] 04000000 01226500 52800091 04000000 01226504 1B117C21 04000000 01226508 2A1503E0 04000000 0122650C D65F03C0 04000000 00186014 9442813B [4x attack range] 04000000 000643B4 1E221002 [8 times increase in coins] 04000000 01226500 52800111 04000000 01226504 1B117C21 04000000 01226508 2A1503E0 04000000 0122650C D65F03C0 04000000 00186014 9442813B [8x attack range] 04000000 000643B4 1E241002 [ALL Coin 999] 580F0000 01EC1498 580F1000 00000018 580F1000 00000048 780F0000 00000018 300D0000 00000037 620F0000 00000000 000003E7 780F0000 00000030 310D0000 20000000 580E0000 01EC1498 580E1000 00000018 580E1000 00000048 780E0000 00000AF8 300C0000 000000E2 620E0000 00000000 000003E7 780E0000 00000030 310C0000 20000000 [Attack distance reduction] 04000000 000643B4 1E2E1002 [Berry 999,999,999] 580F0000 01EC1498 580F1000 00000018 580F1000 00000010 780F0000 00000014 640F0000 00000000 3B9AC9FF [Berry does not diminish] 04000000 001841B0 4B1F014A [Coins are not reduced] 04000000 00428008 1A9F83E1 [Endurance does not decrease] 580F0000 01ED8928 580F1000 00000000 580F1000 00000098 580F1000 00000018 580F1000 000006D0 780F0000 00000044 680F0000 461C4000 461C4000 [HP is not reduced] 580F0000 01ED8928 580F1000 00000000 580F1000 00000098 580F1000 00000018 580F1000 000006D0 780F0000 00000028 680F0000 457A0000 457A0000 [Maximum number of KOs] 04000000 0018BD3C 1A8A2549 04000000 0018BDD8 1A883108 [Movement speed / attack speed reduction] 04000000 004AE7D0 1E2E1000 [Skill without cooling] 580F0000 01ED8928 580F1000 00000000 580F1000 00000098 580F1000 00000018 580F1000 00000708 780F0000 00000044 300E0000 00000004 640F0000 00000000 457A0000 780F0000 00000044 310E0000 20000000
Title ID: 01008FE00E2F6000
Build ID: f55ef3484a73aee8
[Money 777777777] 04070000 01236350 52A5CB61 04070000 01236354 729E4E21 04070000 01236358 B9001501 04070000 0123635C D65F03C0 04070000 01236360 97007C7A 04070000 004346F0 94380718